Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Blending of Renaissance and Reformation in Paradise Lost

John Milton (1608-1674) is a religious person and a god fearing man. He is also a great writer who wrote in a grand style. As a god fearing man, Milton writes his Paradise Lost, on the basis of religion, Bible and as a great writer he advances his writing in a classical manner. The theme of Paradise Lost is Biblical as it shows the wrongdoing of Adam and Eve by the influence of Satan and the justice of God for sinners. Milton writes Paradise Lost in such a style which holds classical flavor. So, Milton shows Biblical theme in classical mood. We can also say that Milton’s mind is shaped and moulded by the influence of the Renaissance and the Reformation. On the one hand, he drank deep of classical poetry and philosophy and is inherited all†¦show more content†¦He chooses a Christian theme for his poem and therefore addresses his prayer to a Christian spirit. For this, in Paradise Lost his invocation is to the Heavenly Muse that inspired Moses on the hidden top of Horeb or Sinai- and it was Moses who taught first the Israelites how first the Heaven or Earth were created out of chaos. This reveals that Milton is a God fearing man and he justifies the ways of God to man. As prophets are inspired by God, he thinks, he also inspired by God, by Christian spirit. So, in the ‘invocation to the Muse’ Milton also shows Biblical theme in classical mood. Stopford A. Brooke observes: â€Å"The form is the epic form of the Greeks and Romans†¦ The filling up of the form is partly invented and partly derived from Scripture. The character and the greater part of the action are invented; but the part derived from the Scripture has a theological system attached to it†¦ This scheme of theology so far as it intrudes, lessens the interest of the poem†¦ but it does not destroy it. And it is not its presence but its presence in an argumentative form which is alien to art. The scheme in itself is abstract and logical and as such repugnant to art. One thing which has grandeur†¦ and which broods over all these parts of the poems is the conception deepest in Puritanism and the source of its power – the overshadowing idea of sovereignty of God.† Milton’s Biblical and classical education combined their influence to make him think of a poet as something more

Monday, December 23, 2019

Communication And Verbal And Non Verbal Communication Essay

Communication, as described in ‘businessdictinary.com,’ is a two-way process in reaching mutual understanding, in which participants not only exchange information, news, ideas and feelings but also create and share meaning. It is a means of connection between people or places. Without communication there would be no understanding between people and important information and messages would not be correctly conveyed. This is why communication plays an important role in our daily lives and when not done or when done incorrectly it may cause many undesired issues. There are two forms of communication: non-verbal communication and verbal communication. Verbal and non-verbal communication: Verbal communication is the use of language and sounds to convey a message clearly. There are two types of verbal communication: written and oral. Written communication is the use of pens and paper, emails, texting and any other form of contact using language and not speech. Oral communication is the use of speech either face-to-face or via the phone or any form of communication where spoken words are being used to convey a message. Non-verbal communication is the process of conveying a message without the use of speech or sound. There are nine features of non-verbal communication, I will speak about three: eye contact, facial expressions and posture. Eye contact, also referred to as gaze, plays a role in showing the speaker that you’re listening and that you’re willing to interact with them.Show MoreRelatedCommunication : Verbal And Non Verbal Communication1216 Words   |  5 PagesCommunication is a complex activity which involve verbal and non-verbal communication, the topic under discussion, the prejudgments that people bring to the topic, and the â€Å"communication history† between participants in the discussion. A Speaker who transmits message must ensure that the message is delivered clearly. A listener who takes the messages must be an active listener. As effective communication can only take place when the recipient of the message understands it’s meaning and able to expressRead MoreVerbal and Non-Verbal Communication851 Words   |  4 PagesCommunication in the Military â€Æ' In this paper, I will be writing on the topic of the United States military. I will discuss why this group is effective and how verbal and nonverbal communication is used depending on the task at hand. I will also share the different roles each person in the group must complete for the mission to be a success. Lastly, I will show how the morale is boosted and the members take pride in job when those roles that need completed are done correctlyRead MoreNon Verbal And Verbal Communication978 Words   |  4 Pagestaking this class I almost feel as if I was blind to the various aspects of communication compared to now. Almost after every slide I try to relate each topic to a facet I have seen it in my life, it is not hard to do so considering we are receiving or providing a form of communication majority of the time. The two topics of communications I will be talking about are non-verbal and verbal communication. Nonverbal communication has many properties to it one in specific that I remember driving me crazyRead MoreVerbal And Non Verbal Communication882 Words   |  4 PagesCommunication is act of relaying messages to each other in society whether it may be formal or non-formal. We use both verbal and non-verbal communication every day to communicate with people around us. There are several functions of everyday language whether it may be simply giving directions to someone on the street, a professor lecturing a class at a college, a mime performing on the street, or even dancing. These types of communications delivers a message to an audience. Our everyday life isRead MoreVerbal And Non Verbal Communication1632 Words   |  7 Pages Within the laboratory, there are a range of communication methods that are used to convey information between biomedical scientists and the service users (consultants and patients). Verbal and non-verbal communication shapes our interactions with others and the interpersonal relationships with those around us, including our co-workers and service users. Verbal communication comprises of any form involving the use of words, whether they may be spoken by voice, or written and signed. We use it toRead MoreVerbal And Non Verbal Communications1718 Words   |  7 Pagesothers due to my passion to learn about other cultures that are located near my country. Moreover, learning about other countries culture may prevent unwanted actions to occur, and enhance the communication of people. In this project I would like to talk more about the verbal and non-verbal communications in both Kuwait and Egypt, in which I show similarities and differences between the two cultures. People think that because they are Arabs their language, culture, and behavior are the same, whichRead MoreVerbal And Non Verbal Communication1018 Words   |  5 PagesIs it possible to truly stop ourselves from physically reacting to someone else’s invitation of verbal or non-verbal communication? Is it possible to â€Å"not react† at all? Do we have this kind of control over our emotional and physical body language? What happens to the inner part of ourselves when the outer part of ourselves reacts physically, emotionally or mentally without our permission? Interpreting body language in real life situations can be beneficial when done correctly. Body language is aRead MoreNon Verbal And Verbal Communication1349 Words   |  6 PagesCommunication is important in any industry. There are many forms of communication and it is constantly evolving. One such field that communication is important in is physical therapy. There is constant interaction between patients, physical therapists, physical therapists assistants, other employees, other health professionals, etc. This report will look at communication within different levels of employment, non-verbal and verbal communication, communication impacted by the audience, technologyRead MoreVerbal and Non-Verbal Communication2628 Words   |  11 Pages Communication has always been a vital part of our life and is important in the day to day interactions we participate in with friends, family and the people who are close to us. According to Encyclopedia Britannica, â€Å"communication is the e xchange of meanings between individuals through a common system of symbols.† Communication varies between two types, one being verbal communication and the other being non-verbal communication. Amy Lucas highlights in her article the fact that, Our ancestors huntedRead MoreVerbal And Non Verbal Communication1753 Words   |  8 PagesThe difference between verbal and non-verbal communication Verbal communication is communicating with another person using speech or written words. We communicate verbally using tone, pitch and the speed of our spoken words. These usually indicate different emotions. For example a high pitch and fast paste speech can indicate excitement. Verbal communication is used in a health and social care environment to make sure that we understand clearly what the client or patient wants or might need. These

Sunday, December 15, 2019

What Is Sip Trunk Free Essays

What a SIP trunk is? A SIP trunk is an IP connection that establishes a SIP communications link between your organization and an Internet telephony service provider (ITSP) beyond your firewall. Typically, a SIP trunk is used to connect your organization’s central site to an ITSP. In some cases, you may also opt to use SIP trunking to connect your branch site to an ITSP. We will write a custom essay sample on What Is Sip Trunk or any similar topic only for you Order Now Unlike in traditional telephony, where bundles of physical wires were once delivered from the service provider to a business, a SIP trunk allows a company to replace these traditional fixed PSTN lines with PSTN connectivity via a SIP trunking service provider on the Internet. SIP trunks can offer significant cost-savings for enterprises, eliminating the need for local PSTN gateways, costly ISDN BRIs (Basic Rate Interfaces) or PRIs (Primary Rate Interfaces). Why you would use a SIP trunk? Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is used to initiate and manage Voice over IP (VoIP) communications sessions for basic telephone service and for additional real-time communication services, such as instant messaging, conferencing, presence detection, and multimedia. This section provides planning information for implementing SIP trunks, a type of SIP connection that extends beyond the boundary of your local network. Deploying SIP trunking can be a big step toward simplifying your organization’s telecommunications and preparing for up-to-date enhancements to real-time communications. One of the primary advantages of SIP trunking is that you can consolidate your organization’s connections to the public switched telephone network (PSTN) at a central site, as opposed to its predecessor, time division multiplexing (TDM) trunking, which typically requires a separate trunk from each branch site. RFCs that discuss SIP trunking Best Practices for SIP Trunks: Since SIP trunks are meant for interconnection between servers, they SHOULD run over TCP. Authentication SHOULD be done using mutual TLS authentication, with both sides of the trunk providing a TLS Certificate. TODO: might be interesting to recommend some practices for usage of phone numbers, but this might be out of scope here. Security Considerations: Servers providing SIP trunks will need to authenticate and authorize access to those trunk services. This specification recommends usage of the practices defined and required in RFC 3261 – mutual TLS uthentication – for this purpose. In some cases, the requests sent on SIP trunks can require confidentiality and message integrity. In such cases, usage of mutual authenticated TLS is RECOMMENDED. [RFC3261] Rosenberg, J. , Schulzrinne, H. , Camarillo, G. , Johnston, A. , Peterson, J. , Sparks, R. , Handley, M. , and E Schooler, â€Å"SIP: Session Initiation Protocol†, RFC 3261, June 2002. [RFC3263] Rosenberg, J. and H . Schulzrinne, â€Å"Session Initiation Protocol (SIP): Locating SIP Servers†, RFC 3263, June 2002. Informative References: [RFC4458] Jennings, C. , Audet, F. , and J. Elwell, â€Å"Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) URIs for Applications such as Voicemail and Interactive Voice Response (IVR)†, RFC 4458, April 2006. [RFC4480] Schulzrinne, H. , Gurbani, V. , Kyzivat, P. , and J. Rosenberg, â€Å"RPID: Rich Presence Extensions to the Presence Information Data Format (PIDF)†, RFC 4480, July 2006. [RFC3903] Niemi, A. , â€Å"Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Extension for Event State Publication†, RFC 3903, October 2004. How to cite What Is Sip Trunk, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Galleria Seasons Concert Review Essay Example For Students

Galleria Seasons Concert Review Essay I attended my first concert on March 20th, 2015 at the Sumter Opera House, in Sumter, SC and it was an extraordinary experience. The Vega String Quartet performance was well produced; it was very energetic and well distinctive of Vivaldis passionate pieces â€Å"The Four Seasons. † Antonio Lucio Vivaldi was an Italian Baroque composer and the Quartet seized Vivaldis Baroque style, while abstract artist Timothy Raines created two matchless acrylic pieces on canvas. The paintings were created as if they flowed with the music; his motion was one and the same with the Quartet, he literally materializes the abstract of the music. The first piece of music was in E major, Op. 8, RV 269, La primavera, which represented Spring, and its first movement is allegro, second is largo e pianissimo sempre, and the third is allegro pastorale, which gave the piece a rapid movement and an upbeat texture. The second piece was in G minor, Op. 8, RV 315, Lestate which represents summer, and its first movement is allegro non molto, second is adagio e piano presto e forte, and the third is presto, which gives the piece a slower movement with a chaotic texture. The third piece was in F major, Op. , RV 293, Lautunno which represents autumn, and its first movement is allegro, second is adagio molto, and the third is allegro, which gives the piece a rapid movement with a comfort texture. The fourth piece was in F minor, Op. 8, RV 297, Linverno, which represents winter, and its first movement is allegro non molto, second is largo, and the third is allegro, which gives the piece a very slow movement and a texture of joy. The Vega String Quartet uses string instruments which were the violin, viola, and the cello, to create an enlightening and passionate form of chamber music. The program notes were very helpful, the notes kept me on course with the piece movements and texture. I observed the audience actions while the quartet performed and it was intoxicating to see how the performance pulled the audience in and maintain their attention. My favorite part in the concert was the second piece which was in G minor, Op. 8, and RV 315, Lestate which represented the summer season, the piece had a slower movement with a frantic texture, and this piece had the essences of a storm brewing. I enjoyed how the selection unraveled into an exciting ending; as a whole I would have to say the concerto was a success. What I’ve learned in class played a big role in my understanding the concerto, it helped me to determine such things as minor, majors, tempo’s, and the difference between a movement and the texture in a piece. In â€Å"The four seasons,† the style was of the Baroque period, which the â€Å"The Vega String Quartet,† performed splendidly, Vivaldis piece is loved throughout the world and â€Å"The Vega String Quartet,† captured the spirit of his music impeccably.