Monday, August 24, 2020

Intro to Microeconomics Study Guide free essay sample

Financial matters is the investigation of distribution of scant assets 1) Chapter One: The Principles of Microeconomics a. Four assets: Land, Labor, Capital (apparatus), Entrepreneurship (human capital) b. Standard #1: People face exchange offs, government additionally faces them, the primary one the gov. faces is proficiency versus value I. Effectiveness is when each and every individual who makes the most, keeps the most cash ii. Value would be if everybody was burdened a similar c. Rule #2: The expense of something is the thing that you surrender iii. Opportunity cost = the estimation of exchange off you quit any trace of something you can have later, to get something now d. Rule #3: Rational individuals think at the edge iv. They do what’s best for them and amplify benefits v. Think at the edge = contemplating the NEXT one vi. Margin=small gradual changes e. Guideline #4: People react to motivators vii. Costs are significant motivating forces viii. Expenses/charge credit f. Rule #5: Trade can improve everybody off ix. We will compose a custom exposition test on Introduction to Microeconomics Study Guide or then again any comparable theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Everyone can practice x. More assortment of products xi. Doesn’t consistently improve everybody off ex: Jamaica, NAFTA xii. One accomplice can be solid and over force others g. Standard #6: Markets are a decent method to sort out financial movement xiii. Individuals are guided without anyone else intrigue xiv. Markets are the place buyers and providers meet up and exchange off happens h. Guideline #7: The administration can improve advertise results xv. Principle demonstration of government †implement property rights xvi. Government can step in if there’s advertise failureexternalities happen (expenses can be authorized for cigarettes), individuals who aren’t in the market are ffected xvii. Government can step in when there’s showcase power xviii. Syndication/oligopoly-government may step in 2) Chapter 2: What does it intend to think like a market analyst? I. Unbiasedly j. Logical technique xix. Watch, theory, distinguish factors, gather information, test speculation, reach an inference k. Hard to lead a controlled investigation in financial aspects l. Round Flow Diagram = cash and merchandise and enterprises stream from input marketoutput showcase xx. Stream of Money: Market for elements of creation (input advertise) family units get pay spending on business sectors of merchandise and enterprises (yield showcase) which produces income for firmswhich pay wages and lease for variables of creation xxi. Stream of merchandise and enterprises: Market for elements of creation (input advertise) purchases factors (land, work, capital and entrepreneurship)firms which sell products and servicesto market of gas and serviceswhich purchase products and ventures from family units, which offer elements to showcase for elements of creation xxii. This advertising is missing government, exchange, reserve funds, bootleg market exercises and good cause work/non-benefits m. Creation Possibilities Frontier: how much a nation can deliver xxiii. Suspicions: one nation, two products, asset = work xxiv. Bowed out PPF because of various assets (L) xxv. Opportunity cost increments with bowed out PPF in light of the fact that it takes increasingly more to make one a greater amount of the great xxvi. Any focuses along the PPF are proficient, outside the bend are not attainable and inside the bend is wasteful xxvii. Proficiency implies we amplify our assets xxviii. To get a greater amount of the great, you need to surrender a portion of the other great xxix. More assets for the two merchandise increment: whole bend moves out xxx. More assets for only one great increment: bend moves on one side just xxxi. In the event that the PPF is straight, it’s on the grounds that there are numerous assets for the two products xxxii. Simply expressing a reality = positive proclamation and regularizing explanation = emotional 3) Chapter 3: Absolute and Comparative Advantage n. Outright favorable position is the point at which you make something more productively than another person, with the goal that less is required, which implies less open door cost xxxiii. Suppositions: 2 individuals who can make merchandise, 2 products that the two individuals need to buyer, time is the main information, the two individuals need to devour the two products and they’ll possibly exchange on the off chance that they can deliver one great xxxiv. Every individual works 8 hrs. every day o. Rancher can deliver 8 doughnuts and 32 cups of espresso; Baker can create 24 doughnuts and 48 cups of espresso xxxv. The cook has total favorable position since he can make a bigger number of doughnuts and more espresso than the rancher in 8 hrs. xxxvi. Diagramming: use focuses (8, 0) and (0, 32) for farmer’s PPF and CPF (utilization prospects outskirts). Use focuses (24, 0) and (0, 48) for baker’s PPF and CPF p. Economic accord: Farmer will make just espresso (which is every one of the 32 cups of espresso in 8 hrs. ), pastry specialist offers rancher 5 doughnuts for 15 cups of espresso xxxvii. Exchange builds assortment xxxviii. Rancher winds up with +5 doughnuts and 15 cups espresso = 5 doughnuts and 17 cups espresso q. Relative favorable position is the point at which you have a lower opportunity cost xxxix. The open door cost of one doughnut for the rancher is 4 cups of espresso and for the pastry specialist is 2 cups of coffeebaker is similar favorable position in doughnuts as a result of lower opportunity cost xl. The open door cost for one mug of espresso for the rancher is ? doughnut and for the bread cook is ? donutfarmer has opportunity cost in espresso as a result of lower opportunity cost r. The value run after the economic alliance will lie between circumstance cost of the two individuals, so both are in an ideal situation xli. 2 cups of espresso ? P ? 4 cups of espresso 4) Chapter 4: Supply and Demand s. Suspicions: one great, one market, advertise is completely serious (numerous purchasers and venders, all objectives are the equivalent across firms and value takers) t. Request xlii. Request bend shows connection among cost and readiness to purchase (P and Qd) xliii. Amount requested (Qd) is the sum customers are willing and ready to purchase xliv. LAW OF DEMAND: P, Qd = negative relationship xlv. Market request is the total of individuals’ requests xlvi. Factors that expansion or decline request: IP-TEN 1. Pay a. I, Qd = Normal great b. I, Qd = Inferior great 2. Cost of related merchandise c. Dad, QDb = Substitutes d. Dad, QDb = Complements 3. Taste and inclinations 4. ExpectationsEx: when you with the exception of the cost of a decent to increment later on, you will purchase all the more now when it’s less expensive 5. Number of buyersMore purchasers = more popularity u. Flexibly xlvii. Gracefully bend shows connection among Price and Quantity provided (P and Qs) xlviii. Amount provided is the sum merchants are willing and ready to sell xlix. LAW OF SUPPLY: P, Qd = Positive connection l. Factors that move gracefully bend: I-TEN 6. Info cost (Ex: compensation increment) e. IP, Qs f. IP, Qs 7. Technologyadvancement implies Cost, Supply 8. Expectationsexcepting an innovative progression 9. Number of venders g. # Sellers, Qs h. # Sellers, Qs v. Consider: showcase for crossover vehicles li. Occasion: cost of gas goes updemand is impactedP of gas so individuals will search for substitutesdemand for mixtures (bend moves right) lii. Occasion: innovation advance diminishes cost of productionsupply impactedsupply in light of the fact that it’s simpler and less expensive to deliver (bend shifts right)P , Qs liii. Occasion (I) amp; (ii): P of gas amp; innovation gt;D and S both impactedD, SQ and P is uncertain (relies upon degrees of movements and how you diagram bend shifts) w. Consider: advertise for transport rides liv.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Increasing Healthcare Costs Becoming A Concern Economics Essay

Expanding Healthcare Costs Becoming A Concern Economics Essay Rising medicinal services costs has become a worry for some countries, social orders and even people. The capacity to adapt to this issue and its suggestions will be significantly investigated in this report. So as to see how to handle this test, there is a need to initially comprehend the main drivers, at the end of the day, what causes social insurance expenses to rise. In the wake of having taken a gander at a portion of the basic convictions of rising medicinal services costs, the report will at that point take a gander at the techniques actualized to handle this test. To do as such, the report will utilize a couple of diary articles to fundamentally talk about on the viability of Singapores medicinal services financing framework and suggest measures that will help understand the issue better. Writing Review A typical and straightforward explanation that individuals give for the expansion in social insurance costs frequently fall on the reality of maturing populace and the expanded helplessness of the populace to medical problems, prompting progressively clinical counsels, both inpatient and outpatient. This thusly, causing social insurance expenses to rise. Another basic explanation that numerous individuals give for the expansion in human services costs is swelling. Expansion makes the costs of merchandise and ventures rise. At the point when such occurs, the expenses of human services will rise in light of the fact that the compensation of the workforce utilized in the medicinal services industry expands, the expenses of prescription increments and the expenses of medical coverage increments, for instance. (Cockerham, 2010) The Organization for Economic Co-activity and Development noticed a noteworthy increment of normal proportion of wellbeing spending to GDP in its 31 part nations. The report additionally proposed that while mechanical progression realized improvement in finding and treatment, this likewise added to the expanding of wellbeing spending (OECD Health Data 2010, 2010). In another report, rising social insurance costs was ascribed to more prominent utilization of imaginative clinical innovations. In any case, the report recommended that rising medicinal services expenses could likewise be because of the market intensity of social insurance suppliers. In the report, in any case, it implied that the degree of the expansion in rising medicinal services costs in created nations like the United States as far as the market intensity of social insurance suppliers are more huge than that in creating nations. (Chronicles of Internal Medicine, 2005) It is evident that no nation can ensure open medicinal services for all. Be that as it may, the circumstance in low-pay nations is unmistakably increasingly basic as some are even incapable to guarantee access to essential medicinal services for its residents. A couple of choices proposed to handle this issue incorporate governments expanding their spending allotments on wellbeing use, raising extra residential assets for wellbeing or enhancing their subsidizing sources (World Health Organization, 2011). Another intriguing reason featured for the expansion in rising human services expenses could be because of our social conduct as far as budgetary judiciousness when an outsider takes care of our clinical tabs. It is intriguing to take note of that when our doctor's visit expenses installment falls on the duties of an outsider (for example manager, insurance agency or government) and we just compensation a little and moderate rate, we are bound to look for clinical conference, determination and treatment in any event, for the scarcest disease. A contextual analysis on Singapore social insurance financing framework is done to talk about on how these contemplations are overseen and how it might be additionally improved. Contextual investigation: Singapore social insurance framework financing As per one of the exploration considers, Singapores maturing populace which is evaluated to increment by 12% in 2030 to 19% of its populace being comprised of more established Singaporeans matured 65 or more. This is of a worry in guaranteeing arrangement of moderate medicinal services particularly where duty of the human services bill regularly falls on the offspring of this fragment of the general public. Singapores medicinal services framework centers around creating freedom and reliance of its kin on the country. All together not to make all out dependence and reliance on the country, Singapores medicinal services framework starts with building a sound populace through preventive social insurance programs and advancing a solid way of life (Ministry of Health, Singapore, 2007). Singapores human services framework at that point guarantees moderateness of medicinal services to its kin through contribution all inclusive inclusion and numerous layers of assurance. In this procedure, this is done through (1) overwhelming government sponsorships of up to 80% of the absolute bill in intense open emergency clinic wards, which all Singaporeans can get to, (2) , a necessary individual clinical investment account conspire which permits for all intents and purposes all Singaporeans to pay for a lot of clinical treatment without money related trouble, (3) Medishield, a minimal effort disastrous clinical protection plot, which permits Singaporeans to successfully hazard pool the monetary dangers of significant sicknesses. Singular duty regarding ones human services needs is advanced through the highlights of deductibles and co-installment in Medishield. Eldershield, a serious handicap protection, is likewise accessible for membership by Singaporeans to chance pool agains t money related dangers of enduring an extreme inability. what's more, (4) Medifund, which is a clinical enrichment subsidize set up by the Government to go about as a definitive wellbeing net for penniless Singaporeans who can't stand to take care of their clinical tabs in spite of substantial sponsorships, Medisave and Medishield (Ministry of Health, Singapore, 2007). To advance rivalry and straightforwardness in order to counter further baseless ascent in social insurance costs, in 2004, the Ministry of Health started to distribute emergency clinic bill sizesâ to show the variety in costs among our medical clinics, so as to push our emergency clinics on this push to accomplish more with less.â There have been a few triumphs from that point forward in prodding upgrades, for example LASIK costs dropped by more than S$1,000 per eye and the serious value wars proceed right up 'til the present time, at incredible advantage to shoppers. The Ministry has likewise continuously distributed wellbeing results on the site to energize further enhancements and assist patients with settling on increasingly educated decisions. Singapores achievement was additionally bolstered by its measurements on government spending in 2008, when Singapore spent about S$ 10.2 billion or 3.9% of GDP on social insurance. Out of this the Government used S$2.7 billion or 1.0% o f GDP on wellbeing administrations (Ministry of Health, Singapore, 2007). Conversation: Effectiveness of Singapores methodologies in overseeing rising human services costs Singapores center around the philosophy that avoidance is better than fix helps overseeing rising medicinal services costs by urging its populace to lessen the need of looking for clinical consideration and accordingly decreasing significantly bringing about of such use. Its preventive social insurance projects, for example, free or financed network wellbeing screening projects and exercises planned for advancing dynamic living and solid way of life makes being sound a straightforward lifestyle which is conceivable to accomplish. Additionally, this belief system will keep on handling the enduring issue of maturing populace and the expanded powerlessness of the populace to medical problems, which is supposed to be a reason for rising social insurance costs. With stressors of a quick paced meritocratic culture, for example, worry at school at a youthful age, worry of work after working life and the pressure of supporting and keeping up a family, this regularly makes one become wiped out and need to go to clinical consideration for help. All things considered, Singapore would need to consider methodologies on the most proficient method to handle such non-medical problems that may prompt social insurance use, so as to additionally help its populace to oversee rising human services costs. Next, having talked about the preventive technique taken by Singapore, the Medisave and Medifund advantages would be examined. It is essential to initially comprehend that lone Singapore Citizens and Singapore Permanent Residents adding to the Central Provident Fund (CPF) just as his wards (for example life partner, youngsters, guardians and grandparents) would have the option to profit by the Medisave. Notwithstanding financing medicinal services consumption, the Medisave can likewise be utilized to pay the premiums of MediShield, which conceals to 80% of a huge doctor's visit expense at the class B2/C level or any suitable coordinated shield plans from endorsed private guarantors (Ministry of Health, Singapore, 2007). This permits the individual and his wards who are bought in to the MediShield or the incorporated shield intends to have the most, if not all, of the inpatient and outpatient human services costs, including co-protection and deductible to be taken consideration and excludes the people worry of wanting to look for adequate money subsidizing for such a reason. This thus, assists with limiting the social stressor of human services need. While this may end up being useful to its populace, it is critical to take note of that as the advantages is still genuinely restricted. Contrasted with its whole populace having the option to profit by such activities, there is a weight made on the CPF-contributing individual to take care of the two his own and wards human services needs and use, utilizing the Medisave. Should the CPF-contributing individual be the sole provider of the family unit, this would definitely make further psychosocial stressor on him which may present conceivably cause wellbeing crumbling and make unjustifiable consumption on medicinal services needs. Along these lines, Singapore would need to relook into giving social insurance budgetary endowments to its populace who are don't add to the CPF, all together for its way to deal with oversee rising human services expenses to be compelling and complete. On the Medisave, the Medifund conspire exists to help guarantee penniless Singapore residents who can't take care of for their clinical tabs, are still given the essential clinical consideration. All together

Friday, July 24, 2020

How to Write a Resume (and Impress Recruiters)

How to Write a Resume (and Impress Recruiters) Ask a jobseeker what the most challenging and difficult aspects of a job search is, and you are likely to hear different answers, from writing the cover letter to appearing at job interviews and meeting members of the company’s human resources or senior management team.Some may even say that waiting is the most difficult part, when they do not know whether the next time the phone rings, it will be a notification that they got the job, or just a telemarketer trying to get them to spend their money.But you may come across several jobseekers who would readily answer that the toughest part for them is writing up their resume.After all, it is their weapon, their ultimate tool, in order to get their foot in the door, and be considered to have a fighting chance for the rest of the recruitment process. © | Andrey_PopovBut first, what do you know about the resume?WHAT IS A RESUME?A resume is a document that jobseekers prepare, containing information about their skills, education and work experience, and submitted to employers or recruitment managers.It came from the French term résumé, which translates to “summary” or “summarized”. That explains why resumes are often described as short and usually in bullet-point form: because they are summaries.WHY IS A RESUME IMPORTANT?You can think of your resume as a written advertisement of yourself. It contains the things that you hope will attract the attention of employers, much like how a product advertisement is designed to catch the eye of consumers. Through the resume, you are trying to convince the employer to “buy” you or, to be more specific, your services as an employee.The resume is essentially a summary detailing your skills, abilities, accomplishments, and work experiences, with the purpose of getti ng a job.Your resume is the bridge that will link you to your potential employer. Before the recruiter or the employer even meets you in person, their first encounter with you is through your resume. When employers sit down to go over the applications submitted, the first thing they will go over is the resume. Therefore, you have to see to it that you make a good first impression through your resume.Your resume represents you. Not only does your resume give the potential employer a glimpse of your background, education, experience and skills, but it also serves as an overall representation of your personality. Look at it from the point of view of the employer. If you have in your hand a resume that looks to be haphazardly put together, completely unstructured and with a lot of spelling and grammatical errors, you will immediately conclude that the person also has that same personality type. Meanwhile, a well-written, well-structured and professional-looking resume also gives the imp ression that the person who wrote it is also professional, and has the potential of becoming a good employee.Your resume will be a useful tool in preparing for the succeeding steps in the recruitment process. Recruiters will develop many interview questions based on what are written on your resume, so if you are careful about what you include in that document, and you are familiar with it, you will have an easier time answering their questions during the interview.TYPES OF RESUMEBefore we can proceed to writing a resume, there are a number of things that we have to know about resume. For starters, what type of resume should you write?1. Chronological ResumeThe focus of this type of resume is the work history or work experience of the applicant, so that is the main body of the resume. It includes all the work experience of the candidate, indicating all the positions he has held in the various companies he has previously worked at, and outlining the responsibilities and accomplishment s that correspond with each position.The chronological arrangement is reversed, meaning the most recent information is listed first, and the oldest appears at the bottom of the list.2. Functional ResumeWhile the chronological type focuses on experience, the functional resume is more on skills. Here, emphasis is placed on the skills possessed by the applicant, including the transferable skills that he acquired from his previous work experiences.This is the preferred form for people with gaps in their employment history, so they can call more attention to their skills and abilities, more than the length of time that they have been working, and where they have been working.3. Hybrid ResumeCombining the key points of the two types of resume will result in the hybrid resume. It gives heavy focus on the skills of the applicants, but presented along with the relevant information about his work experiences, such as job titles, positions, duration of employment, and the like.HOW TO WRITE A R ESUMENow you are ready to write your resume. Or are you, really?There is one step you should make before you can fully get the wheels rolling and start writing your resume. That is the preparation stage.I. Preparing to write your resumePerform a  self-assessment.You need to determine what to put in your resume when you get around to writing it. Therefore, you should do a self-assessment. Start by writing down your accomplishments and successes so far. Do not limit yourself to work-related successes and accomplishments, because you may also include accomplishments with respect to your personal life. Basically any experience where you were able to learn something or it helped you grow is worth writing down on your self-assessment list.When you are done, you are probably left with a very long list. Now you have to narrow that down. Identify those successes and accomplishments that you know may influence the employer’s perception of you. Prioritize those that you deem to be in alignme nt with what the employer is looking for in the prospective holder of the open position.At the end of this exercise, you may be left with a fraction of the original list. That’s all right. Your aim should not be to have a very long list, but to have a solid and compact list that will have an impact on the employer. Conduct skills inventory.This is where you have to identify the skills that you have to offer to the employer. It won’t do you any good if you forge on ahead and create a resume without knowing what, exactly, you bring to the position and to the company.List down all the transferable skills that you have. Start from your key skills (i.e. time management, supervision, problem-solving, people management, mentoring and coaching, public speaking, planning and budgeting) to manual or hands-on skills (i.e. assembly, repair and troubleshooting, machine operation, hardware maintenance). Other transferable skills that you may include are leadership skills, people skills, data or information skills, creative or artistic skills and verbal or communication skills.Next, you have to look into any hidden talents you may have. By going over your previous work experience and analyzing them, you may realize a skills that you didn’t even know you have, and wouldn’t have thought of including in your resume, but would definitely be a positive addition.Another set of skills you should focus on are your job-related skills, or the skills that you have that apply specifically to the job that you are applying for. For example, a driver or chauffeur should have troubleshooting skills other than being able to drive a car. By identifying these job related skills, it will be easier for you to choose which skills will be presented and highlighted in your resume.II. Writing your resumeNow you are really ready to write your resume. Below are the important details that MUST appear in your resume.Include those in your resume1. Personal information of the applicantYour name: T hrough the resume, you are introducing yourself to the employer, and what are the basics of an introduction? Yes, you should tell them your name. Your name should appear in your resume clearly, and it should stand out on the document, so that it is the first thing that catches the eye of anyone who reads it.Your address and contact numbers: Give them a way to contact or keep in touch with you. Include your full address, contact phone numbers and e-mail address. Make sure that you write them correctly. You will not believe how many applications have been set aside by employers because the addresses and contact numbers provided are inaccurate or incomplete. When including your email address, it would be a good idea to have a professional business address. The safest is an address comprised of your name. If you have to, you can maintain your personal email account ( but have a separate one ( exclusively for professional or business use. Hiring ma nagers are also now known to prowl social networks, so consider adding your profile links, especially if you have considerable professional social media presence, on your resume. But do this only if your social media accounts have professional posts, and not posts about what you ate for dinner or did over the holidays.Your age and height: Normally, these should be removed from the resume. However, include these only if they are relevant to the job. Your basis is the job posting and the description, if it specifies an age range that applicants must belong to, or if the applicants are required to be at least a certain height.2. Education background of the applicantOne of the first things that employers look at in a resume to assess whether the applicant is qualified or not is his education background. List your education history in reverse chronological order. Make sure that the following details are included:Name of the schools and the city, town or state where they are locatedThe in clusive dates of attendance in the schools attendedNumber of years spent or completed in the schoolsDegrees earned when graduatedCertificates, licenses and recognitions received, even for minor courses, seminars and trainings participated in3. Experience of the applicantThis is the part where you will let the employer know the details of your work history, whether related or unrelated to the industry or the job that you are currently aiming for.This is also best presented in reverse chronological order, with the following details indicated:Job title or positionNature of the position or job (contractual, volunteer, paid or unpaid)Location of the work, or where you workedInclusive dates and duration worked on each job or positionMain duties and responsibilities performed in each position heldIf you also have side projects or side ventures, you might want to include them in your resume. Yes, even if they are only indirectly related to the job you are applying for. The purpose of this i s to give the hiring manager a glimpse of your work ethic, and how you use your time to continue pursuing your growth and development, even in between full-time paid jobs.What about any low-level jobs you may have held in the past? For example, what if you used to work for six months as a barista in Starbucks, and now you are applying for a marketing position in a large company? The barista position seems like it is too trivial to make an impact on your resume. Well, according to author Cody Teets, adding this tidbit may still help your resume, since it shows how much of a worker you are, and also gives an indication of how you have acquired the skills you have today.4. Skills of the applicantThis is where the results of your skills inventory will come in handy. Include the priority skills that you were able to identify earlier, in order of relevance. Highlight those abilities and skills that specifically relate to the position that you are applying for.Be specific when highlighting your skills. Saying you have “excellent communication skills” is very broad. What communication skills are you referring to? Your verbal skills? Your writing skills?Optional information that may be included in the resumeOther relevant information that you may include in your resume include the following:Your job goals, usually stated in a single statement. Make sure that your job goal or resume objective is specific to the job you are applying for.Any relevant achievements or awards received for your work in the field or industry. Highlight those achievements or awards that are relevant to the job being applied for. This will give hiring managers a peek at your competitive spirit.Relevant interests, hobbies or activities that will put you in a positive light with respect to the job.Other skills that may not relate to the job directly, but provide good potential for growth, such as foreign language skillsEmployment references, or the people who can say something positive about y our personal character and work ethic. References can be classified into two categories:Character reference: He will vouch for your personal character and can say something about who you are and how you are outside of work. He could be any acquaintance of yours, but make sure that he is not a member of your family or your circle of friends. Otherwise, you (and they) will lose credibility.Professional reference: Usually, he is someone you have worked with in the past, who can tell the employer how you are in the workplace. He can talk about your work ethic and attitudes toward work. To have a strong professional reference, it would be a good idea if he were a former boss or supervisor.Some experts advise against putting your references in your resume, though. Instead, they suggest presenting them in a separate document to accompany your resume. It is up to you to decide which you think is more fitting.Exclude those in your resumeThere are simply some things that do not have room in a resume, and therefore should not be included. They are:Vital statistics such as your height, weight and Social Insurance number (unless, of course, there is a height requirement for the job).Personal details, such as your marital status, religious affiliation and sexual orientation. Again, employers may not care to know whether you are married or not. These are to be included only if they are specified in the job posting.Interests and hobbies that are irrelevant to the job. Nobody cares whether you love watching television or not. Unless, of course, you are applying for a position in a film production company, then this may have some relevance.Tasks or duties you’ve had in the past that did not produce any results, or did not teach you any skill or knowledge. Your experience will not matter to hiring managers if you do not have results to show for them.Your grades when you went to school. Very few companies care about your GPA. The mere fact that you graduated is already enough. But if it has been more than 10 years since you last went to school, your grades are no longer relevant. If you have an exceptionally high G.P.A., however, it would make some sense to include it.Your salary history. Take note that work experience does not really ask how much you were paid in every other job you’ve held. Do not list this down unless the hiring manager or employer expressly asks for it.Reason why you left your old jobs. These are probably going to be asked during the interview, so there is no reason why you should include them in your resume. If you do, you may just end up sounding like you are making excuses for yourself.Your photo. These days, adding a photo of yourself on your resume can be quite tacky. It is also distracting. Keep it off your resume.III. Styling and formattingThe headingThere is no specific form or rules for how you should write the heading of your resume, or what should be written on it. You should, however, take care to keep it looking profess ional. Concise and direct to the point, it should contain the most important information.The font size and font styleStick to standard, sans-serif fonts. Serif fonts, such as Times New Roman and Times, are already considered outdated, and even unprofessional-looking. Keep Comic Sans far away from your resume, and those script fonts? They have no place in your resume â€" any resume, for that matter â€" so do not even think of using them.Arial is one of the standard fonts used, often in 11 and 12 pt. Any lower and you’ll have the hiring manager squinting his eyes trying to decipher what you’ve written, throwing it aside when he gets too frustrated. Any larger and you will look like a child playing around with your word processor.Oh, and do not use five different font styles on your resume. It would make it look too busy, with a lot of clutter. Stick to one or, at most, two. PresentationNever forget that this is an official document, even if it is really talking all about you. Ther efore, make sure it looks professional. Forget those colors and flashy graphics that you use in other creative documents. They should not be anywhere near a resume. Keep it clean, keep it crisp, keep it professional.When styling and formatting your resume, consistency is very important. If your styling and formatting is all over the place, this will not make a good impression of you.IV. Finishing up your resumeReview your resume. Go over it multiple times if you have to. Have someone else look it over as well, for errors and typos. You should also ask them if your resume is visually appealing or there is too much going on.If you can, and you have the money for it, there is nothing wrong with having a professional go over it. He may find some things that you missed, and may even make suggestions on how you can improve it.TIPS AND NOTES ON WRITING A RESUMETake care not to get the company’s name wrong.This is a major deal-breaker. If you get the name wrong, the hiring manager won’t even bother going through the rest of your resume. You can’t even take the time out to check what company you are applying to, and no one would want that kind of an employee working with them.Keep it at the right length.There is no specific restriction on how long or short the resume should be, although the typical resume can be as short as one page to as long as three pages. However, experts recommend that you keep it concise, which puts it at a maximum of two pages. If you can, you should try to keep it to a single page.Tailor your resume for every application.Avoid the “one size fits all” approach, because that might just cause you problems in the long run. You may be applying in three companies at the same time. Do you just go ahead and submit the same resume to all three? You may, but then the lack of customization may put your resume at risk of being ignored or completely passed over.Avoid being classified as generic. See to it that the information included in the resum e are associated or matched with the specific job that you are applying for.Break long blocks of information into smaller chunks.There is a reason why resumes are preferred to be presented in bullet-points, especially the list or details. That is because they are easier to read that way. If there are huge blocks or paragraphs of text, it gets exhausting to even just look at them.Employers will find themselves wading through stacks of resumes, and if they see a large block of text, they may opt not to read it and just ignore it (and the applicant). The solution is to break down these large blocks of text into smaller, readable and more user-friendly chunks. As much as possible, try to assign separate headings for each separate section, to facilitate easier and faster reading.Proofread, and proofread again.Performing a basic spell check is not going to be enough, because even these applications are not fool-proof. If you do not trust your proofreading skills and objectivity, have some one else look it over. If you can afford it, have it reviewed by a professional resume writer. Even the smallest misspelling or grammatical error may cost you a job interview spot.Let the company know what you can do for them.You already have a clear picture of what you will get if you are hired by the company. You know what they will do for you, but what can you do for them? This is what the employer is interested in, so talk about that, instead of focusing solely on yourself.Provide only facts, not fabrication.Employers want honest employees, and if you are caught lying on what you included in your resume, that is a deal-breaker. You may even run the risk of being blacklisted in an entire industry, not just the company you are applying at. Be honest; do not lie on your application and your resume.Use action verbs as much as applicable.For example, instead of writing that you are “Responsible for conducting inventory counts”, it would be more decisive if you write it as “Cond ucted periodic inventory counts”. Employers do not want to read about what you are supposed to do, or what tasks you were supposed to accomplish. They want to know what you actually did and the tasks you actually performed.Take a positive tone throughout your resume.Do not use it as an avenue to make negative explanations, such as explaining why you only lasted this long in that job, or why you had to resign this job. A resume is supposed to promote you, not to bring you down, so keep it positive.

Friday, May 22, 2020

The Cause Of The French Revolution - 2375 Words

The Cause of the French Revolution Throughout history, what remains true is that the people are the ones who start a revolution. And when around 98% of a population is suffering to make a living, there is little hope for those in power. Taxes levied only on the common folk, crippling wars that left France with huge debts, and the careless spending of the upper classes ultimately lead to the start of the revolution. The main political cause was that the King had too much power but weak foreign policy leads to economic downturn. The main social cause was that French society was too imbalanced but it was truly economic exploitation of the lower class. The French Revolution had many probable causes, all linked together, but none as important and defining as the economic aspect. There were social and political causes to the French Revolution but both derived from economic cause. The imbalance of social classes was in part the root of the lower classes hatred towards the upper class. But it was because the lower class had no mobility in French Society that people started looking for change. Moving up in rank or position was nearly impossible and those with power, always had the power. This proved to be troublesome as one s hard work would not reap any benefits and would still have to pay heavy taxes to provide lavish lives for those in the upper class. As Dr. Gail Bossenga states in his book, Origins of the French Revolution, perhaps the search for the social origins of theShow MoreRelatedCauses Of The French Revolution1119 Words   |  5 PagesThe French Revolution The French Revolution of 1789 was one of the biggest upheavals in history. You may be wondering what exactly led this to happen, but there were multiple long range causes. Political, social, and economic conditions ultimately led to the discontent of many French people especially those of the third estate. The ideals of the Enlightenment brought new views to government and society. Before the revolution, the majority of France were living in poverty. Peasants were entirelyRead MoreCauses Of The French Revolution896 Words   |  4 Pagesyears, the French Revolution went from women marching to Versailles and demanding bread, to the institution of the Reign of Terror, which killed close to 250,000 people. The late 18th century was a dramatic time of French, political transformation which originally strived to implement equality throughout the nation. The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen reflected the ideas of the Enlightenment and presented the idea of equality and liberty. In theory, the French Revolution of 1789Read MoreCauses Of The French Revolution906 Words   |  4 PagesThe French Revolution began with a corrupt monarch, and ended with the death of thousands. In 1789 the bourgeoisie (middle class) and peasants revolted against King Louis XVI and nobility, citing various reasons as cause: including corruption and a poor economy. These p eople, making up 97% of the population, were known as the third estate. The original purpose of the revolution was to create a constitutional monarchy, but this idea quickly became lost in the radical ideas of the revolution. HoweverRead MoreCauses Of The French Revolution911 Words   |  4 PagesThe French Revolution was a major turning point in all of European history. The old regime was destroyed and a new order came to be. We will talk about the causes of the revolution, when it ended, and if it was violent, Napoleon, what happened after his defeat, and some other leaders, and movies I have seen about the Revolution and how they were correct, plus other things I want to learn. The immediate cause of the French Revolution in 1789 was the near collapse of the French budget. On theRead MoreCauses Of The French Revolution750 Words   |  3 PagesA revolution is a drastic change in the way something is done, such as a government or an economy. One such revolution took place in France where the government was changed several times, many different people obtained power, and traditional ideas were questioned. The French Revolution had many social, political, and economic factors that caused it, and it was very impactful on the people of France, and on the areas outside of it. There were many causes of the French Revolution; some were politicalRead MoreCauses of the French Revolution991 Words   |  4 PagesFor six of the eight causes of revolution, describe two events, actions or beliefs (evidence) during the years before the French Revolution that led to a developing revolutionary situation. Explain how each contributed to the revolutionary situation. Frances failed attempts at economic reform contributed heavily to the developing revolutionary situation. In August 1787, when the parlements refused to implement the Kings proposed changes to the financial system, it became clear that the Kings authorityRead MoreThe Causes Of The French Revolution902 Words   |  4 Pagesthe French Revolution was not caused by one single phenomenon, however it can be said that the events occurring in accordance with the French Revolution were not only terrifying but when looking through our eyes just clearly wrong. The most significant reasons for the French Revolution are the imbalance of equality, power, and rights these reasons are supported by the ideas of liberty and fraternity which developed from the enlightenment era philosophers. In conclusion to the French Revolution theRead MoreThe Causes Of The French Revolution1273 Words   |  6 PagesDuring 1789, the French Revolution broke out against totalitarian rule and extreme poverty suffered by French civilians. France was under the absolute control of Louis XVI who gathered groups of nobles, clergy, and other royal families in certain cities. The corrupt French royal families in those cities were squandering nearly 75% of France’s wealth and in addition to the expense of royal classes, other wealthy classes such as landlords, local government, and churches were not taxed which made taxesRead MoreThe Causes Of The French Revolution1522 Words   |  7 PagesThe French Revolution The French Revolution was arguably one of the most significant and controversial events in European history. It occurred during the years 1789-1799 when many French citizens became enraged with society and demanded political, financial and social change. The French people’s primary goal was to put an end to monarchy and bring reform to many aspects of French life. Inspired and motivated by the famous American Revolution, French citizens were urged to take action in orderRead MoreFrench Revolution Causes1139 Words   |  5 Pages The French Revolution was not an event that happened overnight but rather a series of events that occurred over several years leading up to the overthrow of the monarchy and the implementation of a new government. The Primary cause for the fall of the Ancien regime was its financial instability and inability to improve upon the lives of the French people. The 4 key flaws or events leading to the fall of the regime was; the structure of royal government, the taxation system, the structure of french

Thursday, May 7, 2020

The Impact of Ethics on the Enron Corporation - 2018 Words

Ethics is something that is very important to have especially in the business world. Ethics is the unwritten laws or rules defined by human nature; ethics is something people encounter as a child learning the differences between right and wrong. In 2001, Enron was the fifth largest company on the Fortune 500. Enron was also the market leader in energy production, distribution, and trading. However, Enron s unethical accounting practices have left the company in joint chapter 11 bankruptcy. This bankruptcy has caused many problems among many individuals. Enron s employees and retirees are suffering because of the bankruptcy. Wall Street and investors have taken a major downturn do to the company s unethical practices. Enron s†¦show more content†¦Obviously, investors were cheering as huge dividend checks arrived. CBS News caught several Enron employees incriminating themselves on tape. (See However, the s candal brought the company crashing down into bankruptcy. The value of the stocks came plunging down, which caused an overwhelming negative impact on the investors, many of whom lost a substantial amount of money. The real problem is that most of the investors who lost money were actual employees of the company. Most Enron employees were urged to buy company stock as part of their 401k plans. Within months, all the investments were gone. Certainly, the ethical actions (or lack there of) caused a negative impact on the company s investors. The evidence presented shows how ethical actions can either have a positive or negative impact (or in this case, both) on investors. Retirees The Enron scandal was another instance where unethical decisions have cost numerous people jobs, money, and even stress related health problems. A few people cost thousands of retirees millions of dollars in a matter of days. When Enron filed for protection from creditors on December 2, 2001, 20,000 employees were left without jobs and retirement. Only months before the crash, stock prices were beginning to plunge. Enron barred the employees from selling their stock shares from retirementShow MoreRelated The Impact Of Ethics On The Enron Corporation Essay1877 Words   |  8 PagesEthics is something that is very important to have especially in the business world. Ethics is the unwritten laws or rules defined by human nature; ethics is something people encounter as a child learning the differences between right and wrong. In 2001, Enron was the fifth largest company on the Fortune 500. Enron was also the market leader in energy production, distribution, and trading. However, Enrons unethical accounting practices have left the company in joint chapter 11 bankruptcy. This bankruptcyRead MoreCorporate Social Responsibility Of The Enron Corporation1124 Words   |  5 Pageswill look at the Enron Corporation and discuss its application of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) or in actuality its irresponsible behavior as related to social responsibility. We will revisit what CSR is and discuss Enron’s philosophy regarding its use and function within the corporation. We will discuss the consequences of Enron’s irresponsible behavior and the far reaching effects it had on society. Corporate Social Responsibility are actions taken by a corporation that have positiveRead MoreEthics Standards And The Field Of Accounting950 Words   |  4 PagesProfessional ethics are an absolute necessity in the field of accounting. Businesses rely on accountants to accurately report their financial information and give sound advise and consultation in regards to their business. There are standards and rules set in place to ensure that ethics and information is reported accurately. Laws and repercussions are created place to deter unethical and illegal accounting practices, although it still occurs in the business world on many levels. The field ofRead MoreAndrew Fastow : The Enron Corporation And The Pioneer Of The Financial1067 Words   |  5 PagesIn 1990 Enron market value increased from $3.5 billion to $35 billion by the end of 1999 (Ivey Business Journal, 2016). During this time Andrew Fastow was the chief financial officer of the Enron Corporation and the pioneer of the financial implication that brought Enron crumbling down. In this nine-year time frame this feat was admired by companies around the globe. Andrew received a CFO Magazine award for his work at Enron and had lavish parties celebrating the results of the quarterly earningsRead MoreCorporate Ethics Essay1520 Words   |  7 Pages The board of directors is also highly influential to a corporation and should therefore also be held accountable for supporting a corporation’s ethical code of conduct. The board of directors is responsible for looking out for the best interests of shareholders (Cross Miller, 2012). The board of director s was designed to monitor executives, however in practice this is not always the case (Cross Miller). Obviously this is monitoring is a necessary duty. A proposed change to ensure that theRead MoreEnron : Enron And Enron Scandal Essay1269 Words   |  6 PagesEnron was one of the largest energy, commodities, and services company in the world. It was founded in 1985 and based in Huston, Texas. Before its bankruptcy on December 2, 2001, there are more than 20,000 staff and with claimed revenues nearly $101 billion during 2000. Enron was the rank 16 of Fortune 500 in 2000. In 2001 it revealed that Enron’s financial report was planned accounting fraud, known since as the Enron scandal. In the Enron scandal, Enron used fraudulent accounting practices to coverRead MoreThe Ethics Of The Enron Case1622 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction The Enron case is well known for being the largest corporate bankruptcy in American history. Thousands of people world-wide lost billions of dollars, lost life savings, and lost their jobs. Due to the vast corruption, greed and the blatant disregard for integrity from the very top of Enron leadership, world markets crumbled and investor confidence in corporate America was severely damaged (Chandra, 2003.) We will look at the accounting fraud committed by Enron executives and interestedRead More Ethical Lessons Learned from Corporate Scandals Essay832 Words   |  4 PagesEthical Lessons Learned from Corporate Scandals Ethics is about behavior and in the face of dilemma; it is about doing the right thing. Ideally, managerial leaders and their people will act ethically as a result of their internalized virtuous core values. The Enron scandal is the most significant corporate collapse in the United States and it demonstrates the need for significant reforms in accounting and corporate governance in the United States. It is also a call for a close look at theRead MoreEthics972 Words   |  4 PagesEthics Ethics in a corporation is a matter of following the rules and conditions of the company sponsoring one for employment or doing business with different corporations. The corporations have to keep in mind that any actions or decisions they may take if for the worst to the better it will affect the company as a whole, the stakeholders, and the employees whom it involves along with other businesses that are associated with the corporation. It is mainly the social responsibilityRead MoreEthical Issues Of Business Ethics1369 Words   |  6 PagesThe word ‘Ethics’ is derived from the Greek word ‘ethos’ (character) and Latin word ‘moras’ (customs) (Senaratne, 2011). Ethics is usually based around a decision one makes to help us identify what is good and what is bad as well as guiding us on doing well and avoiding the bad. What’s more, ethics are like a code of conduct asserting moral guidelines, prevailing good behaviour. Itâ €™s also about relationships and how we treat others. There are many underlying ethical issues arising for instance,

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Online MBA Degree University of Phoenix Free Essays

When more income is earned the demand for goods will shift to the right as more goods and higher levels of goods are demanded across the board. The budget line follows the law of demand as it shifts to the right showing an Increase In the quantity demanded of Items. This should not be confused with movement along the curve which Is caused by a change in price of a specific good. We will write a custom essay sample on Online MBA Degree University of Phoenix or any similar topic only for you Order Now The purpose of a market system To allow government to control what is sold. To set constraints between buyers and sellers. To bring buyers and sellers Into contact * d. To allow an organization to set prices In relation to their products. Rejoinder: In the market system an exchange of money for goods and or services takes place. A true market system sets the price through barter where the goods and services sell for the best price offered by the buyers creating equilibrium. For this exchange to take place the market serves as a meeting place for buyers and sellers. If the organization sets its prices there may not be market equilibrium and that can result in either a shortage or a surplus. By specializing In the production of one good a company Is able to benefit from economies of scale which Increases their revenues. Attributes of specialization Include Reducing costs by creating a surplus. Saving time by allowing a worker to focus on one task* Encouraging workers to learn new skills. Encouraging workers to learn a number of different skills. Rejoinder: Specialization occurs when a firm is able to use the resources available to it to produce one product or family of products rather than trying to produce multiple goods and spreading the firm’s resources In many directions. By focusing or concentrating on one task workers can achieve a higher level of training in that skill and become more productive. Firms always strive to produce only the amount of reduce they can sell to maximize their profits. The market system promotes progress by a, Creating incentive to continue to do things In the same way b. Restricting the amount of capital directed to specific goods. C. Slowly adjusting to changes In the In ten prices AT resources. A Provoking Incentive Tort technological advances. Rejoinder: Because firms are competing for consumers’ dollars they always want to have the newest and latest product available which will be the most advanced in their category and appeal to consumers as new purchases. This provides incentive to stay ahead of the competition in developing new technology. If a firm continues without advancing its product the competition that do advance will attract their customers which is why firms dedicate resources to research and development. Revenue increases when producer surplus increase* producer surplus decreases consumer surplus increases consumer surplus decreases. Rejoinder: Producer surplus is the difference between the minimum price the producer is willing to receive and what they actually receive. The surplus is their profit and the larger the surplus the greater their profit on the good. When it decreases they are receiving a price closer to their minimum acceptable. The consumer surplus measures what the consumer is willing to pay and its difference from the market price. The closer to the market price the higher the consumer surplus because they are spending less than they are willing to and the less spent the lower the revenue will be for the good. An increase in the price of an inelastic good will decrease revenues decrease the percentage change in quantity less than the percentage change in price increase revenues* increase the percentage change in quantity more than the percentage change in price Rejoinder: Inelastic goods are necessities that consumers will continue to arches even when price increases. This increases the revenue as more is paid for each good. The percentage change In price increases faster than the change in quantity which may remain constant. When we pay more for a good or service revenue will increase. Objective 1. 2: Explain market equilibrating process Productive efficiency is when the most valued combination of resources is used. The best technology is used. * when production occurs at a fair cost per unit. Fewer resources are left for production of other goods. Rejoinder: Efficiency is when we get the most out of the resources that are used to produce a good. This means having the newest and unsurpassed technology to produce the least waste and the lowest cost. Unused resources due to the new technology can then be allocated to the production of other goods. The market is said to be in equilibrium when there is potential for a shortage but not a surplus there is potential for a surplus but not a shortage. Neither a shortage nor a surplus exists* the quantity sold equals the quantity purchased. Appliers are asking for a product. It is the market price where the two come together and all the goods produced are sold without leaving anyone demanding additional units of that good. The market will move too higher equilibrium price if the decrease in supply is greater than the decrease in demand* the increase in supply is greater than the increase in demand. The decrease in demand is greater than the decrease in supply. The increase in demand is g reater than the increase in supply. Rejoinder: Price serves as a rationing tool for the demand of goods. If the price is too high fewer of the good are demanded and if it is too low more of the good is demanded than is available. The market seeks a price where the demand for goods will equal the supply of goods. When supply decreases the price will ration the good y increasing till there is no excess demand for the good or shortage of the good. The intersection of supply and demand will be at a lower equilibrium price but a higher equilibrium quantity if supply is constant and demand increases. F supply is constant and demand decreases if demand is constant and supply decreases. If demand is constant and supply increases* Rejoinder: Supply and demand intersect at the equilibrium price. The demand curve is a straight line measuring the quantity demanded at different price levels. When supply increases the supply curve shifts to the right and more of the good is available. Since the demand curve remains constant the supply curve will intersect at a lower point indicating the increase in q uantity. When a price ceiling occurs the market price will be lower than the equilibrium price * the market price will be higher than the equilibrium price. The supply will exceed the demand buyers will not be willing to pay more than the ceiling price. Rejoinder: A price ceiling is the maximum price that can be charged for a good or service. It is imposed below the equilibrium price to allow those who would otherwise not be able to afford the good to purchase it. Placing it above the equilibrium price would make it ineffective ND unnecessary as the market price would then prevail. Income elasticity increases when the number of complementary goods decreases when the number of substitute goods decreases when buyers’ income decreases* when buyers’ income increases Rejoinder: Income elasticity measures the percentage change of the quantity demand to the percentage change in a consumer’s income. If the consumer’s income changes disproportionably to prices it affects the demand for goods. If income decreases and the price of goods stay the same then fewer goods are affordable and more goods become elastic as they are no longer a necessity or must have to the buyer. How to cite Online MBA Degree University of Phoenix, Papers

Monday, April 27, 2020

Organizational Theory Applied To The Retail Industry Essays

Organizational Theory Applied To The Retail Industry PART i Introduction Antonio's, as it will be referred to for confidentiality purposes from here on in, is a retail shoe store that operates in Fredericton, N.B.. It is part of an open system. This company originated in Montreal, Quebec. The head office is now located there and retail outlets are located throughout Canada, the United States and parts of Europe. The market in which this company operates may be considered a division of the fashion industry. This industry is known for being highly competitive and dynamic. Also for obvious reasons many companies within it concern themselves with company image. This particular shoe company has been in existence since the early 1990's. Antonio's has grown significantly and is currently a leader in the shoe industry, even on an internationally level. It produces quality shoes at a reasonable price. From its beginnings until now Antonio's has been operating in the formation stage. This company has met with great success, though, and has grown quickly. It now faces the task of moving into the growth stage. Antonio's must be careful in managing every aspect of its company now in order to survive. Since the industry in which Antonio's operates is very image oriented a key issue in moving from the formation to growth stage that must be discussed is company culture. In this situation ?managed? (as it is referred to in its most popular definition) means changed. In order to manage the company culture through the move from stage to stage in the life cycle of this organization the culture within the current stage, the formation stage, must be discussed. The culture, in my opinion, must be managed as it currently has a negative impact on the organizational effectiveness. The organizational effectiveness as a result of culture must analyzed in order to determine if in fact it does have a negative impact on the company, if so, it must be managed for the sake of the company's survival in the growth stage. PART ii Analysis of current company culture The current culture existing in Antonio's organization is effective according to most of the strict definition meanings. It is not particularly strong, this is because most organizations which are young or have constant turnover (Antonio's finds both of these things to be true for itself) are said to ?have weak culture because members will not have shared enough experiences to create common meanings.? Antonio's culture fits well in to the big picture of the organization as it is aligned with company strategy, environment and technology where company image is everything. This company's culture has both good external and good internal fit. It emphasizes individual initiative, risk taking, high integration, tolerance of conflict, and high horizontal communication. Employee input and opinion is taken seriously, Dress is of importance while in the store and approach and attitude towards customers is very important. These company policies fit well, given its competitive environment, resulting in good external fit. Good internal fit is evident when a company's culture is well matched with its technology. Antonio's would most likely use a mass production technology according to Woodward's contribution to technology theories in the study of Organization Theory. This type of technology is characterized by large-batch or mass ? production. The organization's culture fits well with it's technology as it encourages adaptability to its environment and most importantly its customers. From this we can conclude that Antonio's has a high degree of overall complexity, a high degree of formalization and a moderate degree of centralization. In this case and many others, though, formalization may be replaced, to a certain extent, by the company culture. A strong culture increases behavioral consistency. Predictability, orderliness and consistency are all promoted by the culture at Antonio's, formalization could do the same. As mentioned above though Antonio's is currently in the Formation stage and does not have the strong culture it desires, in some cases culture is pushed and may not be seen as a reasonable move on the part of the company by some employees. This culture promotes predictability, for example, by stressing the importance of the Antonio's ?image? as far as the way employee's should look when in the store and the approach they should take towards customers