Thursday, October 31, 2019

Number 1A,1948 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Number 1A,1948 - Assignment Example This paper addresses art in the context of what the audience sees in art, the functions of art, and the broader meaning of art. An analysis of the painting named Number 1A, 1948 by Jackson Pollock will be very fundamental. In understanding the functions of art, we ought to analyze the thinking and intentions of the artists at the time of creating the art. We also need to consider the timing and the meaning that the audience derives from the piece of art. Otherwise, the society misunderstands art by taking art out of context. The institutional art concept asserts that an artist has the freedom to make art what they decide it to become since art relates to everything within an artistic context. Arguably, this assertion leads to complexities and uncertainties in defining the meaning and functions of art within the industry and outside the artistic context. For example, artists could not agree on whether the â€Å"drip† paintings by Jackson Pollock (American, 1912-1956) depict real art. Considering that, art has many benefits it worth seeking an understanding on the relationship between art, audience, artists, and they type of art. The meaning of art has evolved with time from the classical meaning, renaissance meaning, post-renaissance meaning, the early 20th century meaning, and postmodernism and the meaning of art. Indeed, the classical definition of art emanated from a Latin word that meant skill or craft, which defined the original meaning of artwork. However, the meaning of art evolved during the renaissance to the post-renaissance period that depicted a separation between fine art and other arts by the end of the 19th century.1 The new meaning of art manifested the moral standards in Europe at the time. The meaning of art during the early 20th century entailed the effects of Cubism that influenced the development of fine art. During this period, Picasso

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Mass Media and Its Influence in Shaping Ideas Essay Example for Free

Mass Media and Its Influence in Shaping Ideas Essay Dramatic advances in mass communication and transportation during the past 50 years have truly created a global village; a mass society. Things occurring anywhere are now quickly known everywhere. Mass media both overwhelm us with information and help us to sort it out. The development of mass media has had a great influence on our lives. We have come to depend on it for information and so forth. In doing so, we allowed it to affect important aspects of our lives. Media, why is it has been a hot topic of discussion in our nowadays society? We find that in our country, Malaysia, the mass media plays a very crucial role in influencing and changing the thinking of our current society. Taking this one issue as an example; the issue that has been a viral recently, which is Public Resurrection Rally or also known as Himpunan Kebangkitan Rakyat. Apart of being famously spread through media in internet such as online news and videos, surely the main mass media including television, radio and newspaper also made a wide coverage on this issue no matter they are supporting it or not. However, for sure when they differ in their goals and interests, hence the way they report about the issues also differ. This different ways of reporting thus causes varying acceptance in society. Quoting one finding by Shanto Iyengar in his book entitle ‘Is Anyone Responsible? ’ while he was doing an evaluation on the effects brought by news on television concerning political issues, he found that the carriage of the issue through the news on the TV has developed an understanding of the general public towards the political problems occurred. Meaning to say here, it could be the media who the one creating the issue permitted, or it could be media too who provides the solution for it. We cannot deny the enormity of the power and influence of the media in shaping the flow of thinking of our society. When there is only one issue raised by the media, then the issue will also be followed by the society either through their leisure or through serious discussion, through their words, as well as through their status shared on Facebook or Twitter. And that’s why, Iyenger again mentioned together with his friend; Donald Kinder in News That Matters, â€Å"when television news focuses on a problem, the publics priorities are altered, and altered again as television news moves on to something new. Sometimes, the issue raised is only one. However, different ways of putting up the stories may cause different way of viewpoint. It may be that with dealing on an issue will make people have a good look toward one party or side. Meanwhile, it can also be that with another way of handling an issue may causes people to have bad sentiment at one side. Mass media, if they are honest, thus the true way of thinking can be mould among the society. Conversely, if they deviate and go off from the principle they should be, then so goes the pattern of thinking that will exist in the community. Thinking of how great is the influence of media in determining the current mindset of society; media thus should be honest and trustworthy in carrying any issue or theme into the community. Seeing the reality of nowadays media, it is not easy for them to stand as a natural institution or unequivocal to any party. When the media were in favour of any party, then the way they play with an issue or problem will always favour to the side they support. Sometimes, mistakes and glares made by the side supported no matter how big would it be are usually hidden or removed by creating offense related to the other side which have different ideology or schools of thought. Any media if it is used for the benefit of one party, surely it will be a mouthpiece of the party. Hence, all reports, news, issues taken will surely favour them. Media should act as a tool to educate the community. Media plays an important role in developing the mindset of society, whether to form a good and clean mindset or the other way around. Media should not be exploited to manipulate people to have the wrong way of thinking. The effect will lead to duping of the society itself.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Hobbes State of Nature

Hobbes State of Nature Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) who is considered by some to be the greatest English political philosopher defended the need for an absolute sovereign, a ruler who would have unlimited powers of rule and punishment, he based his belief by imagining what life in the state of nature would be like and he supposed that life in this state would be solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short .Hobbes based this idea on his theory of human nature, he believed that all human beings seek to satisfy their desires moreover since there is no sum mum bonum or highest good for men but rather a constant succession of appetites, what each human being most wants is not any particular thing but the generalized capacity to satisfy new desires as they emerge: to assure forever, the way of his future desire (Leviathan:47). Conflict can arise from any attempt by humans to satisfy their desires for they may go to any lengths to do so and in the state of nature there are no moral limits to mens action: The notions of Right and Wrong, Justice and Injustice have there no place and they may kill another for anything they deem necessary to their life. Dawkins (1989) tends to agree with Hobbes, he also sees human nature as selfish, and he claims that selfishness is contained in every gene even though everyone has distinctive genes. Dawkins goes on to say that competitive behavior is programmed biologically. Nevertheless Dawkins differs from Hobbes because he stresses that it makes more sense if people join forces for mutual benefit. However just because a gene contains a selfishness streak does not mean that the individual will be selfish. Hobbes (Cited in Hampsher-Monk (1992) claims that the only naturally occurring authority that exists is that of a mother over her child and this link only prospers because the child is much weaker than the mother and its survival depends on the mother. This type of connection does not exist between adult human beings, although Hobbes does accept that some human beings possess more strength than others, although every human being has the ablity to kill another. Even the strongest must sleep ; even the weakest might persuade others to help him to kill another (Leviathan, xiii.1-2) furthermore because adults are equal in this capacity to threaten each others lives, Hobbes claims that there is no natural source of authority to order their lives together. Hobbes main argument for an absolute sovereign was that any type of government is better than the State of Nature, a condition where people are forced into contact with each other in the absence of a superior authority. A condition of war of every man against every man (Leviathan, ch. 13). Hobbes gave three explanations why life in a state of nature would mean a state of war, where people would always be in a continual readiness to fight. Firstly there would be no production and this in turn would mean there would be limited resources; people would have to take by force the possessions they require from others. Secondly people would attack first as a way of defending themselves. Lastly people would just attack others just to gain a reputation for being strong so as to put off others. The result of all this would be hostility between people and there would be no trust. Underlying the state of nature is the struggle for survival and fear of death and to counter these conditions people must use the dictates of reason and voluntarily join together forming a collective union supported by a social contract. Hobbes places great weight on contracts and he often speaks of covenants, by which he means a contract where one person performs his part of the agreement later than the other. In a state of nature such arrangements would not work because only the weakest will have good reason to fulfill the second part of a covenant and then only if the stronger person is watching over them. One opposition to this is that are people not able to behave in a fair and honest way? Even where there is no government giving laws. This objection assumes that people possess a basic sense of morality and believes that all this would overcome the greed, attacks and defensive fighting that Hobbes talks about. Hobbes makes two declarations the first is to do with our duties in the state of nature that is the right of nature, the second involves the risks posed by peoples differing beliefs of what is right and wrong. Hobbes definition of the right of nature is the entitlement to save our own lives by any means possible, he goes on to say that the most terrible thing that can befall us is a brutal death caused by others. Hobbes continues by saying that we have a right to decide what will save our lives. He goes further by saying that in a state of nature we have a right to everything even to one anothers body (Leviathan, xiv.4). His argument seems to be a bit extreme at this point, but if a person decides that they require something for example the death of another person or their labor to make sure that they can survive, in a state of nature there exists no influence to judge these actions as right or wrong. However Hobbes believes that human beings are able to adhere to some principles whi ch are not found in religion but can in some ways be paired with religion. In (Leviathan,xiv.4) the first law commands that every man ought to endeavour peace, as far as he has hope of obtaining it and when he cannot obtain it he may seek and use all helps and advantages of war. The second law says that a man be willing, when others are so too as far-forth as for peace and defense of him he shall think it necessary to lay down this right to all things and be contented with so much liberty against other men, as he would allow other men against himself. (Leviathan, xiv.5) Hobbes thinks that people should act as if they have made a contract with others in a society, however this does not include the sovereign authority. With Hobbes social contract all people give up their right to all things (Leviathan, xiv.5) although the sovereign does not give up this right. In this agreement, people agree to only retain the right to protect their lives in cases of direct peril, but the decision of what poses an immediate threat depends on judgment, nevertheless it does allow us to retaliate if the sovereign attempts to take our lives. There are practical reasons for the sovereign not participating in contracts with their subjects, firstly it is not practical for the sovereign to make a covenant with everyone individually and it is not possible to make a covenant with the population as a whole because while the sovereign is being created, people are still in a state of nature and do not trust each other. One of the roles of the sovereign is to punish those who have acted unjustly but it is also the sovereigns right because people have forfeited their rights to the sovereign who is not held responsible for the possible injury or death of subjects. The most important role of the sovereign according to Hobbes is to prescribe the rules, whereby every man may know what goods he may enjoy, and what actions he may do, without being molested by any of his fellow-subjects. This role protects against the inevitable competition that will arise between people over scarce resources. However Hobbes theory gives way for criticism if the sovereign is unjust, but Hobbes counters this by stating that the sovereign cannot be unjust and ultimately Hobbes believed that government was more preferable than social chaos, especially under an absolute sovereign. Another key aspect of sovereignty is the right of making war and peace with other nations and commonwealths which reflects the obligation of the sovereign to protect their subjects. The sovereign however retain s their right of nature although Hobbes does concede that there are moral limits on what sovereigns should do. Hobbes arguments have been contested by many among which is John Locke ([1690] 1965) who was concerned that an absolute sovereign with absolute power would be even more of a hazard to us than life in a state of nature. After all, how could we have faith in the sovereign to act in the citizens interests rather than his or her own? So Locke argued that even though we could do with a sovereign to straighten out disputes and dispense justice, we must also lay down constitutional limits to the sovereigns rule and in addition we also have a right to fight back if the sovereign abuses our faith. Hobbes argument has weakness in that it has the tendency of legitimate monarchs to quietly slide over into being despots; (Fukuyama,1989:157-158) with no institutional devices like elections for finding out popular consent, it would be difficult to know whether a particular monarch had the kind of sanction Hobbes himself had in mind(Fukuyama, 1989:157-158). Fukuyama then makes it clear that it was relatively easy for John Locke to change Hobbes principal of monarchical sovereignty into one of parliamentary or legislative sovereignty based on majority rule. Lockes alternate to the Hobessian dilemma is not absolute monarchy but restricted government which consists of a constitutional government providing protection for the citizens basic rights and whose authority is resulted from the consent of the people(Fukuyama, 1989). It is clear that Locke views Hobbes right to preservation of ones life as meaning a right to revolution against a tyrant who used his power unjustly against the inte rests of the people (Fukuyama, 1989:158). Lockes offers a perfect solution to the classic question: Who would guard the guardians? Hobbes deduces that an absolute sovereign is a highest power, an earthly God, who has been called upon to protect people from each other. The absolute sovereign is given various powers through which they can institute and keep peace to prevent reverting back into the state of nature. Hobbes main argument for the need for an absolute sovereign is that a state of war would be horrific for everyone but that very same reason will mean that we carry on living in such a state. The only probable way to escape a state of war is through the formation of an influence that can intimidate the people and force them to live in peace with each other. On the other hand, Hobbes fails to prove that we have an almost unlimited obligation to do what the sovereign tells us to do, furthermore his arguments that sovereignty which includes the power to moderate moral and political matter and put in force those judgments cannot be separated, are not only weak but they are clearly opposed by the somewhat succ essful division of powers in modern liberal societies. The shocking crimes of twentieth century perpetrated by dictatorships make obvious to us beyond doubt that verdicts about what is right or wrong cannot be a problem only for our political leaders, it also has to be a question for us as individuals. So although Hobbes does justify the need for an absolute sovereign with his arguments, they have been refuted by some thinkers like Locke ([1690] 1965) and Rousseau ([1762] 1913) who have proposed having a sovereign whose power is limited so as to prevent tyranny.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Richard M. Nixon :: essays research papers fc

Early Life Richard Milhous Nixon grew up in Yorba, California the son of Quakers Frank and Hannah Nixon. During Nixon’s childhood in Yorba, the family was always on the edge of poverty. The lemon grove was unfruitful, and there was little money for anything beyond food and clothing for the growing family. The Nixons never ate in a restaurant or took even a brief vacation. Nixon’s early life was one of boyish stubbornness. He swam in the dangerous Anaheim Canal in spite of repeated warnings from his father, and he insisted upon standing up to ride in the family wagon, although once a fall gave him a serious head injury. He displayed a competitive streak at an early age and would never turn down a challenge or a dare. He also loved to be read to, and after age five he could read on his own. National Geographic was his favorite magazine. Education Nixon graduated form high school in 1930. He possessed extraordinary intelligence and ambition, but his ambitious nature receiv ed a serious setback that year. He graduated first in his class and won his high school’s Harvard Club award as "best all-around student." The award was a scholarship to Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts. In addition, he seemed likely to win a scholarship to Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut. Nixon had dreamed for years of going to a famous college in the East, but his dreams were shattered when he had to turn down both opportunities. Because his older brother Harold’s long battle with tuberculous had drained the family’s funds there was no money to pay for the cost of traveling to the East Coast and living there. Nixon swallowed his disappointment and enrolled at nearby Whittier College. Nixon majored in history, and one of his history professors had a profound influence on his career. This was Dr. Paul Smith, whom Nixon called "the greatest intellectual inspiration of my early years." Smith was a Republican who urged hi s students to think about the importance of leadership in government. He encouraged them to consider entering public office, and he certainly helped turn Nixon’s thoughts in that direction. In 1934 Nixon graduated from Whittier College after four years on the honor roll. He applied for a scholarship to a new law school, at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, and asked several of his professors to write to Duke, recommending him for a scholarship.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Abortion and Lao Tzu’s Philosophy in Taoism: a Critique Essay

Taoism was founded by Lao Tzu, the father of Taoism. Lao Tzu believes that Tao is the Way which means that it is the Way of the ultimate reality; it is the Way of the universe; and it is the Way of human existence. Tao as the Way of the ultimate reality, can never be comprehended, described, perceived nor expressed. It can’t be comprehended by any mind. It can’t simply be described by mere words. It can never be perceived by any of our senses. Tao is the cause or the source of everything that exists. () Tao is too great to be spoken about that only those who really understand would not speak of it and that those who have talked about have not really grasped the true meaning of it. Tao as the Way of the ultimate universe is revealed in nature for it is beyond of our control. Nature has its own way that no one would be able to control its progressive move to change. According to Lao Tzu, the law of reversion is the fundamental law of change. This law implies that if there is a highest point there would also be a lowest point and vice versa just like if there is a beginning there will be an end or every ending has a new beginning. This law justifies that Tao has a â€Å"reversing movement† Lao Tzu further elaborates this reversing power through Yin and Yang, two opposing principle. Yin indicates darkness, femininity, and coldness while Yang indicates lightness, masculinity and hotness. These opposing forces could not attract each other without the help of the reversing movement of Tao. Therefore this lead to Lao Tzu to say that the Tao produces the one, that the one produces the two, and that the two produces the three. This means that the one is the Tao, the two is Tao and Yin, and the three is Tao, Yin, and Yang. (1) Tao as the Way of the human existence, Tao requires man to harmonize with nature. This is through practicing wu-wei-wu. This means â€Å"non-doing† or â€Å"do nothing† or in our modern expression â€Å"go with the flow†. But this meaning does not simply mean doing nothing it only implies to not intervene with nature’s own course. Through this practice of wu-wei-wu, man can harmonize with nature. However there are instances that people misinterpret the true definition of wu-wei-wu which is â€Å"doing nothing† and instead of harmonizing with nature it could lead to destruction of that harmony. Therefore people should further understand that you could actually do something but making sure not to disrupt nature’s natural course. In our world today, the application of Lao Tzu’s doctrine of Tao would be difficult since man has done much of overdoing that have lead to the destruction of nature. Man has succumbed to his obsession of trying to defy nature’s course of action especially in the field of science and technology. For instance, cloning, sperm implantation, sex change, and artificial contraception such as birth control pills and IUD. Therefore to summarize everything, Lao Tzu simply teaches that in Taoism man should learn to be one with nature and follow its course through the full understanding of Yin and Yang and its relation to Tao’s reversing movement and by practicing wu-wei-wu. ABORTION What is abortion? According to the dictionary, it is the removal of an embryo or fetus from the uterus. It can happen spontaneously or induced by human intervention. A spontaneous abortion or simply known as miscarriage occurs when a pregnant woman would experience some complications during her pregnancy. It could also happen possibly because of natural causes, accidents that may have caused a severe trauma to the abdomen or sometimes because of environmental factors. Miscarriages usually happen during the early stages of pregnancy and sometimes without the awareness of the mother. The risk for spontaneous abortion decreases after the 10th week from the last menstrual period. ()( ) An induced abortion is the type of abortion that we now simply call abortion. This is the type of abortion wherein there is already human intervention. This could be done in various ways depending on the gestational age of the embryo or fetus. There is therapeutic abortion which is done in order to save the life of the mother or to prevent any physical or mental risks. Also elective abortion which is done at the request of a woman for reasons other than maternal health or fatal disease. () However the type of abortion I am referring to as a social problem is the type where a woman chooses to terminate her own pregnancy simply because she doesn’t want the baby. It can’t be denied that there some people that would engage in something without even knowing the possible result of such action and if they are not prepared to face that consequence they would simply turn to this option, abortion. Abortion is the most convenient choice for those  people who are not prepared or who don’t want to have a child for their own certain reasons. They refused to accept the responsibility they need to accomplish. Abortions have become prevalent in our country today as evidenced by news reports about embryos or fetuses found together with the garbage, street alleys and sometimes even comfort rooms. There are many different ways that could be chosen to make such deed possible. An example would be the use of pharmaceutical drugs that are dangerous to the baby causing it to be aborted. Others could also purposely apply trauma to their abdomen disrupting the grip of the baby in the mother’s womb. Sometimes some would also prefer having the baby to be surgically removed from the uterus. The cause of these abortions is mainly centered on fear resulting to not accepting the pregnancy. Fear of the responsibility of having a child especially in terms of financial needs. Fear of what their parents or other people would say especially if they are not married. Fear to experience the hardships brought by 9 months of pregnancy and fear of the pain when giving birth. Sometimes the cause could also be anger or hatred because the child is the fruit of a horrific experience such as rape or maybe because hatred towards the father of the child. ABORTION AND LAO TZU’S PHILOSOPHY IN TAOISM: A CRITIQUE What is the relation of abortion with Lao Tzu’s Taoism? It’s simple. Lao Tzu’s teachings about Taoism is that it requires man to be in harmony with nature, to understand the concept of yin and yang and to let the course of nature continue and not interfere and abortion contradicts that teaching. Abortion, as I have observed, has become a common practice and mostly because some people simply could not accept the great responsibility that would lie ahead if they chose to continue the pregnancy. Some perceived it as a problem especially for teenagers who have engaged in premarital sex and are not yet prepared to face such responsibility. However if they’ve only seen in a different light just like Lao Tzu’s Taoism and its concept of yin and yang in relation to the Tao’s reversing Movement. In Taoism, the Tao as the Way of the ultimate universe have established that the fundamental law of change is the law of reversion. Therefore if you think that being pregnant is a punishment for something you were not supposed to do then it could also be a blessing that you should accept and be thankful for and not just merely end what is supposed to be a gift of life. Abortion should not be a choice unless the reason is for the welfare of the mother. This also brings us to the concept of yin and yang and the reversing movement of Tao. As stated before, Tao produces the one, the one produces the two, and the two produces the three and that the one refers to Tao, the two refers to Tao and yin and lastly the three refers to Tao, yin and yang. To translate this in relation to my problem, the Tao as the God in Taoism sometimes gives people a time of hardship for them to mature and this certain hardship which is unwanted pregnancy is yin. However if these two would be combined or connected in a certain way then maybe in time those people would be able to surpassed such hardship and continued the pregnancy amidst the possible difficulties ahead then they would feel a sense of fulfillment which is the yang. Now if only most people who have unwanted pregnancy would try to further understand their situation and let nature simply have its way and not turn to abortion as a solution then most would have enjoyed the joy of having such a beautiful blessing which is having a child. As for the concept of wu-wei-wu in Taoism which entails that man should do nothing to interfere with nature’s own course, abortion directly contradicts the idea because last time I checked being pregnant is only a natural response of a certain deed done by two people with opposite sex. Choosing to abort and terminate pregnancy disrupts nature’s way. It interferes with what is supposed to be natural. All and all, abortion contradicts Taoism because it would break the harmony of man with nature. Therefore to avoid such, we should simply accept what was supposed to be an expected result our action. We need to perceive our problems in a different light and try to solve it by doing what is right and not by choosing the fastest solution available. For people who have unwanted pregnancy, there are other options that could be considered other than abortion such as adoption. If their only fear is that they can’t handle the responsibility of being a parent then they could always try finding couples who wants to adopt at least with this option they did not only gave the baby a chance to live they have also given other people a chance to experience the joy of parenthood and with this option the harmony between man and nature could still be maintained. (). ——————————————– [ 2 ]. Eddie R. Babor, The Human Person: Not Real, But Existing, 2nd ed. Quezon City: C & E Publishing, 2007 [ 3 ]. ^ a b â€Å"Q&A: Miscarriage†. BBC. 2002-08-06. http://news. bbc. co. uk/2/hi/health/2176898. stm. Retrieved 2009-04-07 [ 4 ]. ^ Nilsson, Lennart; Lars Hamberger (1990) [1965]. A child is born. Garden City, New York: Doubleday. p. 91. ISBN 0-385-40085-3. OCLC 21412111 [ 5 ]. ^ Encyclopedia Britannica, (2007), Vol 26, p. 674. [ 6 ]. Taryn Hodgson, Joy! Magazine, May ed. (Volume 16, Issue 3).

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Keeping Up With the Jones’s Case Study Essay

Part I: 1. What two parameters are responsible for creating the movement (filtration and reabsorption) of fluid across the capillary wall? 2. Find a diagram of a capillary – copy/paste and cite the source. 3. Under normal circumstances, what components of the blood cross the capillary wall? 4. Cytokines, like histamine and leukotrienes, are secreted by damaged cells in Dave’s ankle. How do these cytokines cause inflammation? 5. How does the application of ice to the ankle affect blood flow through the capillaries? 6. How does the removal of ice from the ankle affect blood flow through the capillaries and the cytokines? 7. How does compression, which is provided by an elastic (Ace) bandage wrapped around the damaged ankle, decrease inflammation? 8. How does elevation of the damaged ankle decrease inflammation? Part II: 1. What problems are there in Suzie’s life, and does she exhibit any peculiar signs and symptoms? 2. Why did Suzie pass out when she stood up? 3. Why did Suzie’s mother place Suzie’s feet on a chair? 4. Why did Suzie feel as if she had no energy at the doctor’s office? 5. Make an initial speculation about Suzie’s condition at this time. Assuming that your speculation is true, what do you think the doctor will find in the results of Suzie’s physical examination? Part III: 1. What new signs and symptoms does Suzie exhibit that would concern you if you were the doctor? 2. Do you wish to make any further speculation about Suzie’s condition at this time? Assuming that your speculation is true, what do you think the doctor will find in the results of Suzie’s physical examination? Part IV: 1. Is Suzie’s weight reasonable for her height? 2. Calculate the stroke volume of Suzie’s heart, and compare it to that of a normal individual. 3. Why do you think her blood pressure is lower than normal? Does low blood pressure explain any of Suzie’s signs and symptoms that you may have noticed? 4. Why is Suzie’s hematocrit low, and why are her red blood cells pale and immature? 5. Compared with a normal, healthy person predict the level of the following in Suzie’s blood (higher, same, lower): sodium, potassium, calcium, glucose, iron, and protein. 6. Do you wish to make any further speculation about Suzie’s condition at this time? Part V: 1. Assuming that the ion levels in the blood plasma are similar to those in the interstitial fluid, what is the effect of low potassium levels on the membrane potential of Suzie’s nerve and muscles? 2. Does this explain Suzie’s slow heart rate and ectopic beats? 3. How does low plasma calcium level account for her decreased stroke volume? 4. What is the role of blood proteins in the movement of fluid between the blood and the interstititial space? 5. What would be the effect of low blood protein levels on the colloidal pressure? 6. How do low plasma protein levels produce edema? Part VI: 1. What conditions make Suzie a candidate for anorexia? 2. Do you think the doctor’s treatment is appropriate, or would you have admitted her into hospital? 3. When do you think Suzie should schedule her next visit to the doctor? Source: National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Family Breakdown essays

The Family Breakdown essays The disintegration of the family has always preceded the decline of a culture. America and American families are in trouble. In the history of our nation, there has not been a single generation raised with the societal conditions that we have. Our nation is faced with a severe problem. Our social fabric seems to be coming apart at the seams. Each day we are confronted by reports of violence, teen suicides, drug abuse, spousal abuse, and child abuse. Family life is breaking down in America. The cultural acceptance of the family breakdown is undermining the foundations of strong communities and civil society. With a clear link established between the breakdown of the family and the major problems plaguing our society, the ramifications for society with a continuing demise of the family are considerable. Common practices such as out of wedlock births, abortion, and divorce are weakening the family and therefore, the community and the nation. According to the recent study The American Family by Patrick Fagan, the out of wedlock birth rate is at a historic high. In 1997, 32 percent of all children were born out of wedlock. A total of 20 million children now live with single parents, and of these, 12 million live in the poorest families. The out of wedlock birth rate has climbed steadily since the 1950s. The rise is propelled by factors such as, a decline in the birth rate among married women. Married women want to space or limit births in hope of better lives for themselves, education and prosperity for their children, and security for their families. The average family size is currently just under 3 children. Another key factor is, the birth rate for unmarried women has increased more than six times between 1940 and 1990, from 7.1 births per 1,000 unmarried women to 43.8 births. This was due in part to a change in the overall size of the population, which swelled during the postwar baby boom, and the fact that women an d me...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Telecommunications essays

Telecommunications essays One of the fastest growing industries in recent years has been the communications industry, particularly the cellular and personal communications industry. This global explosion of technology has spread, rapidly linking both highly industrial areas as well as that of the third world and emerging countries. The deployment of wireless communication has been readily accepted in remote and previously somewhat isolated areas. The emergence of specialized companies in this field has produced numerous competitors for this market. The communication companies such as Harris, Nortel and Ericsson are all competing in this market for renewed company growth and prosperity. The effect of competition in this global marketplace is such that in order to remain recognized in these markets firms are required more than ever to establish a presence in these new markets and rethink as well as redefine the way in which they do business. The buzz word Hyper has been used in conjunction with these companies, and has been associated with three main functions which have changed and evolved with the new business logic. These are; The trend in company policy in the past was to win every possible sale at any cost. All prioritization of the firm was a function of the current deal. Large established firms such as Nortel were seen as being the best simply because of their size. When a firms primary focus is on sales and revenue alone, it leads to a fragmentation of reserves within the organization. This effect was seen and experienced first hand by Nortel directly when with Globalization, little regard was given to direct support of their product in countries where it was used. The new focus of Nortel, Harris and Ericcson has been on the importance of not winning at any cost, ...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Charles taze russell

Charles taze russell Introduction Charles Taze Russell, an American entrepreneur-turned-minister in 1897 had made an early description of globalization. Economists and other social scientists used globalization term during 1960s. (Wikipedia) The use of globalization term was widely used during the half of 1980s. There are numerous people who tried to come up with the definitions of globalization at that time. Globalization is the transactional processes and domestic structures of economy, politics, culture, and social. Besides, usually globalization specifically refers to economic globalization. Economic globalization defined by national economies into international economies. International trade, investment by foreigners, capital flows, migration of nation or foreigners, and the spreading of technology are some of the examples of international economy. Malaysia as one of the countries of Southeast Asian also undergoes the process of globalization. Furthermore, globalization gives effect on Malaysia in economy, political, social and culture. In 1970s, Bumiputera run the Malaysian firms and enterprises by 35 percent. This is one of the implementation aspects of New Economic Policy (NEP). In addition, Malaysia’s economy has successfully narrowed the gap of income disparity between Bumiputera and other races. Other than that, since 1989, 8% of consistent economic growth was recorded. 9.2% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) grew in 1995. During the first quarter of 1996, the growth rate falls to 8%. In the middle of 1997, Malaysia have seriously been attack by tremendous drop of currency that give impact on country’s growth of exportation helps Malaysia recover from recession period. Tun Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad during his career as Prime Minister announced the Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) to transform the economic from a production-based economy to a knowledge-based economy (K-economy). Thus, Malaysia undergoes globalization due to the economic expansion although receiv ed the recession period and successfully recovered. In Malaysia, prime minister should be a member and have the self-assured of House of Representatives. Parliamentary democracy is used in Malaysia to attain the globalization in developing the country with the federal constitutional monarchy. In operating the government, prime minister must be highly responsible to make the political environment in Malaysia to be stable. Due to the political stable, Malaysia has made a good relationship with United States and Europe even in the Asian region, South Korea, China, and Japan. Government in Malaysia, encourage foreign’s investment in manufacturing industries. Thus, nations can get income as an employee to the industries. Since Malaysia gained its independence, our nations have made globalization in political. Political has successfully lower down the poverty in the rural area. Rural development was taken placed since 1965 where budgets were largest allocated to the rural area. Hen ce, political that are stable is important in globalization of a country. Educational system in Malaysia has undergoes many changes of reviews and curricular activities to gain high right mentality and good attitudes of students. In order to achieve that, professors, lecturers, and teachers were recommended to find alternative to achieve this goal. Family, entertainment media, government political, and communities play an important role to mould the competitive, good moral attitudes, and more independent students. Malaysia government have make strategies on educational system to support Bumiputera to become an intellectual person. Government produced Maktab Rendah Sains MARA (MRSM), universities of science and technology based, and sponsorship for bright students. Furthermore, developing technologies is also one of the Malaysia aims. This aims has contribute the increase of foreigner’s investment. Malaysian Technology Development Corporation (MTDC) is providing capital to Mal aysian and foreign companies that are interested in investing in Malaysia. So, educational and developing technologies are the aspects of social globalization.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Argumentation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Argumentation - Essay Example But with the modernization of the college educational system, things began to change and eventually, misled the very students who were paying tuition fees in order to be trained for potential jobs. Louis Menand wrote about those differing schools of thoughts pertaining to college education in his article â€Å"Live and Learn† which was published in The New Yorker. He also mentioned that the college system was meant more as a filter for the workforce rather than the training ground. College education became a series of classes and tests that had nothing to do with the actual degree that the student was aiming for at the end of four years, and yet it was supposed to be the yardstick by which the employers were supposed to gauge a job applicant by. This mindset shows me that the college educational system is broken and is in dire need of reforms. We need to go back to that era when college meant actually training for a job that you hoped to have in the future. In my opinion, the theoretical part of the education of a student should have occurred and was completed during the grammar school and high school phase. By the time the student begins to attend college, he must already know what it is he wants to do with his life and be prepared to throw himself into four years of preparation for it. By definition, completing a college education means that a person is being taught ways of doing something or a better way of doing things in his life. It shows that he is highly trained and educated. It prepares him for the life that he has chosen to lead. That means that he has chosen an occupation, and is well prepared and looking forward to living his life along the lines allowed by his job. Yet most of our college students find themselves taking classes that do not have any direct effect on their line of work. Take for instance the case of an English student majoring in British Literature.

Umpqua Bank Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Umpqua Bank - Case Study Example Ray Davis, the CEO and President of the Umpqua Holdings Corporation and of Umpqua Bank, took the challenge of revitalizing the bank’s concept of banking. He instead focused on an alternative approach in banking by combining sales strategy with a service-oriented culture. He also made sure that the employees were motivated by keeping them satisfied with their jobs, and this in turn was able to ingrain the company’s ideals to the employees (Lok & Crawford, 1999). The customer and service-oriented culture of Umpqua Bank gave it an edge over the competition, and helped it rise up to its status today. Davis chose associates within and outside the organization that were also open to changes, and it helped him and the company achieve exactly what he wished for the Umpqua Bank to become, even exceeding their expectations. The internal structure of the organization was changed first, and in order to provide a service-oriented atmosphere in the banks, the frontlines were employee s that were able to attend to anything that any customer might ask, which makes the bank employees seem even more flexible and approachable for their customers. Thus the customers of the bank would only be interacting with what the CEO calls â€Å"sales people† (Freeze, n.d.). Most of the people that had jobs that do not let then interact with customers directly (e.g. tellers, accountants, etc.) were mostly sent in another facility in order for them to do their work efficiently without distractions from incoming customers. Next, trainings and seminars about customer services were provided for all the employees in order for them to imbibe the company’s culture of being customer and service-oriented. Other upgrades such as the appearance of the banks were made by designing the place to look like a warm lounging area. All visible employees can then cater to the inquiries of the depositors or bank visitors, while providing them seats, internet access, magazines and newspap ers, and even coffee while waiting (Freeze, n.d.). By making the customers feel at ease, more inquiries and bank transactions were made, and along with the eventual upgrade of the other branches as well, the new services brought in not just additional revenue but also a new image for the Umpqua Bank. Aside from giving trainings and seminars, the company also gave time for its employees to participate in activities involving business partners or other institutions in where the bank is located, such as volunteering in order to show the people of Oregon that the company cares not just to its customers but to the community as well. This was found to be a win-win solution in that aside from enriching the lives of the banks’ employees, the interaction also increased not just the number of people that wanted to do business with them or the assets that the bank was able to acquire, but also the number of financial institutions that would be willing to merge with the company (Freeze, n.d.). Thus the perception of the people in for Oregon Umpqua Bank was a bank that puts the customer first, a bank that works with local partners, and as a bank that gives back to the community. Upon inspection on how

Global Trade And The Opec Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Global Trade And The Opec - Essay Example World spare capacity fell below 1.5 mbd - the biggest since 1976. Looking ahead, crude oil will probably stay as a primary source of energy in and beyond the next three decades necessitating large upfront investments. Likewise, traditional non-OPEC production is expected to reach its zenith in 2010 due to depletion of current fields and net declines in proven reserves. As such, a substantial quantity of the incremental capacity will have to come from OPEC which today controls around 80% of proven oil reserves. OPEC stands for Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, a stable inter-governmental association composed presently of eleven oil generating and exporting nations from across three continents (America, Asia and Africa). The member countries are Algeria, Indonesia, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, the Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates & Venezuela. These nations have an aggregate population of about 545 million and oil is the most important commodity and foreign exchange earner. Therefore, for these countries, oil is the chief element for development - social, political and economic. The income derived from oil is used not only to spread out and inflate their economic and industrial base, it is also utilized to provide their people with jobs, education, health care and a decent standard of living. Primary objectives of the organization include: * the synchronization and bringing together of petroleum policies of member countries and ascertaining the most logical means for protecting their individual and collective interests; *the search for judicious methods to guarantee the stabilization of prices in global oil markets with the view to reduce and eventually do away with destructive and unnecessary fluctuations; and *the need to give an efficient economic and consistent supply of petroleum to consuming countries and a reasonable return of investment to those infusing capital in the petroleum industry. OPEC sets oil production quotas. For one, its Statute requires that it pursues stability and harmony in the petroleum market for the benefit of oil producers and consumers. In response to this, member countries take action on market fundamentals and forecast developments by organizing well and managing prudently their petroleum policies. One simple and probable response is production regulation. If demand increases, or some producers are producing less than what it is expected of them, OPEC can increase its oil production so as to prevent a drastic change/rise in prices. OPEC can also slow down on its production in response to market conditions. Does OPEC control the oil market or does it have the capacity to control the market and influence oil prices Member countries produce about 43% of the world's crude oil and 18% of its natural gas. However, in addition to that, OPEC's oil exports also represent about 51% of the crude oil traded worldwide. Hence, OPEC has a strong influence on the oil market, especially if it decides to reduce or increase its level of production. Crude Oil and Gasoline Prices Several significant components trigger and eventually cause the retail price of gasoline to change over different periods of time. First, price of gasoline strongly

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Global Strategy - Benchmarking Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Global Strategy - Benchmarking - Assignment Example In this case, the benchmark is a Swedish furniture giant IKEA. This effect can be felt because it one of the leading global furniture shops who have also felt the effect of fluctuations in profit margins before rising again to achieve its level of competitiveness (Baldegger, 2012). The IKEA pioneered the initiatives of benchmarks by expanding regionally both in Europe and China, the market for its products had risen by 40% despite the fact that its local markets were still not making enough profits. Besides, when the company ventured into the United States Market, it was forced to redesign its commodities so as to suite the need. This led to sudden fluctuation of IKEAs’ market, but was later revived due to market stability and high demand (Peng, 2014). IKEAs’ success in the global market has been highly dependent on strategic benchmarking. This involves laying down all the strategies needed to improve the success of the company. Having realized that the local markets were not giving substantial returns to the company, IKEAs’ ventured into the global market by making modification on its brand to suite the demand of a particular business. In essence, in the United States, the company decided to construct their store layouts to look like typical layout apartments. Besides, the company made joint ventures with the locals, and this was used as a strategy to test new markets (Peng, 2014). The benchmark that has been implemented by this company did not hinder in any way the success of its local markets because these markets were already making losses. Moreover, the company benchmark was based on cost, promotion and design, which differed from one area to another. Therefore, each area was best suit to set up its own business (Peng, 2014). Any business organization who ventures into global markets must be ready to face numerous risks such as the risks of wining the trusts of

Should Computer Scientists Experiment More Essay

Should Computer Scientists Experiment More - Essay Example The article also states that experimentations can also be helpful to computer scientists if they need to understand other models applicable in the systems. In this regard, computer scientists feel that experimentations in their profession do not add value, but is time consuming and costly2. On the contrary, I think experiments are suitable for computer scientists because it helps them to discover new trends in their profession. This is because experiments do not have to be in the labs or organized settings, but can take place in seminars or workshops3. For instance, before the introduction of new software, computer scientists can model programs for trial basis. I also think experiments can be useful because computer science requires problem solving techniques. Considering this, experiments improve one’s ability to handle difficult situations that might exist when operating a computer application. The article is biased and does not offer the genuine reasons why computer scientists disregard experiments in their

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Global Trade And The Opec Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Global Trade And The Opec - Essay Example World spare capacity fell below 1.5 mbd - the biggest since 1976. Looking ahead, crude oil will probably stay as a primary source of energy in and beyond the next three decades necessitating large upfront investments. Likewise, traditional non-OPEC production is expected to reach its zenith in 2010 due to depletion of current fields and net declines in proven reserves. As such, a substantial quantity of the incremental capacity will have to come from OPEC which today controls around 80% of proven oil reserves. OPEC stands for Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, a stable inter-governmental association composed presently of eleven oil generating and exporting nations from across three continents (America, Asia and Africa). The member countries are Algeria, Indonesia, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, the Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates & Venezuela. These nations have an aggregate population of about 545 million and oil is the most important commodity and foreign exchange earner. Therefore, for these countries, oil is the chief element for development - social, political and economic. The income derived from oil is used not only to spread out and inflate their economic and industrial base, it is also utilized to provide their people with jobs, education, health care and a decent standard of living. Primary objectives of the organization include: * the synchronization and bringing together of petroleum policies of member countries and ascertaining the most logical means for protecting their individual and collective interests; *the search for judicious methods to guarantee the stabilization of prices in global oil markets with the view to reduce and eventually do away with destructive and unnecessary fluctuations; and *the need to give an efficient economic and consistent supply of petroleum to consuming countries and a reasonable return of investment to those infusing capital in the petroleum industry. OPEC sets oil production quotas. For one, its Statute requires that it pursues stability and harmony in the petroleum market for the benefit of oil producers and consumers. In response to this, member countries take action on market fundamentals and forecast developments by organizing well and managing prudently their petroleum policies. One simple and probable response is production regulation. If demand increases, or some producers are producing less than what it is expected of them, OPEC can increase its oil production so as to prevent a drastic change/rise in prices. OPEC can also slow down on its production in response to market conditions. Does OPEC control the oil market or does it have the capacity to control the market and influence oil prices Member countries produce about 43% of the world's crude oil and 18% of its natural gas. However, in addition to that, OPEC's oil exports also represent about 51% of the crude oil traded worldwide. Hence, OPEC has a strong influence on the oil market, especially if it decides to reduce or increase its level of production. Crude Oil and Gasoline Prices Several significant components trigger and eventually cause the retail price of gasoline to change over different periods of time. First, price of gasoline strongly

Should Computer Scientists Experiment More Essay

Should Computer Scientists Experiment More - Essay Example The article also states that experimentations can also be helpful to computer scientists if they need to understand other models applicable in the systems. In this regard, computer scientists feel that experimentations in their profession do not add value, but is time consuming and costly2. On the contrary, I think experiments are suitable for computer scientists because it helps them to discover new trends in their profession. This is because experiments do not have to be in the labs or organized settings, but can take place in seminars or workshops3. For instance, before the introduction of new software, computer scientists can model programs for trial basis. I also think experiments can be useful because computer science requires problem solving techniques. Considering this, experiments improve one’s ability to handle difficult situations that might exist when operating a computer application. The article is biased and does not offer the genuine reasons why computer scientists disregard experiments in their

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Inertia lab report Essay Example for Free

Inertia lab report Essay A Rotational motion experiment is the simplest method of finding the Moment of Inertia. Minimum equipment is required to perform this experiment. For the purposes of increasing the accuracy of the results, the procedure should be repeated three times, making our conclusion more reliable. While load is moving downwards it’s potential energy converts to kinetic. Load is accelerating because weight(Fg=mg) of the load is bigger than tension on a string so load is not in equilibrium and by Newton’s Second Law (F=ma) resultant force creates an acceleration. Resultant force can be calculated by the equation S=0. 5at2+ut to find acceleration and F=ma. String rotates the spindle which rotates the disc by creating a torque(T=Fr). Torque accelerates the disc and it can be found by ? = . To find moment of inertia now T=I? equation is used. 1 Method and observation: Apparatus: 3 different size discs, spindle, ruler, set of weights, stopwatch, stand. Disc is attached to one end of the spindle and string with load is attached to the other end. Disc’s weight, diameter and radius are required to be measured before experiment. Length of the string (L), number of loops on the spindle (n) and horizontal distance of loops (H) were measured before experiment. Using equation below r is found. = 2 Spindle Disc String Stopwatch Weights Stand After setting all the equipment up the experiment starts. The string is then wrapped around the spindle. Time was measured for load pass the distance of length of the string. To plot graph one over time2 is required to be calculated. 4 different masses of the load are used in experiment is repeated 3 times every time mass is changed to make reduce random error. After finishing all the experiments on one of the discs other disc is placed and experiment repeats. When all the experiments are done and measurements are recorded mass against one over time2 is plotted using results. 3 graphs are going to be plotted for each disc. Gradient of the graph is constant k which we could use to find I using formulae below. When observed the string with vibrating and load was moving a little which can cause some systematic error. While spindle is spinning there is some friction which is neglected and the disc is vibrating while it is spinning which also cause some systematic error. = ? 2 2 Results MEASUREMENTS ON THE SPINDLE: MEASUREMENTS ON THE DISCS n= 8 L= 0. 26m DISC 1 (small) DISC 2 (medium) DISC 3 (large) Weight (kg) 0. 314 0. 490 Diameter (m) Radius (m) 0. 1 0. 127 0. 05 0. 0635 0. 696 0. 152 0. 076 H= 0. 026m r= 5. 1410-3 DISC 1 Weight (kg) Time (s) Average Time (s) 1/t? (s-2) K (m s? ) I (kg m2) experimental I (kg m2) theoretical ?I (kg m2) 0. 1 2. 93 | 2. 73 | 2. 62 2. 76 0. 131 0. 15 2 | 2. 1 | 2. 23 2. 11 0. 225 1. 439 0. 000346 0. 2 1. 87 | 1. 85 | 1. 86 1. 86 0. 287 0. 22 1. 81 | 1. 74 | 1. 78 1. 78 0. 317 0. 000393 0. 000047 DISC 2 Weight (kg) Time (s) Average Time (s) 1/t? (s-2) K (m s? ) I (kg m2) experimental I (kg m2) theoretical ?I (kg m2) 0. 1 6. 49 | 6. 16 | 6. 33 6. 33 0. 0250 0. 15 4. 97 | 4. 77 | 509 4. 92 0. 0413 0. 686 0. 000726 0. 000988 0. 000262 3 0. 17 4. 38 | 4. 97 Z 4. 43 4. 43 0. 0510 0. 20 4. 00 | 4. 13 | 4. 08 4. 07 0. 0604 DISC 3 Weight (kg) Time (s) Average Time (s) 1/t? (s-2) K (m s? ) I (kg m2) experimental I (kg m2) theoretical ?I (kg m2) 0. 1 4. 21 | 4. 13 | 4. 17 4. 17 0. 0575 0. 15 3. 13 | 3. 27 | 3. 00 3. 13 0. 102 0. 290 0. 00172 0. 00201 0. 00029 4 0. 2 2. 73 | 2. 75| 2. 73 2. 74 0. 113 0. 17 3. 03 | 2. 77 | 2. 83 2. 9 0. 119 Calculations T=I? -3 T=Fr I = = = = ? = 2 1 = ? 1 =km k = 2 2 9. 8x(5. 1410? 3 )? I1e= 21. 4390. 26 =0. 000346ms? 9. 8x(5. 1410? 3 )? I2e= 20. 6860. 26 =0. 000726ms? 9. 8x(5. 1410? 3 )? I3e= 20. 2900. 26 =0. 00172 ms? I1t=0. 50. 0520. 314=0. 000393 ms? I2t=0. 50. 063520. 490=0. 000988 ms? I3t=0. 50. 076020. 696=0. 00201 ms? ?I1=|0. 000393-0. 000346|=0. 000047 ms? ?I2=|0. 000988-0. 000726|=0. 000262 ms? ?I3=|0. 00201-0. 00172|=0. 000290 ms? 5 Error Analysis = 2 1(2 +2 ) + 2( + ) + = =? r= 0. 0005+0. 0005 ?r= 0. 26+0. 026 r x5. 1410-3=1. 7910-5 ?s=0. 00192 ?k=0. 176 ?I=1. 7910-50. 001920. 176=6. 0510-9 6 Graphical representation Disc 1. 1/s? 0. 35 0. 3 y = 1. 439x 0. 25 0. 2 0. 15 0. 1 0. 05 1/t? 0 0 0. 05 0. 1 0. 15 0. 2 0. 25 Weight kg 1/s? 0. 16 Disc 2. 0. 14 y = 0. 686x 0. 12 0. 1 0. 08 0. 06 1/t? 0. 04 0. 02 0 0 0. 05 0. 1 Weight 0. 15 0. 2 0. 25 kg 7 Disc 3. 1/s? 0. 07 0. 06 y = 0. 290x 0. 05 0. 04 0. 03 1/t? 0. 02 0. 01 0 0 0. 05 0. 1 Weight 0. 15 0. 2 0. 25 kg 8 Discussion From the results gained it can be concluded that larger and heavier the disc is greater the moment of inertia of a body. As we can see the gradient on the graphs are larger at larger discs. From theoretical values which it can be concluded that experiment was right. More time is taken to pass that distance for larger discs because the moment of inertia is bigger so it torque is required to accelerate the disc. However there were some random and systematic errors. One of the most effecting random errors is the human reaction error. It could be decreased by using light gate instead of stop watch. Using more accurate equipment for taking measurements of discs and spindle would decrease the error. Masses of the loads are not exact so more accurate loads would decrease the error. Conclusion Larger and heavier discs have larger moment of inertia so they require more torque to be accelerated.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Natural Product and Metabolomics

Natural Product and Metabolomics Mass Spectrometry is often become very useful comes into the final confirmation stage of a chemical structure. This is because by noting the fragmentation pattern and the total molecular mass of compound, researchers will be able to confirm the compound’s chemical formula, followed by confirming the chemical structure proposed based on previous instrumental analyses. Nowadays, Gas Chromatography and Liquid Chromatography are coupled with mass spectrometry in order for researchers to obtain the molecular mass right after the compounds are separated chromatographically. However, GC-MS are more often being used to study natural product compared to LC-MS because LC-MS doesn’t have its database constructed like GC-MS due to the extensive range of secondary metabolites and it is hardly reproducible. (Lee Yoon et al., 2013) Researchers can confirm the compound by matching the molecular mass obtained from GC-MS with the established database, while LC-MS users will have to refe r to the data provided by previous researchers on that particular field of study. There are a lot of journals regarding the studies of primary and secondary metabolites being published and a lot of researches will insert their sample for GC-MS experiment and then compared their compound’s fragmentation pattern and also molecular weight to the National Institute of Standards and Technology libraries, which will tells researchers the structure of their compounds, even if there are no exact matching, researches will at least have a rough idea on their structure. In the early 1990s, Solid-phase microextraction (SPME) was introduced to extract compounds from samples without the use of solvent; this method is later applied on samples before undergoing GC-MS process. This technique enables researchers to extract compounds from sample in a much simpler and cheaper way since it doesn’t include the use of solvent. SPME works by adsorbing compounds into its fibre coated absorbing phase from the sample, and then inserted into GC for desorption of compound into it and then separated. (Dagostino Sanz et al., 2014) This technique is so convenient that researchers can even carry it along when going into a jungle to adsorb compounds from plant of interest and bringing it back to the lab to undergo GC-MS experiment, much more convenient than plucking a big bunch of plants sample to the lab for solvent soaking. Samples can be injected into GC-MS through either split of splitless injection; split injection system will direct most of the samples out to the atmosphere and only allow approximately 1% of it to enter the column while splitless injection system allows most of the samples to enter the column. Split/splitless system are designed to give reproducible chromatographic retention times and also to keep the chromatographic requirements of column in place, to use split of splitless, it is depending on the sensitivity required. Though splitless system allows more sample to be injected in however, metabolomics researches are better be carried out with split system because metabolites are present in wide range concentrations and it allows researchers to analyze volatile compounds eluting near the solvent peak. (Cyril Jousse, 2009) Besides plant’s metabolites, GC-MS is also very useful for bio-metabolics, some of the bio-metabolics researches are for example Chrysoula Christou et al. did a research on analysis of organic acids in human urine in clinical settings in order to develop a method for organic acid profiling in human urine, this can be useful to detect metabolics or other health disorders. Their sample was being separated by gas column and undergo quadrupole mass spectrometer in the electron ionization (EI) mode and as a result chromatogram and mass spectra shown 11 organic acids separated and identified by conducting similarity search on NIST library (3). A research was carried out by Ioannis Papoutsis and the team of research. where GC-MS method was used to determine amisulpride in blood. Amisulpride is an antipsychotic drugs which is prescribed to psychiatric patients, overdosing can cause arrhythmia, bradycardia and hypotension. (4) SPME was first used by them to extract compounds from the b lood samples and then separated by using gas chromatography and finally detected by mass spectrometer, results show that GC-MS can be used to monitor amisulpride in the blood and this can be used in pharmacokinetic studies and also forensic investigation. Archeology GC-MS is also used in assisting archaeology studies; it is especially useful when comes to determining the chemical constituents of the sample. In one of the recent archaeology research, M. Mà ©nager, C. Azà ©mard and C. Vieillescazes studied the mummification balms from the mummy skulls with FTIR and GC-MS. Twelve mummified heads were collected, the balms on the heads were extracted with organic solvent and water before introduced to GC-MS. Molecular components were eluted by using helium, and injected with split system. Samples were eluted by using helium as carrier gas with the flow of 1mL.min-1 and oven temperature was set to: 50  °C for 2 min, 50–250  °C at 8  °C ·min−1, 250–350  °C at 3  °C ·min−1, and 350  °C during 20 min. 1 ÃŽ ¼L of each sample was injected with a splitting system and the injection temperature was set at 250  °C. Mass spectra were generated by electron ionization mode with electron ionization energy of 70 eV, an ionization time of 25,000 ÃŽ ¼s and a mass range of 40–650 m/z. (5) As a result, those mummification balms were found to contain mixtures such as oils, fats, beeswax, resins, proteins, polysaccharides and minerals, these compounds are confirmed again by matching mass spectra with NIST library. With the use of only FTIR without confirmation by GC-MS, researchers will only be able to know the functional group in it without confirming the compounds. Cosmetic In cosmetic industries, chemical compounds in every cosmetic must be carefully studied as it’s applied onto human’s skin and body, therefore any mistake made will cause allergy or irritation to end users. Synthetic husk has been widely applied in cosmetic industry due ti its long-lasting odor, however, it was found that two groups of synthetic musk can cause many health disorders. Many countries have also set up regulations on the amount of synthetic musk in order to protect end users, this has become another parameter in quality control of cosmetic products. In Beijing, China, Haifeng Dong and his team of researchers conducted a research on 7 synthetic musk in cream by using SPME and then GC-MS, cream is chosen as it is the most common form of cosmetic product. (6) Cosmetic creams contains moisturizing, nutritional agent and also many lipophilic compounds. Synthethic musks have low polarity and it is also one of lipophilic compounds, which cause synthethic musks can be hardly be separated out from other liphophilic compounds. Cream samples must undergo extra cleanup steps such as by matrix solid phase dispersion method (MSPD) in order minimizes the matrix effect. Since water and isopropanol was used to separate synthetic musks from lipophilic compounds, supported liquid extraction will need to be used in order absorb water and remove interferences to give better purification. Tandem MS was used in this research in order to improve the selectivity and decrease the detection limit. This research which deals with dream shows slightly different in the preparation method compared to other GC-MS research, however, overall concept is still similar.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Cloning: Is It Ethical? Essay -- Cloning Science Biology Essays Papers

Cloning: Is It Ethical? Science today is developing at warp speed. We have the capability to do many things, which include the cloning of actual humans! First you may ask what a clone is? A clone is a group of cells or organisms, which are genetically identical, and have all been produced from the same original cell. There are three main types of cloning, two of which aim to produce live cloned offspring and one, which simply aims to produce stem cells and then human organs. These three are: reproductive cloning, embryo cloning and therapeutic cloning. The goal of therapeutic cloning is to produce a healthy copy of a sick person's tissue or organ for transplant, and the goal of both reproductive cloning and embryo cloning is to produce and actual living breathing organism. There have been many debates on the issue of cloning, but the main question that we have to ask ourselves is, is cloning ethical? I believe that cloning is totally immoral, but I feel that in order to understand its morality and our obligations we have to first look at both sides of the argument, as in most cases, to fully understand the whole picture. In this essay I will examine the pros and cons of cloning and then I will unpack the morality of cloning. As I stated and as we all know there are pros and cons to almost everything. Cloning is not exempt from this. In the eyes of some cloning is perfectly acceptable. Some people argue that cloning is the logical next step in reproductive technology. Identical twins are natural clones, so reproductive cloning can be regarded as a technological version of a natural process. If couples are infertile, why shouldn’t they be able to produce clones of themselves? If a couple lost a child, why shouldn’t they... ... in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid. In conclusion cloning in any way shape or form is not moral. Although There have been many debates over the issue of cloning we need to look at the big picture, and that is what would God say about it. The fact that there may be some good about cloning means nothing. If the cons outweight the pros why continue? Scripture clearly shows us that the means to cloning is sinful, and will lead to more sin. It is hard to look at any of this evidence and say that God is blessing this and that it will help humanity, when everything about it is contrary to the word of God. We need to know and be happy that God made us unique and special for a reason, and that is to bring honor and glory to him. Know this, â€Å"that the LORD he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.†

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Stem Cell Research Essay -- Argumentative Science Scientific Essays

Stem Cell Research Imagine a world where every day scientists create human beings, cultivate them for a week, and then destroy them. This scenario sounds vaguely familiar to the creation of Frankenstein in Mary Shelley’s book Frankenstein. The difference between the creation of Frankenstein and the creation of human beings is that the latter has already become true as scientist are creating and destroying embryos. Scientist today even in the United States are creating human embryos and then destroying them when performing stem cell research, but the government does not fund these scientists. Now think of a loved one suffering from Alzheimer’s disease or paralysis. Would you deny them a life without suffering if the cure for the disease could be obtained by performing research on an aborted fetus already destined for destruction? It is my belief that scientists should be able to do stem cell research within carefully defined moral parameters because this research is so promising to cure so many diseases and teach us so much about how our bodies work. However, embryos destined for destruction should be used for stem cell research rather than created embryos because there are several thousands of embryos that will be destroyed so it is not necessary to create more embryos and destroy them. Stem cell research remains highly promising in that â€Å"Animal research suggests stem cells may some day provide a way to repair or replace diseased tissues and organs† and it holds immense possibilities for cures of diseases such as Alzheimer’s, paralysis, Parkinson’s disease, and diabetes (The Lancet par. 1). These are diseases for which scientists have been searching for cures unsuccessfully for several decades. Adults who were pa... that the government should fund tightly regulated stem cell research. It is completely unnecessary for scientists to create embryos to merely destroy; however, I fail to see the problem in using embryos destine for destruction for a greater good. These embryos have already be robbed of their life, so by being used for research they provide others with the blessing of a wonderful and healthy life. By federally funding research done on embryos, the society will not be continuing in the way of the complete degradation of society. The American people will benefit through the improvement of their health and the vast knowledge that they will acquire about their bodies and the way they work. Works Cited 1.Miller, John J. â€Å"Hard Cell: The Push To Experiment On Human Embryos.† The National Review. April 5, 1999. 5. Online. Infotrac Expanded Academic.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Movie Critique Alexis Zorbas

Antonis Papantoniou 19 November 2009 Anthropology 263g Alexis Zorbas: the man who has enough fight in him to devour the world. Many film attempts have been made aiming to portray the abundance of life within a man on the cinema screen. One of the most successful ones would be â€Å"Zorba the Greek† (1964), directed by Michael Cacoyannis and with Anthony Quinn as the leading role. The plot of the movie originated form the novel â€Å"Zorbas The Greek† by Nikos Kazantzakis, that was first published in 1946. The film portrays the culture of the time in Greece, and more specifically the culture of Crete, the largest Greek island, where the plot unfolds. Zorbas t he Greek† successfully depicts situations of extreme anger, sadness, lust and joy that conquer humans during their course in life. Alexis Zorbas reactions to such feelings define the movie and give the viewers a diachronic sense of admiration and amazement towards the main character. â€Å"Zorbas the Greekâ⠂¬  is a social drama whose plot focuses in the friendship of Alexis Zorbas, a Greek middle aged man of mysterious past, and Basil, a half-English half-Greek writer who has been raised in Great Britain and has all the characteristics of an edgy, middle-class Englishman.The story begins at the port of Piraeus when Basil is trying to get on a ship to Crete, where he owns some land and an old mine, which he wishes to revive. While in the port, Basil meets Zorbas. Zorbas with a peculiar way attaches himself to Basil and asks him for a job, listing all his â€Å"qualifications† from past occupations such as miner, cook and santuri player (Cretan musical instrument). Basil is intrigued by the character of Zorbas and agrees to take him along as his right-hand. Together they arrive at Crete where they stay at an old French widow’s house and later on move in at Basil’s land and start operating the mine.Throughout the story Zorbas is the person in charge of the mine and has several ideas for improving the mining process with the purpose of making more money. Basil seems to trust Zorbas and supports his ideas. But Zorbas ideas and â€Å"practical approach† prove disastrous – at the end this â€Å"collaboration† leads to the demise of the mine and everything they have worked for. The story ends with the separation of Zorbas and Basil with no hard feelings left behind. Zorbas takes his own way and Basil returns back to London having his character greatly influenced through the experiences he shared with Zorbas in Crete. Zorbas the Greek† should be seen in the context of the Greek/Cretan history and culture at the time. Crete had just been gained its independence from the Ottoman rule and joined Greece (1913). The French, Russians, Italians and British were generally helping Greece gain its independence from the Ottomans. However Cretans viewed newcomer foreigners as â€Å"outsiders† and generally alienated them. Furth ermore the citizens of Crete had a notion of self-justice and a sense of self-instituted law.Throughout the film there are several violent events that take place but there is no involvement of police or any form of public officers. Basil, who is considered a â€Å"foreigner† despite being half-Cretan, at some point holds a love affair with a lonely young widow (played by Irene Papas). She is brave, beautiful and, most importantly, independent. The men of the village despise her because according to Zorbas â€Å"they all want her, but no one can have her†. Such a statement was unheard of in a strongly patriarchic society such as Crete.When this relation between the foreigner and the widow was revealed, a young local boy who loved the widow and was trying to marry her was so devastated that committed suicide. The male population of the village was full of anger and jealousy so it took action. The widow was marked as a traitor and was publically lynched despite the attemp ts of Zorba to protect her. This incident to the viewer may be seen as meanness and ignorance on the part of the people of the village, however it was quite common at the time to bestow such judgments to the women who didn’t follow communal rules. M.Cacoyannis, staged this event with realism and intensity that transfers to the viewer the agony of this woman and the gruesomeness of the actions against her. Fast paced music is played during the scene, and the men of the village chase the widow for several minutes in a manner that can be compared to the way many cats chase a mouse. The only voices that are heard are the agonizing small shouts of the widow and the fast paced footsteps of her pursuers. The faces of the villagers are almost without emotion and when they finally trap the woman there is no hesitation in their actions.The only man who tries to oppose the intended murder is Zorbas. Through his determination he manages to stop momentarily the flow of villagers violent a ctions. Nevertheless he ultimately failed as the widow was murdered in a cold-blooded manner right in front of her lover’s eyes. This event depicts an aspect of Zorbas character, the bravery to â€Å"swim against the flow†. Unlike his friend and employer, Basil, he didn’t cower behind the crowd in fear of the potential reactions to his actions. Instead he stepped up against the mob and defended the justice he believed in.Nonetheless he did not mourn the deceased, nor did he mention the event again. In the film M. Cacoyannis touches the subject of death with a rather unconventional manner for the time. The subject of death is brought up in two occasions within the film. The first is with the death of Basil’s lover, the widow, and the second is with the death of Zorbas lover. When Zorbas and Basil first arrived at Crete they stayed at Madame Hortense’s hotel. Madame Hortense was a French woman who arrived at Crete with the French military after the e nd of the Othman rule.Within the film she claimed to be the lover not only of the French Admiral but also of the Russian, Italian and English Admirals. The fact that she was French and had multiple lovers was unheard of at Crete, and as a result she was the mocked and alienated by the village. After the departure of the European forces Madame Hortense was left alone back in Crete. In order to survive she created her own version of the famous French hotel, â€Å"Hotel Rich†, which was nothing more than a run-down house. At that hotel Zorbas decided to stay after arriving to Crete and soon he established intimate relationships with his hostess.Madame Hortense as presented from M. Cacoyannis arouses negative feelings to the viewers sometimes almost reaching disgust. She is viewed as a relic of the past always reminiscing about her Admirals and considering herself charming and irresistible. Zorbas quickly recognizes that aspect of her character; yet he maintains their relationshi p claiming â€Å"It is a shame to every man if a woman sleeps alone at night†. Through a misunderstanding Madame Hortense misinterprets that Zorbas wants to marry her while he had no intention to.Zorbas was not very affectionate about Madame Hortense, since he was badmouthing her when she wasn’t around, and cheating on her with other women. However when he learned about the misunderstanding he decided to marry her for the sole purpose of making her happy. Shortly after the marriage Madame Hortense became ill and died. The village people â€Å"celebrated† this event by stripping her house from all her possessions. The older women of the village are presented almost as vultures waiting for the pending death of the victim.Just about she was to die they rushed in and started stealing all the valuable objects from the hotel. Zorbas disgusted by this behavior he tried to stop it as long Hortnese was still alive, and until the end he stayed by her side acting as a lovi ng husband and keeping her company at the last moments of her life. Through this event the viewer understands an unknown until then aspect of Zorbas character, his immense kindness. With no apparent self-profit he selflessly tried to preserve Madame Hortense happiness by agreeing to marry her and staying with her until the end.However after the death of Madame Hortense he refuses neither to mourn her nor to take any actions to protect her possessions or her reputation. He steps out of the room letting the villagers take her possessions and he does not bother with funeral arrangements or other religious rituals. His views on death were openly opposing the ones of Orthodox religion and church that believed in Hell, Paradise and Judgment day, he simply stated â€Å"All people have one thing in common, in the end they all become food for worms. Along with the views on death, in the film M. Cacoyannis somehow mocks the Greek Religion and church. Before discussing the matter of Religion within the film, one must understand the importance of the Church for Greece at the time. As mentioned before Greece was released by the Othman rule and greatly influence by the major European forces. Within this chaos of different cultures interfering with the Greek culture, the Greeks struggled to maintain their identity and preserve their culture on which they take great pride in.Many actions were made such as an attempt of purification of the Greek language through the extraction of all the foreign words and creating a new dialect named â€Å"Katharevousa† which is rarely used in the film. Along with other actions a great power and land was given to the Greek Orthodox church, supporting the Christian religion which was much different than the Muslim religion, the one that Othmans believed in and thus enhancing the ethnic identity of the Greek population. In the film the Church appears as the owner of a big mountain that Zorbas wanted to exploit in order to support the lum ber needs of the mine.When he suggests his idea to Basil he is shocked and refuses by saying that he will be subjected to the accusation of theft, when trying to convince him Zorbas states that â€Å"This land belongs to the church, the church belongs to God and God belongs to everyone thus everybody can take their share of the land†. While arguing with Basil, Zorbas maintains a mocking tone when referring to the church and God, however in the end he agrees to â€Å"cut a deal with them†. The first meeting of the Church’s monks and Zorbas happened by chance in the mountain forest.Knowing their gullibility Zorbas deceives them into initially believing that he is a devil, and then in secrecy he replaced some water with wine. The priests believed the apparent miracle, that was incredibly similar to the one Jesus performed, and so viewed Zorbas as a blessed person. They drank the wine with him until they were completely drunk and so Zorbas gained their friendship an d his desired access to the mountain trees. Further appearance of the priests in the movie was almost in a comical manner; either being a target of Zorbas mockery, or cowards running away from some falling trees while praying to God.This presentation of the Church by M. Cacoyannis is quite contrevential to society’s image of the church at the time. The priests who were considered wise and virtuous figures within the society were portrayed as gullible drunks who were easily manipulated, and thus within the film the powerful image of the church was completely crumbled. One of the most dominant themes in the film is the contrast between the Apollonian and Dionysian way of life. Basil representing the Apollonian way of life is the personification of order and rationality.On the other hand Zorbas represents the Dionysian way of life with an ecstatic spirit and spontaneity in his actions, which provide him an undying will to live. Zorbas philosophy of life is constantly depicted in the movie. When he first meets with Basil and convinces him to work together he sets only one condition; that while he dances and plays the santury(a traditional Greek music instrument) he is on his own, he is free. M. Cacoyannis portrays Zorbas character through the frantic traditional Greek dance that Zorbas starts when his emotions are overflowing.The fist dance happens when Basil approves the plan of Zorbas in order to improve the mine. Zorbas filled with happiness unties his tie, unbuttons his shirt gets on an empty table and starts dancing. When his feet start to move traditional Greek music starts playing, in the beginning slow passed and as times goes by it becomes incredibly fast as Zorbas reaches his dance climax. The camera shifts very vigorously from his face to his feet and again to his face and transfers the feeling of frenzy to the viewer. The dance goes on until Basil confused stops him and Zorbas collapses from exhaustion.Basil’s character as acted by Alan B ates is presented as a weak bookworm who has no great aspirations for his future. He rarely laughs and shows no desire to grab the opportunities life offers him. Throughout the film the contrast of their characters is constantly being depicted. When Zorbas describes to Basil his plans for life and his dreams of becoming rich along with him, Basil is greatly intimidated and cuts of Zorbas by saying, â€Å"aren’t you going a bit to fast? † Zorbas answer to this question is well in line with his Dionysian way of life.He states with great vigor that â€Å"I’m to old to be going slow, people say that as a person ages his will to live goes away, that he opens the door and welcomes death. That’s a big pack of lies, I have enough fight in me to devour the whole world†. As expected, Zorbas influence on Basil’s character is becoming rather obvious throughout the film. From a passive manner of life Basil starts desiring things from life and after sever al prompts from Zorbas he decides to take the first step in creating a relationship between him and the village widow.As the story unfolds Basil starts laughing more and more and attempts to dance in the same manner as Zorbas does. His timid way of dancing in the beginning is accompanied by slow Greek music that is constantly interrupted by the missteps in Basils dance. The complete transformation of Basil’s way of life is viewed at the final scene of the movie, where after the disaster of Zorbas plans, instead of being angry he decides the next course of his life, laughs, and dances magnificently along with Zorbas by the Aegean Sea. The final theme of the movie is about the ability of humans to cope with failure.The film is full of failures; failure of Basil to protect his lover, failure of Zorbas to revive the mine, and finally the greater failure, the disaster of the project to bring down lumber from the mountain. This project was financed by the last money of Basil and de signed by Zorbas. The trees were supposed to be transferred from the top of the mountain to the bottom with the help of a large construction. At the first demonstration of the project, the construction is destroyed to the point that nothing was standing anymore.The crowd that was observing quickly dispersed and all that was left in the scenery was Zorbas and Basil watching their failed investment. Nevertheless they both sit down by the already prepared celebration fire, eat their lunch without frustration or negative emotions. They both discuss their future plans as nothing has happened. They decide to separate and they have one of the most affectionate conversations that are present within the film. Finally they both get up and dance by the ruins of their failure hopping for the best and aiming for a better future.The film’s setting, Crete, is realistically depicted throughout the film and the Cretan culture is represented very accurately. The plot unfolds in a remote villag e of Crete close to the major city of Chania. M. Cacoyannis tries to express the Greek culture not through Zorbas but through the people in the village that have secondary role to the plot. The clothing of the male citizens was usually black representing their masculinity, and their forehead was covered with a traditional black cloth, which made them look even more aggressive.The majority of the male citizens carried daggers, a weapon that until today is considered, by the Cretans, to represent honor and bravery. The murder of the young widow is done with the use of a dagger, since it was considered an act that would reinstate the village’s honor. In the progress of the film no young woman except Irini Papas is presented, this may be the way of M. Cacoyannis to emphasize the power of the male population in the village of Crete. Nevertheless many elder women are seen through the course of the movie, all of them presented with ugly and selfish personalities.All the Greek women on the film wear black clothes that cover most of their body. This clothing in the Greek culture represents the grief of a widowed woman, and in the past widows in Greece where forced to dress like this for the rest of their life. On the other hand men did not have to change their lifestyle in any way after the death of their wife, this again signifies the difference of power between men and women in the Cretan society. The events that are described in the film as mentioned before are a few decades after the liberty of Crete from the Othman domination. Since then many events have transformed Crete’s culture.With Greece’s entry to the European Union at 1981, western influences started stirring Crete’s culture. The clothes, which are commonly worn in the film, have now become almost extinct and are only used occasionally in traditional events such as marriages. Tourism, which was considered a rare occasion among the villagers, has flourished in Greece since the 19 70’s. Ironically â€Å"Zorbas the Greek† and its success in the movie theaters was a great contributor to this radical increase in tourism. Today tourism is one of the most profiting industries in Greece, and no part of the country has remained unaffected, and Crete is no exception.The standing’s in society between women and men have become today almost equal, and the action of alienating foreigners has completely disappeared. However some things have not yet changed through the years. Cretan’s have still the same sense of honor and pride, and especially in the villages native Cretan’s continue to institute their self-instituted justice. Daggers continue to be a method of solving disputes, and feuds between families can continue for many generations, and occasionally have a morbid conclusion. The influence of the Orthodox Church on the community has also been decreased in the past decades.The Church is still extremely wealthy, however parts of the land have been returned to the Greek State, and Greek communities have become much less religious over the years. It can be said that the community and culture that Zorbas lived in has been almost completely transformed and become unrecognizable at the 21st century. It is crucial to mention however that throughout the film Zorbas shows no attachments to that specific culture or any culture. He is presented as a man with his own culture that has lots of experience from traveling the world and can adapt himself in any situation that occurs.That is one of the factors that make him a diachronic character. â€Å"Zorbas the Greek† is a film that depicts the Greek culture in its transition from being influence by the East to being influenced by the West. The film itself was a turning point for Greece since it was one of the big factors that attracted tourism to the country. Nevertheless the differences in cultures and the audience of the movie have not changed its diachronic message s that are represented through the friendship and characters of Zorbas and Basil.The need to combine the Apollonian and Dionysian state of mind, to laugh at the misfortunes and failures that emerge in life and fight through them with vigor and the ability to dream. These are just some of the philosophies that are promoted through the film, and perhaps the 21st century is when they are needed the most. Maybe along with some madness because as Zorbas mentioned at the final scene of the movie: â€Å" A man needs some madness, or else he dare not to cut the rope and be free†. ——————————————- [ 1 ]. â€Å"Crete History: A description of history of Crete, Greece . † 1. Web. 19 Nov 2009. . [ 2 ]. â€Å"The Greek Language Controversy . † Focus on Language (2000): 1. Web. 19 Nov 2009. [ 3 ]. Kreis, Steven. â€Å"Nietzsche, Dionysos and Apollo. † (2000): 1. Web. 19 Nov 2009. . [ 4 ]. Lanz, Barbara. â€Å"Mourning Dress . † Social Expression of Grief by Barbara Lanz. (1983): 1. Web. 19 Nov 2009. . [ 5 ]. † One dead, many hurt in Cretan family feud Dress . † Ekathimerini (2009): 1. Web. 19 Nov 2009. .

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Unethical Behavior in Forensic Science

The acquittal of Peter Nickel in February of 2004 from assertions that he was responsible for the death of his long-time employee Gary Rowley in a major car accident was a   when Nickel’s Defense lawyer, Gary M. Wilson, accuses the Detroit police of tempering evidence.Crowley was said to be on the driver’s seat while Nickel was at the truck’s cargo bed. A faulty roadway and a blown-up tire was said to be the major cause for the accident as Cowley was thrown off the truck and was pinned under the truck’s cargo bed when it veered off the road, rolled over and hit a telephone pole.Both victims were said to have been intoxicated prior to the accident but accusations on Nickel’s intentional involvement in the incident was put into question when Wilson argued that the police had switched the original blown-up tire to conceal evidence and obtain conviction.Mr. Wilson’s allegations were later found to be true when a sheriff deputy admitted to have made the switch. Automotive forensic scientist, Sal Fariello, gave his expert opinion on the case, testifying that most DUI crashes cannot be convicted by mere alcohol intoxication alone since most accidents would have happened anyway even if the persons involved were sober.There seems to be rampant cases involving incompetent law enforcers and investigators who tamper with evidences in order to easily solve the case and move on to another. The case exemplified here is a classic scenario of intentional tampering of evidence and authorities should consider how to contain and prevent such mistakes from recurring in crime scenes.Reference:Responsibility in DUI Laws, Inc. (2004, February 13). Police Evidence Tampering in High Profile DUI Vehicle Homicide Case. Retrieved April 19, 2009, from

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

America and Vietnam Essay Example for Free

America and Vietnam Essay Olsen and Roberts are both history professors who are fascinated with the ways by which the American government made the situation of the war with Vietnam a fearful yet victorious even for the reputation of the said country. The authors were then able to contribute their thoughts about the situation thus seeing the situation of the past wars a manifestation of the reputation of the American society in the world account of recognized countries of war and reconciliation. Their book â€Å"Where the Domino Fell† actually pictures the actual situations that happened during the American-Vietnamese war during the 1960’s and how the said history particularly affects the relationship of the two countries involved. About the Book [Content and Summary] The overall content of the book is highly recommended for reading and teaching as it gives a clear yet critical approach in assessing the US policy that controlled the Vietnam society from then until the present. Undeniably, the book of Olsen and Roberts is an awakening material that helps the human mind realize the importance of being diplomatic and lawful even when in the middle of distress. Surprisingly, the American society was able to steel a fine reputation out from all the oppression that they have already implicated upon the Vietnamese society during the war years. Through the critical assessment of the situation, the authors intended to give the readers a fine picture not only of what is or what has been obvious but also a glimpse of the truth behind the scenes of historical accounts written in books today. Implications of the Reading As it has been noted earlier, the reading gave a clear depiction of what has happened and why the said events happened during the American-Vietnamese war in the 1960’s. With the insightful informations that the authors posted through their book, they were able to help readers realize what the facts are and how they particularly affect the present relationship that exists between the said countries. Critique of the Writing Approach As for the writing approach of the authors, it is undeniable that the informations that they posted through the reading were carefully assessed thus giving out validated facts that support their explanations of the said historical event. The clarity of the implications of the reading has been strengthened by the documentations that the authors used to show the authenticity of the reading. The utilization of other researches that supported their claims and opinions made the book a must read not only for professors and students, but also for those individuals who endeavor reading books under the typical yet critical approach of understanding history and American politics. Within the context of the book lies a less-traveled path among the historians of the present times. Olsen and Roberts certainly made it clear that history is a human account needed to be understood and learned from through critical observation of the past. Reference: James S. Olson and Randy Roberts. (2006). Where the Domino Fell: America and Vietnam 1945-2006 [ILLUSTRATED]. Blackwell Publishing Limited; 5 edition. America and Vietnam. (2017, May 10).