Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Blending of Renaissance and Reformation in Paradise Lost

John Milton (1608-1674) is a religious person and a god fearing man. He is also a great writer who wrote in a grand style. As a god fearing man, Milton writes his Paradise Lost, on the basis of religion, Bible and as a great writer he advances his writing in a classical manner. The theme of Paradise Lost is Biblical as it shows the wrongdoing of Adam and Eve by the influence of Satan and the justice of God for sinners. Milton writes Paradise Lost in such a style which holds classical flavor. So, Milton shows Biblical theme in classical mood. We can also say that Milton’s mind is shaped and moulded by the influence of the Renaissance and the Reformation. On the one hand, he drank deep of classical poetry and philosophy and is inherited all†¦show more content†¦He chooses a Christian theme for his poem and therefore addresses his prayer to a Christian spirit. For this, in Paradise Lost his invocation is to the Heavenly Muse that inspired Moses on the hidden top of Horeb or Sinai- and it was Moses who taught first the Israelites how first the Heaven or Earth were created out of chaos. This reveals that Milton is a God fearing man and he justifies the ways of God to man. As prophets are inspired by God, he thinks, he also inspired by God, by Christian spirit. So, in the ‘invocation to the Muse’ Milton also shows Biblical theme in classical mood. Stopford A. Brooke observes: â€Å"The form is the epic form of the Greeks and Romans†¦ The filling up of the form is partly invented and partly derived from Scripture. The character and the greater part of the action are invented; but the part derived from the Scripture has a theological system attached to it†¦ This scheme of theology so far as it intrudes, lessens the interest of the poem†¦ but it does not destroy it. And it is not its presence but its presence in an argumentative form which is alien to art. The scheme in itself is abstract and logical and as such repugnant to art. One thing which has grandeur†¦ and which broods over all these parts of the poems is the conception deepest in Puritanism and the source of its power – the overshadowing idea of sovereignty of God.† Milton’s Biblical and classical education combined their influence to make him think of a poet as something more

Monday, December 23, 2019

Communication And Verbal And Non Verbal Communication Essay

Communication, as described in ‘businessdictinary.com,’ is a two-way process in reaching mutual understanding, in which participants not only exchange information, news, ideas and feelings but also create and share meaning. It is a means of connection between people or places. Without communication there would be no understanding between people and important information and messages would not be correctly conveyed. This is why communication plays an important role in our daily lives and when not done or when done incorrectly it may cause many undesired issues. There are two forms of communication: non-verbal communication and verbal communication. Verbal and non-verbal communication: Verbal communication is the use of language and sounds to convey a message clearly. There are two types of verbal communication: written and oral. Written communication is the use of pens and paper, emails, texting and any other form of contact using language and not speech. Oral communication is the use of speech either face-to-face or via the phone or any form of communication where spoken words are being used to convey a message. Non-verbal communication is the process of conveying a message without the use of speech or sound. There are nine features of non-verbal communication, I will speak about three: eye contact, facial expressions and posture. Eye contact, also referred to as gaze, plays a role in showing the speaker that you’re listening and that you’re willing to interact with them.Show MoreRelatedCommunication : Verbal And Non Verbal Communication1216 Words   |  5 PagesCommunication is a complex activity which involve verbal and non-verbal communication, the topic under discussion, the prejudgments that people bring to the topic, and the â€Å"communication history† between participants in the discussion. A Speaker who transmits message must ensure that the message is delivered clearly. A listener who takes the messages must be an active listener. As effective communication can only take place when the recipient of the message understands it’s meaning and able to expressRead MoreVerbal and Non-Verbal Communication851 Words   |  4 PagesCommunication in the Military â€Æ' In this paper, I will be writing on the topic of the United States military. I will discuss why this group is effective and how verbal and nonverbal communication is used depending on the task at hand. I will also share the different roles each person in the group must complete for the mission to be a success. Lastly, I will show how the morale is boosted and the members take pride in job when those roles that need completed are done correctlyRead MoreNon Verbal And Verbal Communication978 Words   |  4 Pagestaking this class I almost feel as if I was blind to the various aspects of communication compared to now. Almost after every slide I try to relate each topic to a facet I have seen it in my life, it is not hard to do so considering we are receiving or providing a form of communication majority of the time. The two topics of communications I will be talking about are non-verbal and verbal communication. Nonverbal communication has many properties to it one in specific that I remember driving me crazyRead MoreVerbal And Non Verbal Communication882 Words   |  4 PagesCommunication is act of relaying messages to each other in society whether it may be formal or non-formal. We use both verbal and non-verbal communication every day to communicate with people around us. There are several functions of everyday language whether it may be simply giving directions to someone on the street, a professor lecturing a class at a college, a mime performing on the street, or even dancing. These types of communications delivers a message to an audience. Our everyday life isRead MoreVerbal And Non Verbal Communication1632 Words   |  7 Pages Within the laboratory, there are a range of communication methods that are used to convey information between biomedical scientists and the service users (consultants and patients). Verbal and non-verbal communication shapes our interactions with others and the interpersonal relationships with those around us, including our co-workers and service users. Verbal communication comprises of any form involving the use of words, whether they may be spoken by voice, or written and signed. We use it toRead MoreVerbal And Non Verbal Communications1718 Words   |  7 Pagesothers due to my passion to learn about other cultures that are located near my country. Moreover, learning about other countries culture may prevent unwanted actions to occur, and enhance the communication of people. In this project I would like to talk more about the verbal and non-verbal communications in both Kuwait and Egypt, in which I show similarities and differences between the two cultures. People think that because they are Arabs their language, culture, and behavior are the same, whichRead MoreVerbal And Non Verbal Communication1018 Words   |  5 PagesIs it possible to truly stop ourselves from physically reacting to someone else’s invitation of verbal or non-verbal communication? Is it possible to â€Å"not react† at all? Do we have this kind of control over our emotional and physical body language? What happens to the inner part of ourselves when the outer part of ourselves reacts physically, emotionally or mentally without our permission? Interpreting body language in real life situations can be beneficial when done correctly. Body language is aRead MoreNon Verbal And Verbal Communication1349 Words   |  6 PagesCommunication is important in any industry. There are many forms of communication and it is constantly evolving. One such field that communication is important in is physical therapy. There is constant interaction between patients, physical therapists, physical therapists assistants, other employees, other health professionals, etc. This report will look at communication within different levels of employment, non-verbal and verbal communication, communication impacted by the audience, technologyRead MoreVerbal and Non-Verbal Communication2628 Words   |  11 Pages Communication has always been a vital part of our life and is important in the day to day interactions we participate in with friends, family and the people who are close to us. According to Encyclopedia Britannica, â€Å"communication is the e xchange of meanings between individuals through a common system of symbols.† Communication varies between two types, one being verbal communication and the other being non-verbal communication. Amy Lucas highlights in her article the fact that, Our ancestors huntedRead MoreVerbal And Non Verbal Communication1753 Words   |  8 PagesThe difference between verbal and non-verbal communication Verbal communication is communicating with another person using speech or written words. We communicate verbally using tone, pitch and the speed of our spoken words. These usually indicate different emotions. For example a high pitch and fast paste speech can indicate excitement. Verbal communication is used in a health and social care environment to make sure that we understand clearly what the client or patient wants or might need. These

Sunday, December 15, 2019

What Is Sip Trunk Free Essays

What a SIP trunk is? A SIP trunk is an IP connection that establishes a SIP communications link between your organization and an Internet telephony service provider (ITSP) beyond your firewall. Typically, a SIP trunk is used to connect your organization’s central site to an ITSP. In some cases, you may also opt to use SIP trunking to connect your branch site to an ITSP. We will write a custom essay sample on What Is Sip Trunk or any similar topic only for you Order Now Unlike in traditional telephony, where bundles of physical wires were once delivered from the service provider to a business, a SIP trunk allows a company to replace these traditional fixed PSTN lines with PSTN connectivity via a SIP trunking service provider on the Internet. SIP trunks can offer significant cost-savings for enterprises, eliminating the need for local PSTN gateways, costly ISDN BRIs (Basic Rate Interfaces) or PRIs (Primary Rate Interfaces). Why you would use a SIP trunk? Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is used to initiate and manage Voice over IP (VoIP) communications sessions for basic telephone service and for additional real-time communication services, such as instant messaging, conferencing, presence detection, and multimedia. This section provides planning information for implementing SIP trunks, a type of SIP connection that extends beyond the boundary of your local network. Deploying SIP trunking can be a big step toward simplifying your organization’s telecommunications and preparing for up-to-date enhancements to real-time communications. One of the primary advantages of SIP trunking is that you can consolidate your organization’s connections to the public switched telephone network (PSTN) at a central site, as opposed to its predecessor, time division multiplexing (TDM) trunking, which typically requires a separate trunk from each branch site. RFCs that discuss SIP trunking Best Practices for SIP Trunks: Since SIP trunks are meant for interconnection between servers, they SHOULD run over TCP. Authentication SHOULD be done using mutual TLS authentication, with both sides of the trunk providing a TLS Certificate. TODO: might be interesting to recommend some practices for usage of phone numbers, but this might be out of scope here. Security Considerations: Servers providing SIP trunks will need to authenticate and authorize access to those trunk services. This specification recommends usage of the practices defined and required in RFC 3261 – mutual TLS uthentication – for this purpose. In some cases, the requests sent on SIP trunks can require confidentiality and message integrity. In such cases, usage of mutual authenticated TLS is RECOMMENDED. [RFC3261] Rosenberg, J. , Schulzrinne, H. , Camarillo, G. , Johnston, A. , Peterson, J. , Sparks, R. , Handley, M. , and E Schooler, â€Å"SIP: Session Initiation Protocol†, RFC 3261, June 2002. [RFC3263] Rosenberg, J. and H . Schulzrinne, â€Å"Session Initiation Protocol (SIP): Locating SIP Servers†, RFC 3263, June 2002. Informative References: [RFC4458] Jennings, C. , Audet, F. , and J. Elwell, â€Å"Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) URIs for Applications such as Voicemail and Interactive Voice Response (IVR)†, RFC 4458, April 2006. [RFC4480] Schulzrinne, H. , Gurbani, V. , Kyzivat, P. , and J. Rosenberg, â€Å"RPID: Rich Presence Extensions to the Presence Information Data Format (PIDF)†, RFC 4480, July 2006. [RFC3903] Niemi, A. , â€Å"Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Extension for Event State Publication†, RFC 3903, October 2004. How to cite What Is Sip Trunk, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Galleria Seasons Concert Review Essay Example For Students

Galleria Seasons Concert Review Essay I attended my first concert on March 20th, 2015 at the Sumter Opera House, in Sumter, SC and it was an extraordinary experience. The Vega String Quartet performance was well produced; it was very energetic and well distinctive of Vivaldis passionate pieces â€Å"The Four Seasons. † Antonio Lucio Vivaldi was an Italian Baroque composer and the Quartet seized Vivaldis Baroque style, while abstract artist Timothy Raines created two matchless acrylic pieces on canvas. The paintings were created as if they flowed with the music; his motion was one and the same with the Quartet, he literally materializes the abstract of the music. The first piece of music was in E major, Op. 8, RV 269, La primavera, which represented Spring, and its first movement is allegro, second is largo e pianissimo sempre, and the third is allegro pastorale, which gave the piece a rapid movement and an upbeat texture. The second piece was in G minor, Op. 8, RV 315, Lestate which represents summer, and its first movement is allegro non molto, second is adagio e piano presto e forte, and the third is presto, which gives the piece a slower movement with a chaotic texture. The third piece was in F major, Op. , RV 293, Lautunno which represents autumn, and its first movement is allegro, second is adagio molto, and the third is allegro, which gives the piece a rapid movement with a comfort texture. The fourth piece was in F minor, Op. 8, RV 297, Linverno, which represents winter, and its first movement is allegro non molto, second is largo, and the third is allegro, which gives the piece a very slow movement and a texture of joy. The Vega String Quartet uses string instruments which were the violin, viola, and the cello, to create an enlightening and passionate form of chamber music. The program notes were very helpful, the notes kept me on course with the piece movements and texture. I observed the audience actions while the quartet performed and it was intoxicating to see how the performance pulled the audience in and maintain their attention. My favorite part in the concert was the second piece which was in G minor, Op. 8, and RV 315, Lestate which represented the summer season, the piece had a slower movement with a frantic texture, and this piece had the essences of a storm brewing. I enjoyed how the selection unraveled into an exciting ending; as a whole I would have to say the concerto was a success. What I’ve learned in class played a big role in my understanding the concerto, it helped me to determine such things as minor, majors, tempo’s, and the difference between a movement and the texture in a piece. In â€Å"The four seasons,† the style was of the Baroque period, which the â€Å"The Vega String Quartet,† performed splendidly, Vivaldis piece is loved throughout the world and â€Å"The Vega String Quartet,† captured the spirit of his music impeccably.

Friday, November 29, 2019

The Metropolis Model How to Use the Sharing Economy to Create Standout Thought Leadership Content

THE METROPOLIS MODEL: HOW TO USE THE SHARING ECONOMY TO CREATE STANDOUT THOUGHT LEADERSHIP CONTENT â€Å"It’s easy to admire a thought leader; it’s much harder to become one.† —Adam Grant, Wharton professor and author of Give and Take Content creation in the sharing economy The sharing economy continues to transform nearly every sector of the global economy.   A recent McKinsey report projects that sharing economy revenues will reach $335 billion globally by 2025. Wikipedia defines the sharing economy as â€Å"peer-to-peer based sharing of access to goods and services.† Another definition describes it as â€Å"a socio-economic ecosystem built around the sharing of human, physical and intellectual resources. It includes the shared creation, production, distribution, trade and consumption of goods and services by different people and organizations.† As its impact continues to grow, what does it mean for content creation? Content creation is a challenge for marketers. Statistics from Kapost show that 39% of marketers indicate coming up with ideas is difficult, and that 1 in 2 marketers say they don’t have enough ideas to fuel their content operations. The sharing economy is good news for content creation, offering rich new opportunities for engagement, dialogue, and creative insight. For marketers, the collaborative model is a content strategy resource for generating and developing genuine thought leadership. It takes a metropolis The term crowdsourcing first appeared in 2006 to reference an organization looking outside its own resources and employees for ideas and problem solving. The title of Hillary Clinton’s famous book, published ten years earlier in 1996, offers a useful metaphor for crowdsourcing: It Takes a Village. In 2016, however, it takes a metropolis. The metropolis model is a shared production model that leverages your entire peer community. In the sharing economy era, optimizing your resources and harnessing the power of your entire â€Å"metropolis† to generate thought leadership content is a key strategy for success. Applied to content creation, the metropolis model is a roadmap for utilizing the collective wisdom of your entire ecosystem—in-house resources, customer feedback, subject-matter expertise, and industry influencers—to develop standout thought leadership content. Revisiting thought leadership why it matters While thought leadership has become a marketing buzzword, it’s essential for brands whose strategy includes establishing and maintaining a thought leadership role. 43% of marketers identified thought leadership as one of the top three goals of content marketing, along with lead generation and brand awareness, in a recent LinkedIn Technology Marketing Community survey. Although it’s been said that the first rule of thought leadership is not to call it thought leadership, it’s worth revisiting the definition of the term. In their book #Thought Leadership Tweet: 140 Prompts for Designing and Executing an Effective Thought Leadership Campaign, Liz Alexander and Craig Badings offer a useful definition: â€Å"Thought leaders advance the marketplace of ideas by positing actionable, commercially relevant, research-backed, new points of view. They engage in â€Å"blue ocean strategy† thinking on behalf of themselves and their clients, as opposed to simply churning out product-focused, brand-centric white papers or curated content that shares or mimics others’ ideas.† In a conversation with Curtis Kroeker, CEO of Scripted, an online marketplace that connects businesses with writers, he defined thought leadership as â€Å"content that’s thought-provoking to people who already know a lot about that particular topic. So it’s a pretty high bar.† With the increasing importance of thought leadership as a content marketing strategy, how can you effectively meet this standard? How can you create content that offers genuinely new ideas, insight, and solutions? Using the metropolis model to develop thought leadership content The metropolis model is an effective way to tap into your entire community of talent and resources to develop thought leadership content. Using the metropolis model, you can crowdsource and collaborate with your network of in-house teams, customers, SMEs, and influencers to generate content that meets thought leadership standards. Here’s how. 1. Know the defining issues and trends Author and marketing strategy consultant Dorie Clark recommends immersing yourself in the existing industry conversation as the first step toward breaking new ground. Become conversant with the culture and current thought leadership in your industry. Be familiar with the topics, issues, research, and perspectives other experts are presenting. Armed with that knowledge, you can then start to identify what’s missing from the dialogue and where there are opportunities to contribute new thinking.   2.  Crowdsource for new ideas During the ideation phase of thought leadership content creation, your best resources are the citizens of your metropolis: your in-house teams and your customers. Kroeker says crowdsourcing is key for effective content development, and for thought leadership content in particular. â€Å"If you’re not tapping into the crowd, you’re going to miss out on perspective, expertise, and ideas,† he told us. â€Å"Even if someone is particularly well-versed in a certain area, it’s only going to be one person’s opinion. Crowdsourcing lets you tap into multiple perspectives and make for a much richer conversation and richer content creation.† Mobilize in-house teams Explain your thought leadership mission to your internal colleagues and solicit their input to develop new topics and ideas. Involve your entire team including IT, developers, analysts, designers, sales, and customer service. SMEs are another important resource for ideation. One strategy for soliciting input from SMEs is to simply ask them, â€Å"What did you do today?† Their day-to-day roles and processes involve the key issues that directly affect your customers, whether it’s technology, sales, customer service, research, or product development. Almost everything they do is content. Walk through their daily activities and the various components of their jobs to identify relevant topics. Let your team know why their participation is important. As valued in-house experts immersed in the daily workings of your business and customer interaction, their insights are essential. Set up brainstorming or gamestorming sessions that make it fun and pressure-free for everyone to contribute ideas. You can start the ideation with questions like the following: What’s missing from the industry’s current conversation? What areas are underrepresented in our current content strategy? What issues should we be covering? What are your biggest challenges, and why? What challenges and issues do you observe among our clients? What new ideas and trends are emerging in our business? You can also use tools like 15Five and Slack to help solicit relevant topics. Your role is to direct the dialogue and provide moderation and feedback. Let participants know they don’t have to write anything—just contribute ideas. Assign a point person to keep track of the dialogue and take notes. Solicit feedback from customers and users Next, reach out to your users for feedback. Your online community is one of the best sources of intelligence. Customer feedback is an essential means of surfacing new business challenges and issues for your content strategy. Polls, surveys, and incentives are ideal ways to engage with your community. Services like Polldaddy can help you create simple surveys. Begin identifying new content opportunities by generating dialogue with your users around the following types of questions: What’s your biggest business challenge? What question do you most need answered? What information do you need that is not available? What’s the most pressing issue in your business? How could we improve our product or service? Be responsive and stay actively engaged with your community to monitor the discussion. Solicit and leverage comments to create and maintain a topic- and issue-oriented dialogue. Encourage debate around contrasting viewpoints. Engaging in a dialogue with your audience will help you generate useful data that can be developed into content. By asking your users about their needs and showing you care about their challenges and their opinions, you invest in them as co-creators. 3. Engage with experts and influencers Tap SMEs for knowledge and expertise Subject-matter experts are critical allies in your thought leadership strategy. They can contribute the deep technical, practical, or instructional expertise you need in specific topic areas. Develop a set of targeted questions for them to respond to in writing or in an interview. Depending on the business area you’re focused on and the type of expertise required, you may also want to interview outside SMEs. Leverage the power of influencers Influencer marketing is one of the top marketing trends of 2016. Engaging with influencers not only gives you access to authoritative insights and opinions from people your customers trust. It dramatically scales the visibility, reach, and engagement of your content. New research from Twitter shows consumers now trust influencers nearly as much as their friends. And with a new study by Tapinfluence showing an 11X higher return from influencer marketing campaigns compared to other digital marketing channels, engaging influencers in your content marketing efforts is essential. Find out who’s driving the conversation and who your users are listening to. It could be a highly visible blogger, leader, executive, or industry expert—a recognized name with authority, influence, and a following. LinkedIn can help you identify people of influence who are already in your network. There are also web services that will help you find and engage the right influencers for your business, including InNetwork and Traackr. Reach out to the influencers you’ve identified and begin cultivating relationships. Be familiar with their work—read their book and follow their blog, for example—and ask them to participate in your thought leadership initiative. Invite them to contribute their perspective, analysis, and insight. Explain how you’ve identified this issue and why you believe they’re uniquely qualified to contribute fresh thinking. Thought leadership partnerships should be mutually beneficial. When you approach an influencer, be prepared to offer something of value in return. Maybe you can offer publicity. Or maybe your offer can be tied directly to the product or service you provide—a membership, free trial, or special access of some kind. In essence, be prepared to answer the question: what’s in it for me? If your influencer is a blogger, he or she may be willing to write something on the topic themselves. Alternatively, working with your team and/or a writer, you can craft questions, interview the influencer, and create the content yourself based on his or her input. 4. Putting it all together: creating your content When you’re ready to write and publish your content, ensure a professional, well-written presentation. While good writing alone doesn’t turn generic content into thought leadership, good writing skills are essential for clearly communicating new business insights. In a recent LinkedIn Technology Marketing Community Survey, 57% of marketers said â€Å"engaging and compelling storytelling† was among the top three criteria that make content effective. â€Å"Without good writing, you risk your insights being lost because they aren’t communicated effectively,† says Kroeker. â€Å"Good writing ensures that those powerful insights are communicated in a way that’s clear and that resonates with the target audience.† Infographic by Kirsten Kohlhauff Creating thought leadership content is a kind of alchemy. Done right, it: Addresses new issues, ideas, and challenges Provides context, analysis, and synthesis of multiple perspectives Weaves a coherent, engaging narrative that offers new information and actionable solutions Is well-written and tells a compelling story â€Å"Being able to collaborate effectively and directly is critical to the creation of great thought leadership,† says Kroeker. As a marketer, you’re at the center of your metropolis, collaborating with your community to generate meaningful thought leadership content worthy of the name.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Pobby And Dingan POV Essay Example

Pobby And Dingan POV Essay Example Pobby And Dingan POV Paper Pobby And Dingan POV Paper Each Williamson has his or her own struggles living in Lightning Ridge, such as Jellybean, the younger daughter, who has conjured up real yet imaginary friends because she doesnt have any people her age, as well as the father, Rexes, who has note once encountered opal in woo years Of mining, and the son, Ashman, who cant believe that everyone can see Bobby and Dining. All of these characters learn to get past their struggles, all except one. Old Side, the oldest opal miner in Lightning Ridge, is one major character in Rices novel that hasnt really overcome his struggle, and needs some polishing to do so. In my point of view piece, will be looking into Old Side past in his shoes, explaining how he used to be before his wife died as well as explaining why he is so adamant towards believing that Rexes is a ratter. My scene will take place when Judge McNally asked Old Side about his Emily, which will bring in a flashback into Old Kids past with his wife and end up with Old Side explaining why he believes Rexes is a ratter. This will help conclude a very interesting and unfinished dimension of Old Side with dialogue from Old Side during the trial in the view of Ashman being told the story from his mother. The author, Ben Rice has given a very cantankerous personality to the character of Old Side, but with my added point of view, the reader will be much more understanding towards Old Side and will have a more complete answer to Judge Macaulays query. Mr. Carbon MAP English 5; Period 2 18 November 2014 Word Count: 996 P. O. V. Piece: Old Side Mum told me that then Judge McNally did lots of racking his brains, and sometimes he looked a bit pale, but eventually he decided to break up court until it was possible to interview Jellybean (Rice 82). But he only did it after asking Side about his family and his history, for all anyone heard about Side was that he ate frill-necked lizards on toast for breakfast. NO, sir. I havent got any family that is alive Well, I had a wife, a very lovely wife, much time ago. Her name was Poppy. We had known each other our entire lives, living nearby Amigos Castle as young nuns, and when we were still young and didnt care much about the world, we had gotten married and skittered from the small town. We went to Lightning Ridge, where we built our house board by board, nail by nail, day after day. Then, after a week or two of grimy labor, Poppy and I had to ourselves a fine house for two of us, in the small, lonely town of Lightning Ridge, where we were meant to have spent our lives together. Poppy and I later picked up work as a farmer in the nearby fields later that mummer, and had earned more than enough money for both of us and our soon-due child. Poppy then stopped doing labor began gardening as a hobby when I was gone at work. Shed raise flowers and plants like they were her own children, talking to me, laughing with me, and even reading the paper with me. Thought she had lost it, talking to plants for hours a day. At first, didnt say anything, thinking that I would have ruined her fun, for she had no one to talk to in the tiny tow of Lightning Ridge. But after walking home from the fields towards harvesting season, I saw my dear Poppy crying on the porch. Her flowers were dead, bent toward the ground as if saying they were sad to go with the coming of winter. The kids from the next plot, the good for nothing Parkinson, appeared at the fences, shrieking, hurling stones, and calling my delicate Poppy a batty bitchy. Chased them off with my shovel, and brought her shrilling self inside to have some tea. Over the winter, I decided to stay close to Poppy, so I set up a whittle shop with some corrugated iron on the lot to earn some money while farming had ended for the winter. That same winter, Poppy started knitting using yarn room one of my fellow workers. She had knit a blanket for our soon-due gem, as well as my beanie. That winter went by fast, with plenty of people flowing in from England for life in the outback as well as the hunt for opals, started by the rumor that this arid, burning place was once an ocean. The following spring, our baby was due, and with the coming of spring, Poppy had begun gardening again. When we had dug out the weeds and roots of the old plants, she heard a sharp clink. She shoved the hand shovel deep into the hole again, hearing another clink. I was busy whittling away a sis in the shop when I heard her screaming my name at the top of your lungs. Hough she felt the baby kick or something, but what she had discovered was far more exciting. I saw he doing her little dance on the porch, clasping something in one of her fists. As I approached Poppy, she told to close my eyes and hold my hands out. Wondering if we traveled all the way back to our young years, had a foolish grin on doing so. Then, I felt a hard, cold, tube shaped thing. I opened my eyes, and saw the black gem. I held it up towards the direction Of the rising sun, seeing the fluid embers hang into greens and reds and violets in the light. This one rock was going to change our lives for forever. The rest of the spring, whittling became unimportant, and soon began mining for opals all around the house. Every day found at least a handful of good-sized gems, and stored them in Poppys chest, where she kept baby clothes, her favorite books on flowers, as well as the opals. Rumors were going around town that someone had finally found the opals in Lighting Ridge, but I kept my head down and continued mining, until that one day hen Parkinson Senior himself along with his two devil children. I quickly threw the shovel in the hole that I was digging, and pretended to be planting some seeds. Towards the end of the spring, harvest season was approaching, and I left mining to start harvesting again in the fields. Poppy stayed inside these days, only to water her plants, but kept herself busy to our yet to be born child. One day as I came home, found the younger Parkinson rat snooping in one of my mining sites, and as soon as I yelled out, he left behind a dust trail, clenching meeting in his hand that I sure as hell hoped wasnt opal. Who knew what could happen if people knew we were living on top of a sea of opals? I soon regrettably found the answer to that question. On the coming Saturday, I came home from a tiring day of work looking forward to meeting my precious wife, my lifelong love, my one and only friend, to greet me at the porch and brighten up my life with her dazzling smile. Instead, had walked into the darkest, most terrible nightmare. Poppy wasnt outside, so when I went into the house, had called for her. She didnt respond. I walked into to our room to see if she was talking to our soon-due child. Poppy was on the ground, soaked in her own blood. The shovel was smeared in blood, the spade stuck in poppys tummy. I frantically shook poppy, yelling at her to get up, telling her to wake up if she could hear me. After what seemed like hours of agony, trying to get Poppy to wake up and tell this was all a joke, found the opal chest, lying open, blank, the only thing in there the blanket for our now dead child.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Participants in Policy Process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Participants in Policy Process - Essay Example (Dye, 2001, p. 4 to 7) In this context, the participants in the public policy process may be segregated into two categories. The first are the official participants comprising of government officials, authorities as well as political players. On the other hand are the non governmental or unofficial participants who come in the form of social workers, individuals lobbying for the interests of certain pressure groups, and even the average citizen. In the course of this paper we will try and differentiate between these two groups of participants in the policy process. To do so, we will start by delving into the various aspects of the policy process. When embodied in a person's life as a profession, the policy process becomes a matter of drawing on statistical information and basing decisions on various kinds of analysis before arriving at the factors that will influence the elements to be included in a certain policy. Considering the fact that this will greatly influence a normal citizen's life in various ways, the policy maker has to be doubly sure of the facts as he is responsible for a lot of people.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Management of ankle fracture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Management of ankle fracture - Essay Example According to most epidemiologists, ankle fractures have quite an extensive occurrence and the groups at high risk include adults, especially the elderly. For instance, Egol et al (2013) imply that that broken ankles have an incidence of approximately 174 cases per 100 000 adults yearly. While Parekh, Patel and Parekh (2012) assert that, the new occurrences could amount to approximately 187 fractures per 100,000 individuals every year. Nevertheless, the approximations seem to be much closer. Generally, according to Egol et al (2013) the correct treatment and categorization normally provides a decisive significance for clinical outcome. Since the mid-1900s, the rate of ankle fractures occurrences has significantly augmented in most of the industrialized states, most probably due to the growth in the number of individuals who get involved in athletics as well as the size of the aging population. Further, Parekh, Patel and Parekh (2012) indicate that the malleolar fractures (a type ankle fracture) has a vast prevalence, whereby the percentage for unimalleolar ranges from 60% to 70%. On the other hand, other fractures like bimalleolar fractures occur at a rate of 15% to 20% while the occurrence of trimalleolar fractures range at 7% to 12%. The overall rate of occurrence of the fractures especially between the genders, according to Maxey and Magnusson (2012), has a similarity. Despite this, the rate of occurrences is much higher in men especially when they are at a younger age. While higher rates of the fractures occurrence in women happens between the age group of the 50 to 70 years. Additionally, a heightened BMI and smoking have been associated with an augmented likelihood of the occurrence of broken ankle. In contrast to the radius’ fractures and other ankle fractures widespread among postmenopausal and premenopausal females, the density of the bone has not complete ly shown evidently as a key risk

Monday, November 18, 2019

The Archaic Electoral College for Presidential Elections Research Paper

The Archaic Electoral College for Presidential Elections - Research Paper Example Firstly, it is important to describe how the Electoral College method currently works. Every four years, in this indirect election method, U.S. citizens vote for Electors in their respective states who, in turn, vote for a Presidential candidate. With some exceptions, when a party receives a majority in a particular state, Electors from that party are deemed to have won the state. There are a total of 538 electors in the Electoral College system. When a party wins enough states to reach a count of at least 270 electors, the Presidential nominee from that party wins the election. So, a President wins the election by an aggregate of statewide electors rather than the total number of nationwide votes. The number of Electors in each state is equal to the total number of Senators and U.S. Representatives in it (â€Å"How the Electoral College Functions† 10). Since the number of U.S. Representatives is based on population, more populous states have more electors. The electors only t ake part in this one-time vote and are not responsible for any future legislative work. They are appointees of participating political parties and typically always vote in favour of their party’s respective candidate. Historically, on four occasions the winning president did not receive the popular vote with the latest being the 2000 elections (â€Å"How the Electoral College Functions† 17) when Al Gore lost to George W. Bush by a slim margin of Electoral College votes despite receiving a higher nationwide popular vote. Bush won 271 Electoral College votes, with a margin of only 1 vote above the minimum required.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

FORENSIC ACCOUNTING Money Laundering and organized Finance

FORENSIC ACCOUNTING Money Laundering and organized Finance Money laundering poses a serious threat to individuals, businesses, financial systems, markets and governments as this financial crime affect the health of human beings and destruct the development of a country, for example developing countries loses billions every year to countries such a Switzerland. In the recent years White Collar crime has become the potential threat to the continued existence of capitalists economy , which now force the international and regional government begin to acknowledge that money laundering has become a threat to the global economy development, financial systems as well as to the global community. Due to the growing of organised crime such as human trafficking, drug trafficking, terrorism and tax evasion. Money laundering is believed to be the third industry by some academic researchers, with an estimated 2% to 5% of gross domestic products (GDP) of the world. This essay will also provide a literature review in order to better understand the theories of money laundering and the roles and responsibilities of professional bodies. Which also include the review of international and national policies and legislation frameworks designed to prevent money laundering? Final the finding and recommendations of this essay clearly shows evidence which suggest that professionals are vectors and advisers of money laundering, therefore, such illicit seems to be made easy by various professions who collaborate and contribute to this growing problem, in particularly the banks, professional bodies such as Auditors, Accountants and Lawyers, are argued to play a pivotal role in smoothing the progress for money launders to conceal the proceeds of their corrupt activities INTRODUCTION This study will attempt to examine the relationship between money laundering and Fraud, as well as its global network and the seriousness of these crimes effects in the global economy and the social consequences for the international community. Furthermore, put in plan words the problem of money laundering in the UK, reflecting on whether anti-money laundering laws introduced in the past decades has in some why improved the control of this criminal activity. Summers (2000), states that the observable fact of money laundering is a characteristic of organized crime with researcher and academic estimating that the money laundering generate about US$100 billion; while the British Intelligence estimated that the total amount being laundered annually is about US$500 billion..The illicit drug trade alone is estimated to generate about US$300 billion of which a significant part would require laundering; this is also supported by Wolfensohn (2002). As there are many studies that critically examine money laundering and the factors that contribute to money laundering etc, there are still few and far between studies actually looking into the factors that contribute to the increase of money laundering in developing countries and match up to whether developed countries preaching for regulations and monitoring money laundering to the rest of the world , while ignoring their contribution in promoting this complex crime in developing countries indirect and direct. Problem statement White Collar crime has become the potential threat to the continued existence of capitalists economy. Money laundering for instance is assumed to take a large portion of white collar crime global, as statistics predict that almost 5% of the world gross domestic product (GDP) is lost to money laundering each year (IMF, Website ). Research aim and objectives The primary objective of this essay is to explore and identify the level that underpins the bureaucracy of money laundering, looking at both point of views (Developed Countries perspective and developing countries point of view), and measuring the preventing of money laundering. Also as to give comment on the accuracy to whether the join combat efforts are realistic. Research methodology The present study is an attempt to explore and explain the international legal systems in combating money laundering and fraud the legal framework in the global scale. The methodology of this study will gather information from secondary sources, which are already in publication, such as academically journals, books, professional articles, the internet and any other publications (Sekaran, 1992). Furthermore, the study will make an effort to find out the relevance of the information so as to possible present appropriately, to explore some of the factors that are part of the cause to money laundering and fraud. Therefore as the study will be only based on published secondary information we will reach a conclusion that does not point toward our own opinion but the critically review of the conclusion of the previous studies in this have concluded. Assumptions made in this report As the definition of money laundering constitutes a range of dynamic criminal activities, this study make assumption that money laundering includes trafficking, fraud, corruption and terrorism as all these crimes share a common feature, which lead to proceeds of illicit being laundered in some way or another. Therefore, all these above mentioned crimes are to be money laundering for this study. Investigation Outline The first section of this essay will provide a brief introduction of the objectives and assumptions made throughout the essay, as well as attempt to introduce the research question and give an overview of the subject area. This will be followed by the second section, which reviews previous studies and the critics of the conclusions of these studies. Section three will then briefly communicate the theories of money laundering and the factors that cause money laundering developing countries, followed by a short history and the definition accepted by this essay. Section four will provide evidence found by this study and a critically suggestions. Finally section five will reach a conclusion. Literature Review In order to understand the present and future of money laundering, it is important to first give a brief explanation of the background history of its origin. According to Bosworth et al, (1994), money laundering originated in the USA during the 1930s, Despite the fact that there are several publications studies in the literature of critically examining the subject area, their point of view seem to give attention to the legal and regulatory framework, adding to analysing the stages of cash placement or analyzing causes and remedies of legislations that contribute to money laundering, however, there is little done, in other words a number of empirical studies are rather limited to study whether there is a linkage between the developing and developed countries, and if are there any lessons learned? According to a study by Wolfensohn (2002), stated that at least US$1trillion is believed to laundered every year using progressively more highly developed methods such as the wiring transfer of funds across boarders, in addition these complex methods involve employing services and advice of professionals such financial advisers and accountants (Sikka, 2003; Arnold and Sikka, 2001; Aloba, 2002; Bakre, 2007;). Mitchell et al., (1996) study exposed actions carried out by some of these professionals and companies in Accounting such as Jackson Company; Grant Thornton Partners; Coopers and Lybrand; and a cabinet minister in the UK government, who were all caught up in money laundering of illegal transferring money from AGIP to Kinz Joallier SARL. The professional body of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) was passed on with the case to investigate the professional misconduct of its members. Even though the High Court had previously dealt with the case and gave its own judgment, which found that the two Accountants who were caught up in the act of money laundering, the courts ruling stated that these professionals actually knew that their action were against the law and obviously laundering money, the Judge found them guilty, however the professional body itself (ICAEW) it appears that did not view it the same way as the Court did. Furthermore when the investig ation and disciplinary committee of the ICAEW was criticised it argued in defence that it was not provided with insufficient evidence to warrant the bringing of a disciplinary case against any of its members in this case of money laundering (see Letter of May 9, 1994). On the other hand, BCC I investigated the global closure in 1991 and uncovered a massive amount of criminal activities including money laundering in a number of countries around the world, which involved bribery of government officials, arms trafficking, the sales of nuclear technologies, the support of terrorism, tax evasion, and smuggling operations, as well as massive financial frauds (Arnold and Sikka, 2001). According to the 400 page report by Arnaud Montebourge (2001) The City is an impenetrable fortress with a status, rights and custom of its own, a closed universe where every financier, banker or businessman chooses silence above all else. The report stated that it had taken the British an extraordinary amount of time to respond to Swiss tip-offs before ordering 19 banks to freeze funds linked to former Nigerian ruler, Sanni Abacha [BBC News, October 10, 2001]. A Harvard-educated Colombian economist, Franklin Jurado, used the services of accountants to launder $36 million in profits, from US cocaine sales for the late Colombian drug lord Jose Santacruz-Londono, by wiring it out of Panama, through the offices of Merrill Lynch and other financial institutions, to Europe. In three years, he opened more than 100 accounts in 68 banks in nine countries: Austria, Denmark, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, and Monaco. Some of the accounts were opened in the names of Santacruzs mistresses and relatives, others under assumed European-sounding names. Keeping balances below $10,000 to avoid investigation, Jurado shifted the funds between the various accounts. He established European front companies with the eventual aim of transferring the clean money back to Colombia, to be invested in Santacruzs restaurants, construction companies, pharmacies and real estate holdings (UN, 1998) cited in Garnaut, J. (2006). According to the UN General Assembly, corrupt politicians, government officials and other criminal organizations increasingly sub-contract the task of money laundering to specialized professionals (such as accountants, lawyers and bankers) because the methods required to circumvent law enforcement officials are becoming ever more complex (see UN Special Session on the World Drug Problem 8-10 June, 1998). Professionals (such as Accountants, lawyers and bankers) are used not only to conceal the origin of the source of the proceeds, but to manage the subsequent investment into legitimate real estate and other assets. Money Laundering Introduction In anticipation of comparatively recently notion of money laundering were subjects that, although continuously reported and chattered about, were not studied to a great extent. it gives a quite out of the ordinary impression for the fact that well know crime stories such as the Medellin cartel to the notorious Al-Qaida network that have been taking place up to the September 11. Therefore, this can be arguable that beyond doubt it point out that organised crime has evolved a great deal fitting itself into a far-reaching socio-political changes, complex technological developments and diverse culture environments. According to Murilo Portugal, Deputy Managing Director of the IMF: Global financial stability hinges on collective action at the international level, but also on effective national systems. Robust anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism regimes are an important pillar of the international regulatory and supervisory system and part and parcel of the current efforts to strengthen the global financial framework.. Therefore, due to the out of the ordinary of money laundering and the new developing complexity of the techniques used by launders it is hard to keep accurate information of this sort of crime. What is Money Laundering? Although the observable fact of money laundering has taken on increase attention, from every country in the world its notion is still a controversy in the criminological phraseology. In anticipation of the concept of money laundering phrase, which has almost been talked about and documented over for the past seven decades, it is extraordinary that this subject has been given fewer research studies, regardless of the fact that organised crime has been part of the society for such a long time. Money laundering has been defined as the cover up of unlawfully get your hands on assets or proceeds so the can be then made to appear as they have been acquired in a lawfully manner. On the other hand, money laundering can mean different thing to different countries and organisation as there are variations on the definition of money laundering, nevertheless, almost certainly accepted definition that fit within the framework and the global idea intended to provide a global definition of money laundering is the one outlined (UN Organised Crime Convention). Article 6 of the convention regards the following conduct as money laundering: (i) the conversion or transfer of property, knowing that such property is the proceeds of crime, for the purpose of concealing or disguising the illicit origin of the property or of helping any person who is involved in the commission of the predicate offence to evade the legal consequences of his or her action; (ii) The concealment or disguise of the true nature, source, location, disposition, movement or ownership of or rights with respect to property, knowing that such property is the proceeds of crime; (iii) The acquisition, possession or use of property, knowing, at the time of receipt, that such property is the proceeds of crime. According to FATF, money laundering is defined as: . . . the processing of a enormous number of criminal acts to generate profit for individual or group that carries out the act with the intention to disguise their illegal origin in order to legitimize the ill gotten gains of crime. Any crime that generates significant profit extortion, drug trafficking, arms smuggling and some kind of white collar crime may create a need for money laundering (FATF). The process of money Laundering Alternatively money laundering operates in the same manner as a lawful business in terms of the financial operations. Therefore money launders in their set of business operations act upon the intention of introducing funds originated from criminal activities into the economy so that it appears legitimate. For this to be achieved funds or proceeds need to pass through a long way before it take on the appearance of a legal financial transaction. The procedures used in a money laundering process, theoretically, include three all-embracing stages known as placement, layering and integration. (I) Placement: This is the first stage in the money laundering process. It involves the introduction of the proceeds of criminal activity into the main stream financial system. This may involve the opening of bank account with genuine or fictitious names and the subsequent lodgement of funds in the account. This is the most vulnerable stage; (ii) Layering: This process involves the creation of a complex layer of financial transactions with the aim of evading the audit trail. The launderer may as well decide to purchase high valued commodities such as automobiles, jewellery, etc., and exporting to a different jurisdiction. Or better still, it may involve the purchase of shares of companies at the stock market; (iii) Integration: This stage involves the recycling of the laundered wealth to the direct benefit of the Launderer to appear as if it was derived from legitimate activity .It may involve the selling off of some valuable items which were purchased during the layering process. Causes of Money Laundering In a recent study ( cited on Ribeiro, 2002:Galvao, 2000); it is argued that money laundering causes bizarre changes, such as when the demand of money increases it also increases the risk and precariousness of the banking sector and financial systems. In addition, money laundering creates corruption, fraud, bribery, white collar crime and all other financial crimes. It is also worth contemplating whether some of the key drivers of money laundering in developing countries are due to the complexes of western regulations? According to Linell (1999), the western countries such as USA UK, approach the challenge against money laundering from a cost to benefit approach. For example the enforcement officers evaluate the cost of resources and compare it with the value of the crime in order for them to investigate; evidently this is an open door to launders to curse developing countries. Another report by Moore (2004), accuses Britain to be a safe Haven for money laundering. Moores reports fou nd fairly estimate that between  £25bn to  £40bn of dirty money is laundered in the UK each year from all over the world. This opens a question to whether globalization and technology, developed countries and professionals could be the main drivers of money laundering in developing countries (Killick, M. (2004). Globalisation and Technology To understand how increasing technology can have an adverse effect on money laundering, it is worth reflecting why the criminal considered technology as their shelter to hide their proceeds. Drawing attention to the revolutionary impact of technological advancement on organized crime, particularly money laundering as well as the concept of globalization, it is clear for one to argue that the combination of these two has deregulated the simply customs of state control over their own territory or location. There is no doubt even there is a lack of academically evidence to support this, globalization and technology has created more opportunities for criminality than it has for preventing them committing these crimes. for example, Tinker (1980), argues that globalisation has created profit generation organisations, such as the MNCs that work against the moral of local economy, particularly in developing countries. Money Laundering and the Professions in Developing Countries What is the relationship between the professionals such as the Accountants, Auditor and the Lawyers, and money laundering within the developing countries? Can their role be found been in a contradictory to be of capital accumulation ambition. According to Hoogvelt and Tinker, 1978 the money launders and the professional groups are seen as a protection of capitalism for the developed capitalist countries. For this reasons, capitalistic purpose of the Western economic powers, reflected within the formation of the multinational corporations (MNCs) as well as other overseas capitalists which produce offsprings of capitalist relations in developing countries, is arguable be the cause of contradictory placement between the corrupt ruling leaders and those you have influential powers in developing countries and the good governance, accountability and transparency-preaching Western capitalist world ( Bakre, 2005, 2006a). Wade, 1996 suggested that the alleged reason of bringing investments to developing countries is mainly based on the highly praised globalization. On the other hand, one can question whether globalisation benefits these developing countries. Hirst and Thompson, 1996, argue that this capital mobility is not in point of fact turning out a substantial shift of investment and employment from the developed countries to the developing countries. Therefore, the notion that these developed countries and globalisation would be of assistance to boast the economies of these developing countries. This seems to suggest that the MNCs and other foreign capitalists operating in foreign countries may not be relied upon to subordinate their own capitalistic interest to the interest of those countries where they operate, especially developing countries. However, the notion that the developed capitalist economies would help to jump start and boost the economies of developing countries through investments, which would eventually get rid of corruption and poverty, has been the acclaimed cornerstone of globalization ( Groom, 2001). Accountants and Auditors The external auditors, PriceWaterhouse, were in the dual position of acting as private consultants and tax advisors to the BCCI management to further their private interests, while the State was relying upon them to perform public interest functions by acting as an external monitor and independent quasi-regulator (Arnold and Sikka, 2001). For this reason, it can be argued that Britain and other western countries are still providing safe haven for money launderers and those who commit financial crimes (Moore, 2004). Another evidence is found in the document on BBC News website( ),it accuses Londons development to be clearly doing well as a result of its banking secrecy codes, which ignores the publics interest. Another example is the report by the African Business (online), which claim hundreds of billions of rand from white-collar crime have been laundered through South Africas financial system, but no convictions have yet been made (African Business, July 1, 2002). Deloitte Touchà © forensic services manager, Rupert Haw, says the global trend suggests that crime bosses earn their income in developing countries but invest it in more secure and sophisticated financial systems in developed countries (African Business, July 1, 2002) The Duty to Report Unlawful Conducts. It is obvious that for effective enforcements to tackle money laundering and fraud, the state should put in place a clear role of reporting duties for individuals and companies as well as professional boards involved in preventing. According to Masciandaro and Portolano (2003) Barret (1997), money laundering threatens the growth of the economy and the socioeconomic development of a country. Therefore, the development and robust economy can only achieved if both developing countries and developing countries put a balancing effort in combating money laundering, such as good governance and regulations that are not charlatan. From this perspective, the next following paragraphs will provides the evidence, which suggests that the developing countries and its ruling elites, public bodies, professional bodies and individuals as mentioned above are hypocrites in their role to prevent money laundering in developing countries. According to a report Hypocrisy of the developed countries and global bodies: evidences Money laundering is a global problem which significantly affects both developed and developing countries. This essay suggests that the problem should be tackled by both developed and developing countries, rather than shifting the burden on poor developing nations that have no resources to combat this global crime [Ekaette, 2002]. At the same time, readily available evidence indicates that some authorities in African countries steal government funds that are meant to serve the public and wire the money into some implicit accounts in banks in England, Switzerland, France, Germany, the USA, the Cayman Islands and Bahamas and [Agabi, 2002]. As in the case of the former Zaire (Congo) President Mabuto Seseko who was helped by the British government to win the elections in a fraudulent way. Furthermore, during is time in power it is claimed the western opportunely looked the other way and maintained their silence, while he was stealing the state money, laundering funds into overseas bank accounts (mainly Switzerland). With the continued protest from the several developing countries to those countries that function as haven for ransack funds from developing countries to assist in the recovery of the stolen funds in their banks, many of the countries, particularly the former colonial power, Britain, have refused to cooperate. While some others (such as Switzerland) have been promising to cooperate, sometimes these promises end up not being followed by these Countries. Secondly, from a developing countrys point of view, the Western countries uses criticisms of the developing countries as in the case of (Mabuto Seseko) as a means of benefiting from the issue of money laundering, while pretending to be implementing actions of the same anti-money laundering and anti-corruption preaching Western economic powers suggest hypocrisy. For example, while countries such as South Africa and Nigeria, and 28 other developing countries have so far given their support to the United Nations Convention Against Corruption, except France, all the other member countries of the so called Financial Action Task Force, FATF, that have been jointly threatening Africa countries economic sanctions, have not yet endorse the UN Conventions Against Corruption (see This Day, June 9, 2007). Moreover, it was during the 2002 meeting on the Global Organisation of Parliamentary against Corruption (GOPAC) that Australia, Canada and Italy  [1]  made pledges to set in motion machiner y to amend their banking laws to facilitate easy recovery of the developing countries looted funds in the banks in their countries [The Guardian, November 5, 2002]. Strangely enough, while countries such as USA, Britain, France, Germany, and Switzerland which serve as havens for looted funds from African countries expressed serious concern over the growing incidence of corruption especially in developing countries, such pledges were not made by any of these countries. For example in the case of , Raul Salinas de Gotari, brother of the former President of Mexico, Carlos Salinas de Gotari was able to transfer $90 million to $100 million between 1992 and 1994 by using a private banking relationship formed by Citibank New York in 1992 (see US General Accounting Office, 1999). The funds were transferred through Citibank Mexico and Citibank New York to private banking investment accounts in Citibank London and Citibank Switzerland. Yet, Britain and the United States are both powerful and leading member countries of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) that claim to be fighting money laundering globally. Conclusion Nonetheless, it is clear from available evidence shown in this essay that money laundering is one of the major challenges faced by the developing countries and if it is not tackled In time it will became the main destructive force to the economic and social development of this countries as it affect economic growth, reduces productivity in the economys real sector by diverting resources and encouraging crime and corruption, and can distort the economys long-term economic development. This essay highlighted observable facts of Money Laundering and its origins, as well as the patterns and implications it has in the developing countries. it is crucial to make a note of the hypocrites approach the western countries take, however a accurately study is recommended to effectively identify whether this claims exist. The resources against money laundering should be strengthened to ensure that the professional and MNCs wont continue to abuse the financial systems. Final Global responses to the challenges of money laundering should be tighter than at present.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Clozapine and the Treatment of Schizophrenia Essay -- Biological Psych

Clozapine and the Treatment of Schizophrenia Clozapine, marketed by the trade name of "Clozaril," is a member of the dibenzodiazepine class of antipsychotic medication, and is one of many types of neuroleptic drugs. Clozapine is an atypical medication because it differs from the older conventional drugs such as Halodol or Lithium. The difference between atypical and the older drugs is because there less neuroleptic activity as a result of more specific receptors utilized. The atypical drugs work effectively to treat psychotic illnesses and tend to have fewer side effects than their predecessors. Clozapine has been found to be the most effective antipsychotic drug for treatment resistant schizophrenia. Clozapine is used on a limited basis because of the risk of agranullocytosis, where white blood cells are destroyed faster than they are produced, causing the individual to be prone to other illnesses. Two other drugs, either one typical and one atypical, or two atypical medications are used and deemed ineffective before clozapine is used due to the this serious side effect, agranullocytosis. Even thought this risk happens to be small, 1% to 2%, the drug is normally viewed in the psychiatric field as a method of last resort.(Kentridge, 1995) The most common explanation for what occurs in the brain of a schizophrenic is the dopamine hypothesis, where certain areas of the brain have excessive activity at certain dopamine receptors.(Kalat, 2004) This theory will be a reoccurring theme when explaining how clozapine interacts with the body. There are also explanations dealing with clozapine's interaction with the serotonin 5HT2 receptors and the glutamate receptors. ... ...hin a week levels will increase with treatment of colazopine.(Naheed & Green, 2000) Andreasen, N.C. (1994). Schizophrenia: From Mind to Molecule. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press. Kalat, J. (2004). Biological Psychology. 8Th edition, Chapter 15.3. Kentridge, B. (1995). S2 Psychopathology Lecture 3: Schizophrenia. Retrieved March 4, 2005. From Http://www.dur.ac.uk/robert.kentridge/ppath3.html Mann, R. (1996). The Role of Dopamine Receptors in Schizophrenia. Retrieved March 3, 2005, From Stanford University, Chemistry department web site, http://www.chem.csustan.edu/chem44x0/SJBR/Mann.htm Naheed, M., & Green, B. (2000). Focus on Clozapine. Retrieved February 7, 2005. From http://www.priory.com/focus14.htm Waddinton, J.L., & Buckley, P.F. (1996). The neurodevelopmental Basis of Schizophrenia. Austin, TX: Landes Co. Clozapine and the Treatment of Schizophrenia Essay -- Biological Psych Clozapine and the Treatment of Schizophrenia Clozapine, marketed by the trade name of "Clozaril," is a member of the dibenzodiazepine class of antipsychotic medication, and is one of many types of neuroleptic drugs. Clozapine is an atypical medication because it differs from the older conventional drugs such as Halodol or Lithium. The difference between atypical and the older drugs is because there less neuroleptic activity as a result of more specific receptors utilized. The atypical drugs work effectively to treat psychotic illnesses and tend to have fewer side effects than their predecessors. Clozapine has been found to be the most effective antipsychotic drug for treatment resistant schizophrenia. Clozapine is used on a limited basis because of the risk of agranullocytosis, where white blood cells are destroyed faster than they are produced, causing the individual to be prone to other illnesses. Two other drugs, either one typical and one atypical, or two atypical medications are used and deemed ineffective before clozapine is used due to the this serious side effect, agranullocytosis. Even thought this risk happens to be small, 1% to 2%, the drug is normally viewed in the psychiatric field as a method of last resort.(Kentridge, 1995) The most common explanation for what occurs in the brain of a schizophrenic is the dopamine hypothesis, where certain areas of the brain have excessive activity at certain dopamine receptors.(Kalat, 2004) This theory will be a reoccurring theme when explaining how clozapine interacts with the body. There are also explanations dealing with clozapine's interaction with the serotonin 5HT2 receptors and the glutamate receptors. ... ...hin a week levels will increase with treatment of colazopine.(Naheed & Green, 2000) Andreasen, N.C. (1994). Schizophrenia: From Mind to Molecule. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press. Kalat, J. (2004). Biological Psychology. 8Th edition, Chapter 15.3. Kentridge, B. (1995). S2 Psychopathology Lecture 3: Schizophrenia. Retrieved March 4, 2005. From Http://www.dur.ac.uk/robert.kentridge/ppath3.html Mann, R. (1996). The Role of Dopamine Receptors in Schizophrenia. Retrieved March 3, 2005, From Stanford University, Chemistry department web site, http://www.chem.csustan.edu/chem44x0/SJBR/Mann.htm Naheed, M., & Green, B. (2000). Focus on Clozapine. Retrieved February 7, 2005. From http://www.priory.com/focus14.htm Waddinton, J.L., & Buckley, P.F. (1996). The neurodevelopmental Basis of Schizophrenia. Austin, TX: Landes Co.

Monday, November 11, 2019


Before I continue I would like to reassert that this house believes that a two-party system is preferable to a multi party system. Partisanship is a problem that has plagued America for centuries. In recent decades the issue has become even more severe with the American people witnessing the first government shutdown in the nation's history in 1981. A government shutdown is the result of the failure of congress to pass a budget for the new fiscal year and results in the halt of most federal services. The shutdown in 1981 occurred because the president of the time Ronald Reagan vetoed a budget that had been passed by the Democratic majority in congress. In 2013 the government fully shut down for over two weeks; the result of the partisan debate over Obama care. In recent years the problem of a government shutdown has become increasingly prevalent as the sectarianism within the essential political institutions such as the United States congress become even more extreme. This year the government has already shut down twice. A clear sign of the danger that the irrational level of partisanship within the United States' government poses to its citizens. Beyond government shutdowns partisanship drastically affects many other aspects of government. Recently the confirmation hearing for Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh has showcased the intensity of the sectarianism in the United States today. The hearing, which should have served to validate or invalidate the claims made against Kavanaugh, was instead used by members of both the Democratic and Republican Parties to point fingers at one another in mock outrage. This is only one example of how sectarianism has frequently prevented the United States' lawmakers from properly doing their job, causing laws that benefit many Americans to fail. Laws such as the DISCLOSE Act, which would have forced companies to disclose their political spending, would have helped to ensure transparency in government-private business relations, is only example of a law that was killed by sectarianism. There are countless other examples of laws stopped by nothing but partisan hatred such as the Paycheck Fairness Act, which would have ensured equal pay for men and women doing the same jobs. In other words, for no reason then hatred of the basic ideology of another party dozens of men and women in the United States congress have chosen to vote against bills that would serve to make America an even greater country. All that has been accomplished in this country's recent years: rapid economic recovery and growth from the 2008 crash, government subsidized health insurance, and the legalization of gay marriage, has happened despite, not because of the partisanship within our government. Furthermore the sectarianism outside of the United State's government negatively impacts the people of the United States. Far too often people are unable to agree with or even recognize perfectly reasonable claims or ideas simply because they are presented by a person who does not share the same political affiliation as them. This leads to discordance and dissatisfaction among the American public, as well as most populations around the world, as people who do not share opinions constantly fight and bicker failing to see things that are legitimately important. Additionally partisanship leads to extremism such as that propagated by groups such as ISIS or the KKK, due to people forcing the opinions of their party on those who do not share those opinions or violently attacking those who refuse to change their minds. It is clear that with only two parties in America the sectarianism in the country is already stretching the country to the breaking point. With only two parties America's governmental institutions struggle to pass the bare minimum of laws to keep the government running. Ultimately, the addition of new parties to a two party would only add to the strain felt be the American government and others like. More parties would mean more sides, each with their own separate agenda, attempting to force laws through a legislative branch filled with people that oppose them. As no one party would have the majority in a true multi-party system it would be next to impossible for any law to gather enough support to pass through congress let alone the desk of a president who, in all likelihood would be of a different party affiliation than the people trying to pass the laws. The sectarianism seen among the public of America and other countries today would increase as well, the result of even more separate political affiliations, causing further social unrest. The famous saying, â€Å"united we stand divided we fall,† is true. A multi-party system will divide a country's citizens, causing discordance and the eventual failure of its government, while two or fewer parties will unite the country, allowing it to continue unimpeded and grow stronger. From the arguments that the members of my team and I have made, it is clear that a two party system is far preferable to a multi-party system. We affirm the resolution and strongly encourage an affirmative ballot.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Gender Discrimination in the Workplace

Discrimination Against Women in the Workplace Unfair treatment of women has been prevalent throughout time. Although there have been many movements to attempt to terminate this tendency, it is still ubiquitous in today’s society. Sex discrimination in the workplace occurs when women are treated differently because of their gender. Many factors influence employers and coworkers to display prejudice against women. Gender bias in the workplace is an unfair practice that results in lower payment, disrespect, and an overall bad occupation experience for victims.Gender discrimination is not necessarily a new issue, but it remains to be a major struggle despite the attempts that have been made to stop it through legal manners. In a report by The Institute for Women’s Policy Research’s Ariane Hegewisch, Cynthia Deitch, and Evelyn Murphy, the results of these attempts are summarized on both simple and complex levels. â€Å"The 1964 Civil Rights Act prohibits employers fr om discriminating in their employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.Although Title VII banned employment discrimination, it did not require specific actions to achieve this objective. † Because the Act lacks such a critical detail, employers are able to avoid obeying it very easily. Laws besides the Civil Rights Act have been put into place in order to reduce unjust treatment in the workplace. For example, in 1963 the Equal Pay Act was passed. This act was supposed to end â€Å"the practice of paying men more than women when performing the same jobs and duties. Despite these protections, many women still feel gender biased discrimination is a problem† (Gluck).The effects of both the Equal Pay Act and the Civil Rights Act have obviously been minimal, seeing as women are still very much looked down upon in the workplace. One of the most direct effects of sex discrimination in the workplace is the stereotyping that occurs. The mas s overrepresentation of men in â€Å"senior management positions† is a sub-result of discrimination (â€Å"Sex Discrimination and Sexual Harassment†). The favoring of the selection of men over women for promotions has had a dramatic effect in the workplace over time. â€Å"Stereotypical views regarding gender can cause supervisors to engage in the llegal practice of passing a person over for promotion due to gender. Supervisors most often pass over women due to preconceived notions about their roles and abilities† (Gluck). Stereotypes about women come not only from their under representation in the workplace, but from preconceived notions about their family roles. Even If a woman is hired without being asked about her family responsibilities, once she takes the position, her boss can â€Å"view her employee file to see that she has young children† and then will be able to â€Å"give her less responsibility or assign menial tasks to her that do not fit he r job description.Although illegal, this practice still exists in offices today† (Gluck). Once again, employers ignore the laws put in place to stop discrimination because of stereotyping. The only way gender bias will disappear is if stereotypes disappear as well. One of the reasons sexual discrimination is so prevalent today is that sexual harassment has become so accepted in society and in places of employment. â€Å"Women have long been exposed to workplace harassment which involves conduct of a sexual nature or is premised on the sex of the victim† (McCann).Because of the wide range of behaviors that are considered sexual harassment, it is difficult to identify some action as harassment, which means rules against it are easy to ignore. Sexual harassment has terrible effects on the morale of victims. A loss of motivation â€Å"necessary to perform their jobs effectively† is one of the most notable results of bias (Gluck). â€Å"Offensive jokes of a suggestiv e or sexual nature and jokes implying that an employee’s work is sub-par due to her gender† are one of the major causes for the loss of motivation that victims experience.Sexual discrimination is obviously an extremely negative practice, but one of the most devastating effects of the prejudice is the payment gap between men and women. According to the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR), â€Å"in 2011, female full-time workers made only 77 cents for every dollar earned by men, a gender wage gap of 23 percent† (â€Å"Pay Equity & Discrimination†). IWPR predicts that â€Å"if change continues at the same slow pace as it has done for the past fifty years, it will take almost another fifty–or until 2056–for women to finally reach pay parity. Such inequality in payment is absurd, especially since â€Å"women compromise 47% of the total U. S. labor force† (â€Å"Women’s Bureau†). Throughout history, women have battled gender discrimination inside and outside of the office. The difference in payment of men and women is a significant problem that needs to be paid more attention to. Once stereotypes are dissolved, problems with gender bias will dissolve as well and the payment gap will become easier to close. Until then, the laws that have been imposed need to become enforced more strictly and individuals need to pay more attention to sexual harassment norms.Women deserve every right that men have and vice versa. Sexual discrimination affects all of society in some way or another, so it is important that society’s members work towards ending it. Works Cited Gluck, Samantha. â€Å"The Effects of Gender Discrimination in the Workplace. † Small Business. N. p. , n. d. Web. 11 Mar. 2013. Hegewisch, Ariane, Cynthia Deitch, and Evelyn Murphy. Ending Sex and Race Discrimination in the Workplace: Legal Interventions That Push the Envelope — IWPR. Rep. N. p. , 2008. Web. 24 Mar. 2013. McCann, Deirdre. Sexual Harassment at Work: National and International Responses, Conditions of Work and Employment Series No. 2. † Sexual Harassment at Work. N. p. , n. d. Web. 03 Mar. 2013. â€Å"Pay Equity & Discrimination. † — IWPR. N. p. , n. d. Web. 24 Mar. 2013. â€Å"Sex Discrimination and Sexual Harassment. † Knowledge Center | Catalyst. N. p. , 1 July 2012. Web. 11 Mar. 2013. â€Å"Women's Bureau (WB) – Quick Facts on Women in the Labor Force in 2010. † Women's Bureau (WB) – Quick Facts on Women in the Labor Force in 2010. N. p. , n. d. Web. 24 Mar. 2013.

Thursday, November 7, 2019


CHEROKEE INDIAN TRIBE essays The Cherokee Indians first lived in Tennessee. The name Indian first came from Christopher Columbus, who thought that America was part of the Indies, Asia. The first person to come across Indians was Hernando de Soto, in 1540. In wintertime the Indian men wore long sleeved shirts, loose fitting leggings, and moosehide moccasins. Women wore skin dresses tied at the waist and long, fitted leggings. Indians would hunt deer, elk, moose and buffalo. They would also eat rabbits, raccoons and birds. The women would sometimes make a stew with the meat. They also ate berries, nuts, fruit and beans and corn. Indian houses were made of stone, wood, skins, twigs and mud. There were wigwams; tipis, earth and grass covered houses. The tipis were made of buffalo skins. The tipi would protect the Indians from the cold winters. They always faced the tipi towards the east because the winds came from the west. The Indian children liked to have toys, their fathers and grandfathers would make small bows and arrows, sling shots and bean shooters. The girls liked to string berries to make a necklace; they made dolls out of grass, pine needles and bark. The boys would practice target shooting when they were old enough to prepare for when they would hunt. The Indians worshipped the sun, the wind and the rain. They celebrated places on earth that were important to the Indian people, such as a mountain, a lake or a valley. The Indians believed animals including birds were also people, just like the tribes. Indians knew a great deal about nature, they believed that a job was well done only when the spirits had been thanked. They had dances and festivals to help make their crops grow. Sequoyah was a great Cherokee Indian. Sequoyah was born in 1776 at a village called Tuskeegee. He was the first man to create a writing system for the Cherokees. Sequoyah never learned the English alphabet so he began to make up symbols th...

Monday, November 4, 2019

MHE512 Disaster Relief Module 2 SLP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

MHE512 Disaster Relief Module 2 SLP - Essay Example This state of affairs culminated in the impeachment and subsequent resignation of President Joseph Estrada in 2002, a popular figure for the masses. Succeeding him was then Vice President Gloria Arroyo who was subjected to questions of legitimacy and yearly impeachment complaints until she was officially elected in the 2004 national presidential race. The impeachment did not stop and became an annual affair with complainants rushing to be the first to file. Military and police authorities are also embroiled in the political struggle and many of them have attempted to overthrow the civilian government. (Balisacan, 2004) Corruption is also rampant in the poverty-stricken rural regions as political leaders swindle local public treasury coffers. Many projects are padded and made to appear very expensive when there was minimal expense or no projects at all implemented. Transparency International, an agency devoted to rooting out corruption, conducted a Corruption Perceptions Index for 99 countries and found that in a scale of 1 (high perception of corruption) to 10 (low corruption perception), the Philippine respondents ranked 3.6 in the index. 72% of the sampled population also believes that public officials are inherently corrupt. Philippines ranked as the 55th least corrupt out of the 99 countries surveyed. Nepotism is also very rampant and many positions in the government are filled with relatives and political allies. Patronage politics is extremely prevalent as patrons are important support systems during elections. Thus, one can find many positions in the government occupied by sons, campaign managers and other supporters. President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo is even guilty when he appointed his son, a Congressman, in charge of the National Disaster Council. (Benson, 2005) Economic Philippine economy is an example of a mixed economy as the formerly agrarian country is now experiencing milestones in industrialization. The Republic of the Philippines is now a major exporter of garments, semi-conductors, pharmaceutical products and electronic devices and equipment. Mining is also a big industry as the country is endowed with rich minerals and other natural resources. Many Filipinos are now working abroad as nurses, engineers and household assistants. Their remittances are now the single largest contributor in the economy spurring growth and investment. (Benson, 2005) There is an imbalance of imports and exports with the former outweighing the other. Heavy reliance on imports is also increasing the exposure of the economy to international downturns. With the global recession, the Philippine peso devaluated leading to a multiple-fold increase in international currency debts and shrinking of capital value. Heavy reliance in remittances has proven to be catastrophic as the global recession forced many countries to stop construction developments and send home its international workforce, majority of which are Filipinos. Many expatriates now in the Philippines find themselves with no income opportunities and a depleted savings account. (UNICEF, 2005) Health Since 23% of the population is below the poverty line, many areas in the Philippines

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Physical Education in Primary Schools Dissertation

Physical Education in Primary Schools - Dissertation Example   Thus it is a key course and primary schools ought to have a coach of the physical education program. Even though the physical education teachers are educated in various public and private physical education institutions, the key points of the curriculums are the same (Thompson, 1996).   Appreciate the fact that all of the Physical Education programs for the eight-year mandatory primary schools are monitored and constituted through the ministry of education. on the other hand, the P.E. curriculums for education coaches are administrated centrally and monitored by the ministry of education. A few special programs for training and preparing quality physical education and sports coaches to train high-level physical education and sports subjects at 8-year compulsory primary education schools are needed.   The effectiveness of the current programs that applied at majority primary schools is an important concern of this study. One of the main the purposes of this research is to find out to what extent the physical education coaching programs that are presently used by those higher institutions are effectively and successfully training preparing physical education coaches to train sports at primary schools (Armour & Yelling, 2004).   Educations can be said to be a planned and programmed process which is applied in order to achieve the desired changes in the behavior of a pupil. The main basic and elements of education are the student and the teacher. In addition to lecturing the role of a teacher should be directed mostly towards guiding and advising the pupil. The same applies when it comes to coaching physical education and sports.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Number 1A,1948 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Number 1A,1948 - Assignment Example This paper addresses art in the context of what the audience sees in art, the functions of art, and the broader meaning of art. An analysis of the painting named Number 1A, 1948 by Jackson Pollock will be very fundamental. In understanding the functions of art, we ought to analyze the thinking and intentions of the artists at the time of creating the art. We also need to consider the timing and the meaning that the audience derives from the piece of art. Otherwise, the society misunderstands art by taking art out of context. The institutional art concept asserts that an artist has the freedom to make art what they decide it to become since art relates to everything within an artistic context. Arguably, this assertion leads to complexities and uncertainties in defining the meaning and functions of art within the industry and outside the artistic context. For example, artists could not agree on whether the â€Å"drip† paintings by Jackson Pollock (American, 1912-1956) depict real art. Considering that, art has many benefits it worth seeking an understanding on the relationship between art, audience, artists, and they type of art. The meaning of art has evolved with time from the classical meaning, renaissance meaning, post-renaissance meaning, the early 20th century meaning, and postmodernism and the meaning of art. Indeed, the classical definition of art emanated from a Latin word that meant skill or craft, which defined the original meaning of artwork. However, the meaning of art evolved during the renaissance to the post-renaissance period that depicted a separation between fine art and other arts by the end of the 19th century.1 The new meaning of art manifested the moral standards in Europe at the time. The meaning of art during the early 20th century entailed the effects of Cubism that influenced the development of fine art. During this period, Picasso

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Mass Media and Its Influence in Shaping Ideas Essay Example for Free

Mass Media and Its Influence in Shaping Ideas Essay Dramatic advances in mass communication and transportation during the past 50 years have truly created a global village; a mass society. Things occurring anywhere are now quickly known everywhere. Mass media both overwhelm us with information and help us to sort it out. The development of mass media has had a great influence on our lives. We have come to depend on it for information and so forth. In doing so, we allowed it to affect important aspects of our lives. Media, why is it has been a hot topic of discussion in our nowadays society? We find that in our country, Malaysia, the mass media plays a very crucial role in influencing and changing the thinking of our current society. Taking this one issue as an example; the issue that has been a viral recently, which is Public Resurrection Rally or also known as Himpunan Kebangkitan Rakyat. Apart of being famously spread through media in internet such as online news and videos, surely the main mass media including television, radio and newspaper also made a wide coverage on this issue no matter they are supporting it or not. However, for sure when they differ in their goals and interests, hence the way they report about the issues also differ. This different ways of reporting thus causes varying acceptance in society. Quoting one finding by Shanto Iyengar in his book entitle ‘Is Anyone Responsible? ’ while he was doing an evaluation on the effects brought by news on television concerning political issues, he found that the carriage of the issue through the news on the TV has developed an understanding of the general public towards the political problems occurred. Meaning to say here, it could be the media who the one creating the issue permitted, or it could be media too who provides the solution for it. We cannot deny the enormity of the power and influence of the media in shaping the flow of thinking of our society. When there is only one issue raised by the media, then the issue will also be followed by the society either through their leisure or through serious discussion, through their words, as well as through their status shared on Facebook or Twitter. And that’s why, Iyenger again mentioned together with his friend; Donald Kinder in News That Matters, â€Å"when television news focuses on a problem, the publics priorities are altered, and altered again as television news moves on to something new. Sometimes, the issue raised is only one. However, different ways of putting up the stories may cause different way of viewpoint. It may be that with dealing on an issue will make people have a good look toward one party or side. Meanwhile, it can also be that with another way of handling an issue may causes people to have bad sentiment at one side. Mass media, if they are honest, thus the true way of thinking can be mould among the society. Conversely, if they deviate and go off from the principle they should be, then so goes the pattern of thinking that will exist in the community. Thinking of how great is the influence of media in determining the current mindset of society; media thus should be honest and trustworthy in carrying any issue or theme into the community. Seeing the reality of nowadays media, it is not easy for them to stand as a natural institution or unequivocal to any party. When the media were in favour of any party, then the way they play with an issue or problem will always favour to the side they support. Sometimes, mistakes and glares made by the side supported no matter how big would it be are usually hidden or removed by creating offense related to the other side which have different ideology or schools of thought. Any media if it is used for the benefit of one party, surely it will be a mouthpiece of the party. Hence, all reports, news, issues taken will surely favour them. Media should act as a tool to educate the community. Media plays an important role in developing the mindset of society, whether to form a good and clean mindset or the other way around. Media should not be exploited to manipulate people to have the wrong way of thinking. The effect will lead to duping of the society itself.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Hobbes State of Nature

Hobbes State of Nature Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) who is considered by some to be the greatest English political philosopher defended the need for an absolute sovereign, a ruler who would have unlimited powers of rule and punishment, he based his belief by imagining what life in the state of nature would be like and he supposed that life in this state would be solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short .Hobbes based this idea on his theory of human nature, he believed that all human beings seek to satisfy their desires moreover since there is no sum mum bonum or highest good for men but rather a constant succession of appetites, what each human being most wants is not any particular thing but the generalized capacity to satisfy new desires as they emerge: to assure forever, the way of his future desire (Leviathan:47). Conflict can arise from any attempt by humans to satisfy their desires for they may go to any lengths to do so and in the state of nature there are no moral limits to mens action: The notions of Right and Wrong, Justice and Injustice have there no place and they may kill another for anything they deem necessary to their life. Dawkins (1989) tends to agree with Hobbes, he also sees human nature as selfish, and he claims that selfishness is contained in every gene even though everyone has distinctive genes. Dawkins goes on to say that competitive behavior is programmed biologically. Nevertheless Dawkins differs from Hobbes because he stresses that it makes more sense if people join forces for mutual benefit. However just because a gene contains a selfishness streak does not mean that the individual will be selfish. Hobbes (Cited in Hampsher-Monk (1992) claims that the only naturally occurring authority that exists is that of a mother over her child and this link only prospers because the child is much weaker than the mother and its survival depends on the mother. This type of connection does not exist between adult human beings, although Hobbes does accept that some human beings possess more strength than others, although every human being has the ablity to kill another. Even the strongest must sleep ; even the weakest might persuade others to help him to kill another (Leviathan, xiii.1-2) furthermore because adults are equal in this capacity to threaten each others lives, Hobbes claims that there is no natural source of authority to order their lives together. Hobbes main argument for an absolute sovereign was that any type of government is better than the State of Nature, a condition where people are forced into contact with each other in the absence of a superior authority. A condition of war of every man against every man (Leviathan, ch. 13). Hobbes gave three explanations why life in a state of nature would mean a state of war, where people would always be in a continual readiness to fight. Firstly there would be no production and this in turn would mean there would be limited resources; people would have to take by force the possessions they require from others. Secondly people would attack first as a way of defending themselves. Lastly people would just attack others just to gain a reputation for being strong so as to put off others. The result of all this would be hostility between people and there would be no trust. Underlying the state of nature is the struggle for survival and fear of death and to counter these conditions people must use the dictates of reason and voluntarily join together forming a collective union supported by a social contract. Hobbes places great weight on contracts and he often speaks of covenants, by which he means a contract where one person performs his part of the agreement later than the other. In a state of nature such arrangements would not work because only the weakest will have good reason to fulfill the second part of a covenant and then only if the stronger person is watching over them. One opposition to this is that are people not able to behave in a fair and honest way? Even where there is no government giving laws. This objection assumes that people possess a basic sense of morality and believes that all this would overcome the greed, attacks and defensive fighting that Hobbes talks about. Hobbes makes two declarations the first is to do with our duties in the state of nature that is the right of nature, the second involves the risks posed by peoples differing beliefs of what is right and wrong. Hobbes definition of the right of nature is the entitlement to save our own lives by any means possible, he goes on to say that the most terrible thing that can befall us is a brutal death caused by others. Hobbes continues by saying that we have a right to decide what will save our lives. He goes further by saying that in a state of nature we have a right to everything even to one anothers body (Leviathan, xiv.4). His argument seems to be a bit extreme at this point, but if a person decides that they require something for example the death of another person or their labor to make sure that they can survive, in a state of nature there exists no influence to judge these actions as right or wrong. However Hobbes believes that human beings are able to adhere to some principles whi ch are not found in religion but can in some ways be paired with religion. In (Leviathan,xiv.4) the first law commands that every man ought to endeavour peace, as far as he has hope of obtaining it and when he cannot obtain it he may seek and use all helps and advantages of war. The second law says that a man be willing, when others are so too as far-forth as for peace and defense of him he shall think it necessary to lay down this right to all things and be contented with so much liberty against other men, as he would allow other men against himself. (Leviathan, xiv.5) Hobbes thinks that people should act as if they have made a contract with others in a society, however this does not include the sovereign authority. With Hobbes social contract all people give up their right to all things (Leviathan, xiv.5) although the sovereign does not give up this right. In this agreement, people agree to only retain the right to protect their lives in cases of direct peril, but the decision of what poses an immediate threat depends on judgment, nevertheless it does allow us to retaliate if the sovereign attempts to take our lives. There are practical reasons for the sovereign not participating in contracts with their subjects, firstly it is not practical for the sovereign to make a covenant with everyone individually and it is not possible to make a covenant with the population as a whole because while the sovereign is being created, people are still in a state of nature and do not trust each other. One of the roles of the sovereign is to punish those who have acted unjustly but it is also the sovereigns right because people have forfeited their rights to the sovereign who is not held responsible for the possible injury or death of subjects. The most important role of the sovereign according to Hobbes is to prescribe the rules, whereby every man may know what goods he may enjoy, and what actions he may do, without being molested by any of his fellow-subjects. This role protects against the inevitable competition that will arise between people over scarce resources. However Hobbes theory gives way for criticism if the sovereign is unjust, but Hobbes counters this by stating that the sovereign cannot be unjust and ultimately Hobbes believed that government was more preferable than social chaos, especially under an absolute sovereign. Another key aspect of sovereignty is the right of making war and peace with other nations and commonwealths which reflects the obligation of the sovereign to protect their subjects. The sovereign however retain s their right of nature although Hobbes does concede that there are moral limits on what sovereigns should do. Hobbes arguments have been contested by many among which is John Locke ([1690] 1965) who was concerned that an absolute sovereign with absolute power would be even more of a hazard to us than life in a state of nature. After all, how could we have faith in the sovereign to act in the citizens interests rather than his or her own? So Locke argued that even though we could do with a sovereign to straighten out disputes and dispense justice, we must also lay down constitutional limits to the sovereigns rule and in addition we also have a right to fight back if the sovereign abuses our faith. Hobbes argument has weakness in that it has the tendency of legitimate monarchs to quietly slide over into being despots; (Fukuyama,1989:157-158) with no institutional devices like elections for finding out popular consent, it would be difficult to know whether a particular monarch had the kind of sanction Hobbes himself had in mind(Fukuyama, 1989:157-158). Fukuyama then makes it clear that it was relatively easy for John Locke to change Hobbes principal of monarchical sovereignty into one of parliamentary or legislative sovereignty based on majority rule. Lockes alternate to the Hobessian dilemma is not absolute monarchy but restricted government which consists of a constitutional government providing protection for the citizens basic rights and whose authority is resulted from the consent of the people(Fukuyama, 1989). It is clear that Locke views Hobbes right to preservation of ones life as meaning a right to revolution against a tyrant who used his power unjustly against the inte rests of the people (Fukuyama, 1989:158). Lockes offers a perfect solution to the classic question: Who would guard the guardians? Hobbes deduces that an absolute sovereign is a highest power, an earthly God, who has been called upon to protect people from each other. The absolute sovereign is given various powers through which they can institute and keep peace to prevent reverting back into the state of nature. Hobbes main argument for the need for an absolute sovereign is that a state of war would be horrific for everyone but that very same reason will mean that we carry on living in such a state. The only probable way to escape a state of war is through the formation of an influence that can intimidate the people and force them to live in peace with each other. On the other hand, Hobbes fails to prove that we have an almost unlimited obligation to do what the sovereign tells us to do, furthermore his arguments that sovereignty which includes the power to moderate moral and political matter and put in force those judgments cannot be separated, are not only weak but they are clearly opposed by the somewhat succ essful division of powers in modern liberal societies. The shocking crimes of twentieth century perpetrated by dictatorships make obvious to us beyond doubt that verdicts about what is right or wrong cannot be a problem only for our political leaders, it also has to be a question for us as individuals. So although Hobbes does justify the need for an absolute sovereign with his arguments, they have been refuted by some thinkers like Locke ([1690] 1965) and Rousseau ([1762] 1913) who have proposed having a sovereign whose power is limited so as to prevent tyranny.